I have a weird thought.
I wanna delete this blog.
Weird eh?
Space outtttt...
Monday, July 30, 2007
Sunday, July 29, 2007
the great juggle
Dear all,
I haven't got my Laptop so blogging while I'm traveling will be a pain in the butt. It's not the problem with internet connection. The question here is whether I'll manage to find the time to blog or not. Photo posting is totally out of the equation.
While I'm still capable of taking pics via my mobile phone, the very thought of transferring each photo via bluetooth to my pda and then uploading the pictures from my pda to my blog is pure misery. I'm not even sure whether my pda is up to those tasks or not.
I own a Dell Axim x50 and to be frank, it's quite outdated already.
Stable but outdated. Sheesh.
The point is : I'll still blog. But my post won't be long. It'll be short and precise (how long can you write using a pda??). I think. And it'll be quite boring. Just bear it. Okay?
And gosh. I'm gonna so miss my Vivic (I named my car so yeah go laugh your heads off!!). I drove all the way to Serian yesterday just for the heck of it. Wanted to drive my Vivic so badly that I'm just finding excuses to drive it all day long. I won't have much chance to drive it once I start traveling tomorrow. I'll be super busy tomorrow all the way till evening. I'll probably use the last flight to Sibu and then go to site early Tuesday morning to fix things. Depending on the situation, I could be stuck in Sibu for 2 weeks (best scenario) or for the rest of the month (the worst scenario is being stuck there for at least half a year). That sucks!!
I'm still considering whether to bring my Vivic to Sibu with me or not. You see, I park my Vivic outside (under the rain and sunshine) cause there wasn't a place for me to park here in my Kuching house. If I bring it to Sibu, then I shall be able to at least park it under the roof (full shed and all that) and then just take good care of it.
However, the long longggg drive from Kuching to Sibu dampens my thoughts. Not to mention the terrible horrible road conditions here! Potholes the depth of 2-3 feet bla bla bla.
I'm so worried!
Besides, I have my work schedules to worry about.
My head is about to explode liaooo. Aiyo. I haven't juggle stuffs in years! I'm out of practice. I need luck. Lotsa them!!!
Any tips??? How do you guys juggle your stuffs? Between work and your personal life? Amacam?? ;P
I haven't got my Laptop so blogging while I'm traveling will be a pain in the butt. It's not the problem with internet connection. The question here is whether I'll manage to find the time to blog or not. Photo posting is totally out of the equation.
While I'm still capable of taking pics via my mobile phone, the very thought of transferring each photo via bluetooth to my pda and then uploading the pictures from my pda to my blog is pure misery. I'm not even sure whether my pda is up to those tasks or not.
I own a Dell Axim x50 and to be frank, it's quite outdated already.
Stable but outdated. Sheesh.
The point is : I'll still blog. But my post won't be long. It'll be short and precise (how long can you write using a pda??). I think. And it'll be quite boring. Just bear it. Okay?
And gosh. I'm gonna so miss my Vivic (I named my car so yeah go laugh your heads off!!). I drove all the way to Serian yesterday just for the heck of it. Wanted to drive my Vivic so badly that I'm just finding excuses to drive it all day long. I won't have much chance to drive it once I start traveling tomorrow. I'll be super busy tomorrow all the way till evening. I'll probably use the last flight to Sibu and then go to site early Tuesday morning to fix things. Depending on the situation, I could be stuck in Sibu for 2 weeks (best scenario) or for the rest of the month (the worst scenario is being stuck there for at least half a year). That sucks!!
I'm still considering whether to bring my Vivic to Sibu with me or not. You see, I park my Vivic outside (under the rain and sunshine) cause there wasn't a place for me to park here in my Kuching house. If I bring it to Sibu, then I shall be able to at least park it under the roof (full shed and all that) and then just take good care of it.
However, the long longggg drive from Kuching to Sibu dampens my thoughts. Not to mention the terrible horrible road conditions here! Potholes the depth of 2-3 feet bla bla bla.
I'm so worried!
Besides, I have my work schedules to worry about.
My head is about to explode liaooo. Aiyo. I haven't juggle stuffs in years! I'm out of practice. I need luck. Lotsa them!!!
Any tips??? How do you guys juggle your stuffs? Between work and your personal life? Amacam?? ;P
Good date to buy stuffs...

You see, I always buy stuffs on the 27th. Mobile phones mostly. Digicam. Anything important and costly, I always buy them on the 27th. It's just such a coincidence. Or maybe it's not?? Hmmm...
I bought a new mobile phone on the 27th July 2007. It's a Samsung Z240. Looks normal and so so on screen but when I saw it on display in the phone shops, I went Ohhhh Ahhhhh Waahhhh!!! I bought it on the spot. Muahahaha!!!
And just in case you're wondering, it comes with extra 2 sets of coloured casings. I got the dark blue, red and white. Niceee!!!

Pros :
Very attractive color casings - Take one look and your eyes are glued. At least mine were. Haha ;)
Superb camera even for a 1.3 MP - Frankly I don't really give a damn after experiencing several lousy phones which claimed that they have 2.0 MP. Liarsss. Trust me, this 1.3 MP can easily beat other 2.0 MP phones out there
Nice sleek surfaced keypads - How should I put it. Hmm, it has this nice elegant feel when you run your fingers across it. And the buttons are widely NICELY spaced so that you won't press on the wrong numbers
Very loud ringtone volume - Good for alarms and those deaf peps out there
Very user friendly calculator - Trust me with all your heart on this one. So far, Samsung has the best calculator feature. I know cause I've used Nokia, Sony Ericsson, Panasonic, Samsung, Philips, Alcatel, NEC & Siemens. Kyocera even. =P
Nice mp3 player - Of course, I'll be modest in this category. The sound is okay, but it still can't beat Sony Ericsson walkman series. There. But it's definitely better than Nokia.
Nice flipping sound - You know the thing with flip phones is that whenever you close the lids, they always give you that sounds that makes you cringe and worry that it's gonna break or crack. Samsung gives you a nice soft closing sound that soothes and convinced you that it won't break nor crack. No matter how many times you close or open it.
Cons :
Lousy battery life. Ptfff. *slaps forehead*
AND I got my new car on the 27th July 2007!!!!! Waaaaiiiii!!!!! I couldn't get a good snap of it cause it rained practically everyday since I got it on 27th, so you'd have to be satisfied with this:-

It's snatched from paultan.org. ;)
I'm so happy with my car. I love it. It's fast, sleek, cuttteeeeee and simply awesome. YAY!!!
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Be patient...
This shall be my last post today.
I've taken pictures and will load them up tomorrow.
If you wanna see pictures, stop by tomorrow.
By now I'm so sleepy I just have to hit the bed.
Good night to all those who made the effort to stop by.
Luv ya all!!!
I've taken pictures and will load them up tomorrow.
If you wanna see pictures, stop by tomorrow.
By now I'm so sleepy I just have to hit the bed.
Good night to all those who made the effort to stop by.
Luv ya all!!!
I'm back!!! Updates!
Yo everybody! I'm back! I'm back!
Anybody miss me??
Haha. Maybe yes. Maybe no.
Anyway, here's an update after ages. Sit still!!! And read. And stop complaining. At least I made the effort to write you know!!! So just come back and read and BE GRATEFUL that I write!!!
Ok ok. I've been busy. Travelling all over the places. Basic places are Kapit and Sibu. Went to the sites and offices. Attended site meetings, briefings and all sorts of activities. Progress assessments, planning, trying to meet the targets and all those stuffs.
In the middle of all the hustle and bustle, I stopped and realization hit me with a huge bang.
I realized that I've been trying to do everything - all at once!
And damn. All those shits sound like the scope of work for a bloody Manager. AND I'm not a Manager.
I feel sooo cheated.
And I'm under a lot of pressure to perform due to the nature of the jobs eg. BigBigBig boss(es) come from overseas and their expectations easily surpass Mount Everest.
Simultaneously, I have to meet the expectations from my Boss, my Boss's big boss, my Boss's big boss's big boss, and all their other bosses.
Trust me. My name was quoted and referred to in every goddamn meeting.
[my name] can do this.
[my name] can do that.
[my name] will see into it.
[my name] is preparing the plan.
[my name] is handling them [those frigging problems] now.
[my name] is assessing the progress...
[my name] will see to it...
bla bla bla
Somebody hand me the damn oxygen tank. I have difficulties in breathing.
I'd be suffocating soon.
They believe I can do the impossible. That I can turn the impossible into possible.
The picture they want me to paint is totally dark though. Ruined. Read : cannot be saved.
Slim chance.
How to turn a totally ruined-charcoal-black picture into a nice piece of paper with rainbows and stars painted all over it??? You tell me lar. How? HOW??!!
I'm so dead.
2 weeks from now, I'll have arrows and gun holes all over my body. Right now, instead of preparing the plan on how to save every shit, I'm preparing the plan for myself. They are:-
Plan A : I'm praying that God will help me. Give me miracle. I so need one right now. Anything is fine with me. As long as I don't lose the job!!!
Plan B : Start finding a new job. And God please deliver a job straight to my doorstep!
I knew I've been recruited to take care of shits. I knew I'd be dealing with lots of shitty stuffs. I knew that situations were bound to be terrible, unbelievable and downright dumb.
But this one, totally swept me off the ground. I'm not given ample time to SOLVE the problems. Too many unknowns. Too many vague shits. And no answer at all.
If I managed to pull through, I'd be one frigging wonder woman. And damn, if I manage to clear all those shits, I may as well set up my own damn company.
Life's tough. Miserable. Full of ups and downs. It's a love hate relationship. I love life. And yet I hate it too. Ironic huh?
Anybody miss me??
Haha. Maybe yes. Maybe no.
Anyway, here's an update after ages. Sit still!!! And read. And stop complaining. At least I made the effort to write you know!!! So just come back and read and BE GRATEFUL that I write!!!
Ok ok. I've been busy. Travelling all over the places. Basic places are Kapit and Sibu. Went to the sites and offices. Attended site meetings, briefings and all sorts of activities. Progress assessments, planning, trying to meet the targets and all those stuffs.
In the middle of all the hustle and bustle, I stopped and realization hit me with a huge bang.
I realized that I've been trying to do everything - all at once!
And damn. All those shits sound like the scope of work for a bloody Manager. AND I'm not a Manager.
I feel sooo cheated.
And I'm under a lot of pressure to perform due to the nature of the jobs eg. BigBigBig boss(es) come from overseas and their expectations easily surpass Mount Everest.
Simultaneously, I have to meet the expectations from my Boss, my Boss's big boss, my Boss's big boss's big boss, and all their other bosses.
Trust me. My name was quoted and referred to in every goddamn meeting.
[my name] can do this.
[my name] can do that.
[my name] will see into it.
[my name] is preparing the plan.
[my name] is handling them [those frigging problems] now.
[my name] is assessing the progress...
[my name] will see to it...
bla bla bla
Somebody hand me the damn oxygen tank. I have difficulties in breathing.
I'd be suffocating soon.
They believe I can do the impossible. That I can turn the impossible into possible.
The picture they want me to paint is totally dark though. Ruined. Read : cannot be saved.
Slim chance.
How to turn a totally ruined-charcoal-black picture into a nice piece of paper with rainbows and stars painted all over it??? You tell me lar. How? HOW??!!
I'm so dead.
2 weeks from now, I'll have arrows and gun holes all over my body. Right now, instead of preparing the plan on how to save every shit, I'm preparing the plan for myself. They are:-
Plan A : I'm praying that God will help me. Give me miracle. I so need one right now. Anything is fine with me. As long as I don't lose the job!!!
Plan B : Start finding a new job. And God please deliver a job straight to my doorstep!
I knew I've been recruited to take care of shits. I knew I'd be dealing with lots of shitty stuffs. I knew that situations were bound to be terrible, unbelievable and downright dumb.
But this one, totally swept me off the ground. I'm not given ample time to SOLVE the problems. Too many unknowns. Too many vague shits. And no answer at all.
If I managed to pull through, I'd be one frigging wonder woman. And damn, if I manage to clear all those shits, I may as well set up my own damn company.
Life's tough. Miserable. Full of ups and downs. It's a love hate relationship. I love life. And yet I hate it too. Ironic huh?
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
off to kapit!
Hn. I'm going to Sibu today. By plane. Then gonna catch an express to Kapit around noon time.
I'm coming back to Kuching tomorrow. Phew!
I hope the journey is all right. My first time there.
Also my first site meeting. First site visit.
Not to mention the fact that I have to travel with 3 total strangers. One of them 50++, one 40++ and the other just 1 year older than me.
I'm not in the mood to talk at all.
I hope they are niceeee.
Today is going to be a looonnnngggg day.
I'm coming back to Kuching tomorrow. Phew!
I hope the journey is all right. My first time there.
Also my first site meeting. First site visit.
Not to mention the fact that I have to travel with 3 total strangers. One of them 50++, one 40++ and the other just 1 year older than me.
I'm not in the mood to talk at all.
I hope they are niceeee.
Today is going to be a looonnnngggg day.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
days gone by...
Have you ever missed your childhood days? Like, have you ever really stopped and think back? Reminisce...
I miss being able to sit by the window panels during rainy days. Watching the rain falling from the sky above, seeing the rain drops on the windows, watching intensely as it glides all the way down from the top, slowly gaining speed and size. Till now, those droplets still mesmerize me.
Deep down within me, I'm still a child.
I miss watching the clouds as they slowly drift from one place to another. I miss guessing and imagining the forms that they took place as they moved, ever so oftenly.
I miss watching the stars at night time. I can stare at them whole night until I fall asleep.
I miss being a child. So care free.
I miss the innocense. No worries.
I miss the state of not knowing much. I miss not knowing money, not knowing knowledge, not knowing the truth.
Truth hurts. More than anything else.
I miss my grandma too. I miss her kam pua. I miss her smile. I miss her voice when she talks. I miss the moment when I was able to play the organ, and my grandma would comment from the next house about how I've improved.
I miss my grandpa too. I miss playing badminton with him.
I wish I could travel back in time. I'd never change a thing. But I just miss them so much. No matter what, I'll still be that naughty, cheeky kid. I'd still run and get hurt and in the end, get scolded.
I'll never regret the fun that I had.
mister again...
Got a phone call 2 mins ago. Another dumbass called :
Dumbass : Hello?
Me : Hello.
Dumbass : Is this Mr. [my full name]?
Me : (irritated) It's a Miss. MISS not mister!!!
Dumbass : Oh. It's Ms. [my full name] ar? Miss not Mister ar?
Me : ... Yes! Where are you calling from?
(I swear if she's in front of me, I'll strangle and shake her!!! I don't even sound like a guy!!!)
Dumbass : From the hotel they book for you. You're coming tomorrow, yes?
Me : Yes.
Dumbass : Ok. Thank youuu.
Somebody kill me quick. This world is not worth living in. It's full with idiots. First, the sub-con my Manager introduced to me called me Mr. [my surname].
Then, some of the staffs here accidentally called me Mr. They said tersasul wor.
Next, my air ticket was booked as Mr. [my full name].
Now, the fucking hotel dumbass called me Mr. [my full name] to confirm my bookings.
Dumbass : Hello?
Me : Hello.
Dumbass : Is this Mr. [my full name]?
Me : (irritated) It's a Miss. MISS not mister!!!
Dumbass : Oh. It's Ms. [my full name] ar? Miss not Mister ar?
Me : ... Yes! Where are you calling from?
(I swear if she's in front of me, I'll strangle and shake her!!! I don't even sound like a guy!!!)
Dumbass : From the hotel they book for you. You're coming tomorrow, yes?
Me : Yes.
Dumbass : Ok. Thank youuu.
Somebody kill me quick. This world is not worth living in. It's full with idiots. First, the sub-con my Manager introduced to me called me Mr. [my surname].
Then, some of the staffs here accidentally called me Mr. They said tersasul wor.
Next, my air ticket was booked as Mr. [my full name].
Now, the fucking hotel dumbass called me Mr. [my full name] to confirm my bookings.
Monday, July 16, 2007
always a Mr.
I got my air ticket to Sibu today. As usual, they made this one goddamn blardy mistake which I hate the most. They put Mr. instead of Ms. Other than that, everything else is right. Surprisingly, they managed to get my whole name's spelling right too. Except the Ms. part though.
Not only that, I'm always invited to wedding invitation. But the thing that really put me off most of the time is the title they put on the wedding cards. Encik/Mr.
I may act like a tomboy but I look like a gal okay! With boobs and all that.
And the stupid gal from the travelling agency dared to ask me this morning when I called her to complain about the title mistake:-
Stupid gal : Har? You're a Miss ar?
Me : Hoi! Do I sound like a guy to you? Huh? HUH?!!!
Stupid gal : Now that you ask me, no. You don't sound like a guy. Hihihi...
Damn gal has quite a cute voice so I couldn't stay angry at her for long over the phone.
But still... ugh!
Not only that, I'm always invited to wedding invitation. But the thing that really put me off most of the time is the title they put on the wedding cards. Encik/Mr.
I may act like a tomboy but I look like a gal okay! With boobs and all that.
And the stupid gal from the travelling agency dared to ask me this morning when I called her to complain about the title mistake:-
Stupid gal : Har? You're a Miss ar?
Me : Hoi! Do I sound like a guy to you? Huh? HUH?!!!
Stupid gal : Now that you ask me, no. You don't sound like a guy. Hihihi...
Damn gal has quite a cute voice so I couldn't stay angry at her for long over the phone.
But still... ugh!
Stupid conversations...stupid people...
I hate stupid conversations. AND those people without brains. With ALL my heart. Here are some examples :
Case 1
Me : Where do you wanna go for lunch?
A : Anywhere lar...
Me : What do you wanna eat?
A : Cincai lar...
Me : ...
Hello???! What's the point of talking here? It's the same as if I didn't talk/ask at all...
Case 2
Me : How much is this item?
B : RM900 something...
Me : RM900 something??? How much exactly???
B : RM900 something lar...
Me : Umm... RM900.90 also RM900 something. RM999.99 also RM900 something. So your RM900 something is how much EXACTLY ??!!!!
B : ... RM900 something lor...
Me : Do you REALLY KNOW the price OR NOT???
B : Errr... I go check
Me : ....
It doesn't make a difference whether I asked or not. I still don't get the answer to the questions I posed. What's the point of asking?
Case 3
Me : When do you want me to send you to airport?
C : Before 12.30 PM lar...
Me : ... *SIGH* Be more precise please...
C : Anytime before 12.30 PM is okay lar... (how the fuck is that more precise???)
Me : Fuck! 5 AM also before 12.30 PM. 12.29 PM also before 12.30 PM. Just gimme a fucking precise time is that SO HARD??? Do you remember that I work from 8 AM - 12.30 PM??? What the fuck is wrong with you people???!!!!
Case 4
I walked past the make-up section (or whatever shitty section you guys call it) inside a shopping complex. And I totally despice those sales promoters. They'll all come swarming you, asking you to buy their products lar, promotion that lar, this lar. There are only two scenarios for me when it encountering them.
First scenario
Sales promoter : Miss, what products are you looking for? Body shampoo? Lotion? Perfume? Hair shampoo? Lipstick? We sell everything you need here. Got promotion bla bla bla...
Me : I'm just passsssing by... (walked by without a glance)
Sales promoter : ......
Second scenario
Sales promoter : Miss, what are you looking for?
Me : I'm looking for [brand name]. Do you have it?
Sales promoter : Oh. We have the same product by different brand which is on promotion right now. Do you wanna try? It's very good bla bla bla (goes on to praise the goddamn product)...
Me : DO.YOU.HAVE.[brand name].OR.NOT? Yes or no will do!
Sales promoter : Err... nope.
Me : Fuck. Waste of my time.
Sales promoter : ...
Case 5
At a petrol station...
I was using VISA card to pay. Once I got the receipt from the petrol kiosk, I showed it to the person in charge there in order to get the Entry Form for their promotion/competition right now. Each RM30 of fuel pumped gives you a Form in return. I pumped RM70 so I'm entitled to two of those Entry Forms.
Me : (showed her my Visa receipt) I'd like to have those Entry Forms please..
Stupid gal : Oh... (scribbled hastily on a receipt and handed it to me)
Me : ...
Stupid gal : You want receipt right?
Me : No. I want those Entry Forms.
Stupid gal : Oh... ok. Here (stared at my receipt for a minute before she gave me two of those Forms)
Me : ...
If she listened, REALLY listened, she would have known what I said. It's like you're asking for a plate of chicken rice, and they give you a plate of satay instead. Totally bizarre.
Are they stupid or just plain ignorant? And I'm so bloody pissed because I see and talk to such fools on everyday basis. It's wrecking havoc with my nerves!!!
Case 1
Me : Where do you wanna go for lunch?
A : Anywhere lar...
Me : What do you wanna eat?
A : Cincai lar...
Me : ...
Hello???! What's the point of talking here? It's the same as if I didn't talk/ask at all...
Case 2
Me : How much is this item?
B : RM900 something...
Me : RM900 something??? How much exactly???
B : RM900 something lar...
Me : Umm... RM900.90 also RM900 something. RM999.99 also RM900 something. So your RM900 something is how much EXACTLY ??!!!!
B : ... RM900 something lor...
Me : Do you REALLY KNOW the price OR NOT???
B : Errr... I go check
Me : ....
It doesn't make a difference whether I asked or not. I still don't get the answer to the questions I posed. What's the point of asking?
Case 3
Me : When do you want me to send you to airport?
C : Before 12.30 PM lar...
Me : ... *SIGH* Be more precise please...
C : Anytime before 12.30 PM is okay lar... (how the fuck is that more precise???)
Me : Fuck! 5 AM also before 12.30 PM. 12.29 PM also before 12.30 PM. Just gimme a fucking precise time is that SO HARD??? Do you remember that I work from 8 AM - 12.30 PM??? What the fuck is wrong with you people???!!!!
Case 4
I walked past the make-up section (or whatever shitty section you guys call it) inside a shopping complex. And I totally despice those sales promoters. They'll all come swarming you, asking you to buy their products lar, promotion that lar, this lar. There are only two scenarios for me when it encountering them.
First scenario
Sales promoter : Miss, what products are you looking for? Body shampoo? Lotion? Perfume? Hair shampoo? Lipstick? We sell everything you need here. Got promotion bla bla bla...
Me : I'm just passsssing by... (walked by without a glance)
Sales promoter : ......
Second scenario
Sales promoter : Miss, what are you looking for?
Me : I'm looking for [brand name]. Do you have it?
Sales promoter : Oh. We have the same product by different brand which is on promotion right now. Do you wanna try? It's very good bla bla bla (goes on to praise the goddamn product)...
Me : DO.YOU.HAVE.[brand name].OR.NOT? Yes or no will do!
Sales promoter : Err... nope.
Me : Fuck. Waste of my time.
Sales promoter : ...
Case 5
At a petrol station...
I was using VISA card to pay. Once I got the receipt from the petrol kiosk, I showed it to the person in charge there in order to get the Entry Form for their promotion/competition right now. Each RM30 of fuel pumped gives you a Form in return. I pumped RM70 so I'm entitled to two of those Entry Forms.
Me : (showed her my Visa receipt) I'd like to have those Entry Forms please..
Stupid gal : Oh... (scribbled hastily on a receipt and handed it to me)
Me : ...
Stupid gal : You want receipt right?
Me : No. I want those Entry Forms.
Stupid gal : Oh... ok. Here (stared at my receipt for a minute before she gave me two of those Forms)
Me : ...
If she listened, REALLY listened, she would have known what I said. It's like you're asking for a plate of chicken rice, and they give you a plate of satay instead. Totally bizarre.
Are they stupid or just plain ignorant? And I'm so bloody pissed because I see and talk to such fools on everyday basis. It's wrecking havoc with my nerves!!!
Thursday, July 12, 2007
late shipment...
My mum called me this morning, telling me that she saw many new Vivas at the showroom where I ordered my Viva last month.
Mum : Maybe your car is here already!!! Quick quick check with your salesman!
Me : Really? Ok. I'll call him now.
I was really excited and so I called the salesman straightaway.
To my great disappointment, he told me that my Viva will start shipping on 20th July. Haiya! Shipping duration takes 3-4 days. Approximately 2 days for custom clearance. So, my best bet should be on 25 or 26 July lor.
One more week to wait. Haiyaaaa!!!
Mum : Maybe your car is here already!!! Quick quick check with your salesman!
Me : Really? Ok. I'll call him now.
I was really excited and so I called the salesman straightaway.
To my great disappointment, he told me that my Viva will start shipping on 20th July. Haiya! Shipping duration takes 3-4 days. Approximately 2 days for custom clearance. So, my best bet should be on 25 or 26 July lor.
One more week to wait. Haiyaaaa!!!
missing a meeting
This happened several days back, when I was still having problems logging into www.blogger.com - hence, the lack of posts in my blog. I think they dun like me or was it really such a coincidence???
My lunch time is from 12.30 - 2.00 PM (Mon-Fri). I left the office at 12.30 PM, heading back to my home for lunch and then went straight to the office at 1.00 PM cause I was so pissed with my mum for talking and arguing nonsense with my Uncle over the telephone while her rice was getting cold on the dining table.
That Uncle of mine LOVES to call when you're about to eat : breakfast, lunch, dinner. Timing sucks all the frigging time. I HATE it the most when ppl disturb us during a meal, be it at the restaurant, house or hawker stalls. Especially phone calls. Also those annoying China pakku or damn youngsters come pestering you to buy their stuffs when you're eating. So annoying! Pesky flies! One death stare from me normally sent them scurrying off. But my mum. She's so nice and polite and all that. I got sooo bloody irritated at her!
Anyway, back to story. I reached office at 1.00 PM and stayed inside till after office hour is over. That's 5.30 PM.
The next day, my BigBigBoss came into my room.
Boss : You okay?
Me : Yeah.
Boss : You fine?
Me : ??? Yes. I'm fine. Why?
Boss : ...
Me : Hey, any work for me to do or not? I'm so bored! What do you want me to do exactly? Sit here shaking legs??
Boss : ! I've got work for you to do! We were discussing it yesterday in a meeting. I asked for your presense but you weren't in.
Me : !!! What?! I was in the office the whole afternoon yesterday! When was the meeting held?
Boss : 2.00 PM. I sent (col's name) to look for you but she said you're not in...
Me : Huh?! I was here. In this room. WHOLE afternoon!
The Boss looked at me for a while and then took off looking for my Manager. I was like wtf??!
I've worked for this Boss before and he knows how I work. Him checking on me indicates that he finds something fishy there. I'm so glad and thankful that he checked on me first before jumping into conclusions!!!
I think somebody's trying to get me into trouble. Either they don't like me or they are testing me. Frankly speaking, I don't like them too. Bitches!! Low life scums. Pttfff!
My lunch time is from 12.30 - 2.00 PM (Mon-Fri). I left the office at 12.30 PM, heading back to my home for lunch and then went straight to the office at 1.00 PM cause I was so pissed with my mum for talking and arguing nonsense with my Uncle over the telephone while her rice was getting cold on the dining table.
That Uncle of mine LOVES to call when you're about to eat : breakfast, lunch, dinner. Timing sucks all the frigging time. I HATE it the most when ppl disturb us during a meal, be it at the restaurant, house or hawker stalls. Especially phone calls. Also those annoying China pakku or damn youngsters come pestering you to buy their stuffs when you're eating. So annoying! Pesky flies! One death stare from me normally sent them scurrying off. But my mum. She's so nice and polite and all that. I got sooo bloody irritated at her!
Anyway, back to story. I reached office at 1.00 PM and stayed inside till after office hour is over. That's 5.30 PM.
The next day, my BigBigBoss came into my room.
Boss : You okay?
Me : Yeah.
Boss : You fine?
Me : ??? Yes. I'm fine. Why?
Boss : ...
Me : Hey, any work for me to do or not? I'm so bored! What do you want me to do exactly? Sit here shaking legs??
Boss : ! I've got work for you to do! We were discussing it yesterday in a meeting. I asked for your presense but you weren't in.
Me : !!! What?! I was in the office the whole afternoon yesterday! When was the meeting held?
Boss : 2.00 PM. I sent (col's name) to look for you but she said you're not in...
Me : Huh?! I was here. In this room. WHOLE afternoon!
The Boss looked at me for a while and then took off looking for my Manager. I was like wtf??!
I've worked for this Boss before and he knows how I work. Him checking on me indicates that he finds something fishy there. I'm so glad and thankful that he checked on me first before jumping into conclusions!!!
I think somebody's trying to get me into trouble. Either they don't like me or they are testing me. Frankly speaking, I don't like them too. Bitches!! Low life scums. Pttfff!
Monday, July 9, 2007
My Manager gave me a briefing this morning about my scope of work, bla bla bla. I was actually quite relieved. I'm beginning to rust and am starting to think that I'm actually there for the sake of being there.
Decorative vase. How does that sound like to you?
Thank God. I'm not.
There are projects on 4 different categories. I'm SUPPOSED to cover ALL of them. *sigh* Talks about getting paid for shaking legs. And the damn sites are all over Sarawak. And when I mean ALL OVER, it really ISSS all over.
I'm scheduled to go to Kapit next Tuesday. Site meeting. Awesome. My first site meeting in this company AND also my first time going to Kapit. Heard it's a very sleepy rural town and kinda boring there. Internet connection through dial up lines are slower than snails and they eat monkey brains for breakfast. Ooooppsss. Just kidding there. About the monkey brain part. Kapit people, don't be offended, kay? ;P
I talked to my Manager about the laptop and he agrees. It seems that the only person who doesn't agree is blardy Edo. He's the culprit who has been halting the purchase of my laptop. This sucks. An enemy so early in the game. Crap.
I hope he gets tiao-ed real bad for trying to mess with me. Moron. Other than that, everything else is fine and dandy! =P
Decorative vase. How does that sound like to you?
Thank God. I'm not.
There are projects on 4 different categories. I'm SUPPOSED to cover ALL of them. *sigh* Talks about getting paid for shaking legs. And the damn sites are all over Sarawak. And when I mean ALL OVER, it really ISSS all over.
I'm scheduled to go to Kapit next Tuesday. Site meeting. Awesome. My first site meeting in this company AND also my first time going to Kapit. Heard it's a very sleepy rural town and kinda boring there. Internet connection through dial up lines are slower than snails and they eat monkey brains for breakfast. Ooooppsss. Just kidding there. About the monkey brain part. Kapit people, don't be offended, kay? ;P
I talked to my Manager about the laptop and he agrees. It seems that the only person who doesn't agree is blardy Edo. He's the culprit who has been halting the purchase of my laptop. This sucks. An enemy so early in the game. Crap.
I hope he gets tiao-ed real bad for trying to mess with me. Moron. Other than that, everything else is fine and dandy! =P
Friday, July 6, 2007
free food...
Today I had ice cream (from Sunny Hill) + butter cheese cake (Mita Cake House) + bread as part of a birthday celebration for one of the staff in the office. They were celebrating his belated birthday. His name was Leo or Lei something something. I'm really not good in remembering names. Bad me.
Anyway, I learned some interesting company rules from some colleagues while eating with them.
Windy : Eh, which month is your birthday ar?
Me : Huh? My birthday month? Why?
Windy : The company has this rule lor. RM30 is sponsored as a way of celebrating the birthday of the staffs here. We use the money to buy some food and then we have a small party like this just to celebrate lor. Currently, we are missing August and October. None of us here were born in August nor October! So tell us your month of birth!
(She awaits eagerly. Apparently for her, eating free food is very important and her whole life sorta depends on it)
Me : Erm. Mine's August.
Windy : Really? YES! Now we can eat in August!! *giddy laughs*
Me : -___-''
Windy : Oh. What's the exact date then? Your birthday.
Me : 31
Windy : o.O
Me : What?
Windy : WHAT?!!
Me : 31st lar.
(FYI, I was born on the 31st of August, the National Day of Malaysia. *grins*)
Windy : O.O *jaw drops*
Me : Look. Are you disappointed cause you won't be able to eat due to the public holiday???
Windy : Haha. We can always eat earlier!!!
Me : ...
(Believe me. She has fast recovery rate. And of course. We can't eat later than that cause that would means September. Wasted. *sigh*)
Minutes later...
Me : Hey. If you have 3 people having DOBs in August, does that mean you get like, RM90? RM30 per person right?
Windy : Nonono. My boss won't allow it. Just RM30 nia. If more than 2 persons, then maximum is RM50 lor. He's stingy. Doesn't count per head oneeee.
(Her boss is Edo)
Me : Oh. Why not. It's just RM30 mar.
Windy : He says the number of people eating is the same mar. So RM30 is enough per month. Plus, he never cincai eat food one. Cheap stuffs like these, he won't touch oneee. Very high class lar him.
Me : How high class?
Windy : Last time hor, we bought some type of beverage, white in colour lar. I can't remember the name. I think it's called White Lady or something. When we gave one glass to him, he won't even try it! And he sniffed on it some more. Haiya! Scared we poison him meh haiya!
Me : *incredulous look mode on* Sniffed??? He sniffed it?
Windy : He always say we spend too much buying food. When it's his turn next, we're going to buy the cheapest food available out there for him to eat!
Everybody else : Yayaya!!! Let's buy bla bla bla....
They then proceeded to blurt out a long list of cheap, terrible food to buy for him to eat during his birthday month. The list got so long, I totally lost track. Employees can sometimes be so mean. *shakes head*
Personally, I think it's very good that the employer made the effort to sponsor a little bit of money as a form of appreciation for their staffs. RM30 is better than nothing, right? We never had this practice in my ex-company. The only thing they have was the staffs themselves forking out money to celebrate the birthday with you. Either way, you'd feel as if you belong some where right?
I guess I'm right about Edo thought. Seems like I'm not the only one who doesn't like him. *sigh*
ps : I swear the ones I wrote and LOST in the goddamn Gmail draft was much much better than this. Still very pissed at farking Gmail. Tulan! Ptui!
Anyway, I learned some interesting company rules from some colleagues while eating with them.
Windy : Eh, which month is your birthday ar?
Me : Huh? My birthday month? Why?
Windy : The company has this rule lor. RM30 is sponsored as a way of celebrating the birthday of the staffs here. We use the money to buy some food and then we have a small party like this just to celebrate lor. Currently, we are missing August and October. None of us here were born in August nor October! So tell us your month of birth!
(She awaits eagerly. Apparently for her, eating free food is very important and her whole life sorta depends on it)
Me : Erm. Mine's August.
Windy : Really? YES! Now we can eat in August!! *giddy laughs*
Me : -___-''
Windy : Oh. What's the exact date then? Your birthday.
Me : 31
Windy : o.O
Me : What?
Windy : WHAT?!!
Me : 31st lar.
(FYI, I was born on the 31st of August, the National Day of Malaysia. *grins*)
Windy : O.O *jaw drops*
Me : Look. Are you disappointed cause you won't be able to eat due to the public holiday???
Windy : Haha. We can always eat earlier!!!
Me : ...
(Believe me. She has fast recovery rate. And of course. We can't eat later than that cause that would means September. Wasted. *sigh*)
Minutes later...
Me : Hey. If you have 3 people having DOBs in August, does that mean you get like, RM90? RM30 per person right?
Windy : Nonono. My boss won't allow it. Just RM30 nia. If more than 2 persons, then maximum is RM50 lor. He's stingy. Doesn't count per head oneeee.
(Her boss is Edo)
Me : Oh. Why not. It's just RM30 mar.
Windy : He says the number of people eating is the same mar. So RM30 is enough per month. Plus, he never cincai eat food one. Cheap stuffs like these, he won't touch oneee. Very high class lar him.
Me : How high class?
Windy : Last time hor, we bought some type of beverage, white in colour lar. I can't remember the name. I think it's called White Lady or something. When we gave one glass to him, he won't even try it! And he sniffed on it some more. Haiya! Scared we poison him meh haiya!
Me : *incredulous look mode on* Sniffed??? He sniffed it?
Windy : He always say we spend too much buying food. When it's his turn next, we're going to buy the cheapest food available out there for him to eat!
Everybody else : Yayaya!!! Let's buy bla bla bla....
They then proceeded to blurt out a long list of cheap, terrible food to buy for him to eat during his birthday month. The list got so long, I totally lost track. Employees can sometimes be so mean. *shakes head*
Personally, I think it's very good that the employer made the effort to sponsor a little bit of money as a form of appreciation for their staffs. RM30 is better than nothing, right? We never had this practice in my ex-company. The only thing they have was the staffs themselves forking out money to celebrate the birthday with you. Either way, you'd feel as if you belong some where right?
I guess I'm right about Edo thought. Seems like I'm not the only one who doesn't like him. *sigh*
ps : I swear the ones I wrote and LOST in the goddamn Gmail draft was much much better than this. Still very pissed at farking Gmail. Tulan! Ptui!
MADEH!!!!!! PUUUIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MADEH!!!!!! PUUUIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
new colleagues...
After having worked in this new company for a week, I'm still a bit blur as to the names of the colleagues. Up till now, I only know a selected few of them - those I see only on daily basis and that's about that. I never make it a habit to approach their working desk if I don't know them too well. I'm worried that I may distract them from their works. If the new boss found out about this, my reputation would be stripped. Gone. Burnt.
I don't want that to happen. But I'll tell you what I know lar.
First is the guard who works here. Everybody calls him Bai. I'd known him way back in year 2000 but I never know his name - cuz I never stopped to ask. I just call him pakcik . At first, I thought they were calling him Boy. He's so old already so it couldn't possibly be Boy. That is sooo out of place, ya know? So he's Bai.
Bai's nice. Informative and helpful. He remembers me as that little girl who used to drive super fast, walks super fast and do things super fast. He has aged considerably since I last saw him. Nevertheless, he's happy to see me. And I'm glad to see him too. =)
Next is Merry. Previously we (me and my ex-cols lor) used to call her the 'toilet lady' or in Hokkien "jaga jamban eh lao zhar bor" (translate : the old lady who guards the toilet). Hey, I used to work in this company before, ok. Before the company moved into the new place where we call office right now, she sat just right in front of the toilet room at the old office - with her desk and partition and all that. She had this sad, forlorn look which was always accompanied by tightly sealed lips. Maybe she thought it gave her some sort of professional look but I beg to differ. It only makes her look older and all boxed up.
The summary is, she's one of those old hag that everyone hates. Period. I once had such a huge fight with her, the entire office cheered when they learnt that I did the impossible - I destroyed her prized paper works. Of coz, I only do that after obtaining permission from the BigBigBoss. Who asked her to step on my tails. You think I'm simply anybody whom you can step step step on ar? Duhhh...
The summary is, she's one of those old hag that everyone hates. Period. I once had such a huge fight with her, the entire office cheered when they learnt that I did the impossible - I destroyed her prized paper works. Of coz, I only do that after obtaining permission from the BigBigBoss. Who asked her to step on my tails. You think I'm simply anybody whom you can step step step on ar? Duhhh...
Now? She sits right outside my room. That makes her looks like my personal Secretary. -___-'' But she's been treating me nice niccceeee ever since I returned to this company. I later found out why. Her only au piak sua (translate : strong supporter behind her back, someone with great influence in the company) is no longer here. Gone. Out. Not part of the company anymore. But mine are still here. Muahahaha. I have 2!!! Muahahaha! I'm sooo bad. If she remains at peace with me, I mah have mercy on her and spare her lor. If not,... nyek nyek nyek. Oh dear. I'm evil. *paiseh*
Next is Windy. Don't get me wrong. She ain't windy or anything. She ain't pretty as well. She's 30 yrs old (I thought she's in mid 30s), has shoulder length long hair and is quite talkative. Currently, I'm still neutral with her. She's a Finance clerk or something like that.
Next is Edo. He's Windy's boss. Finance Manager. The first time I saw him, I intantly didn't like him. Don't like him still. I have this sixth sense - which is always right. I trust my sixth sense 101%, wokay?! There's something about him that I don't like but I can't pinpoint what, yet. Guess I'll find out soon. He's skinny, tall, a bit hunchback, has old fashion hair style and his nose holes are huge! I bet it can fit 2 adult flies in each hole. Yuck!
That's all for now lar. I'll write more about them once I have collected all the necessary information. Tee hee!
That's all for now lar. I'll write more about them once I have collected all the necessary information. Tee hee!
fallen trees...
I drove home from office last nite only to come across rows upon rows of fallen trees. Some uprooted. Some are just massively huge tree branches. There's even a fallen street lamp post! It rained so heavily yesterday afternoon that the whole stretch of road was filled up with fallen trees, tree branches and amongs them, a street lamp post.
What is happening to our weather? My office was totally blackened out yesterday afternnon too. No electricity. I thought it was struck by lightning! The thunders and lightnings were unbelievablly scary. And frightening.
Now I'm worried that if the same scenario happens while I'm driving my newly bought Viva, I would have been lifted off the ground and perhaps landed on the rooftop of some nearby shophouses.
Tell me that's not gonna happen. CONVINCE me that won't happen. Pretty please?!!
What is happening to our weather? My office was totally blackened out yesterday afternnon too. No electricity. I thought it was struck by lightning! The thunders and lightnings were unbelievablly scary. And frightening.
Now I'm worried that if the same scenario happens while I'm driving my newly bought Viva, I would have been lifted off the ground and perhaps landed on the rooftop of some nearby shophouses.
Tell me that's not gonna happen. CONVINCE me that won't happen. Pretty please?!!
Thursday, July 5, 2007
new car 2
Called the salesman for my car this morning. He confirmed that my loan has been approved and that they are waiting for the next shipment of vivas to reach Kuching. Something like that. I asked him how long is that gonna take?
Probably one to two weeks time. Their closest estimate would be mid of July.
I hope I can get it next week! Before my entire family went off for holiday. Leaving only me behind. Huhuhu.
I guess I can take pics of my car once I get it. But then again, simply pasting the link of how a Viva looks like sounds easier eh?
Ok. For those non-Malaysian/outside Malaysia, Viva looks like this.
Go check it out. That site gives great automobile information. Cuz I maybe too lazy to take pics of my car once I get it. I'll be too busy driving it around the city! Oh hyuk! =D
Oh yeah. My car colour is Glittering Silver. ^-^
I also told my salesman about my request for the car plate number. I won't be choosing any numbers. Just get me any number except 4. Yeap. No number 4. I'm fine with any number but NOT 4!!!
Take 5454 for example. Looks nice? Do you know what it means in Chinese? It means : I die I die. Or Starve to death starve to death. Depends on which dialect you use lar.
Now who the fuck wants a number like that?
Or 2754. It means : You go I die
Ptfff. Rule number 1 : Not a single number 4 in the car plate. Anything else is fine.
How hard could that be? Right? RIGHT??!!
Probably one to two weeks time. Their closest estimate would be mid of July.
I hope I can get it next week! Before my entire family went off for holiday. Leaving only me behind. Huhuhu.
I guess I can take pics of my car once I get it. But then again, simply pasting the link of how a Viva looks like sounds easier eh?
Ok. For those non-Malaysian/outside Malaysia, Viva looks like this.
Go check it out. That site gives great automobile information. Cuz I maybe too lazy to take pics of my car once I get it. I'll be too busy driving it around the city! Oh hyuk! =D
Oh yeah. My car colour is Glittering Silver. ^-^
I also told my salesman about my request for the car plate number. I won't be choosing any numbers. Just get me any number except 4. Yeap. No number 4. I'm fine with any number but NOT 4!!!
Take 5454 for example. Looks nice? Do you know what it means in Chinese? It means : I die I die. Or Starve to death starve to death. Depends on which dialect you use lar.
Now who the fuck wants a number like that?
Or 2754. It means : You go I die
Ptfff. Rule number 1 : Not a single number 4 in the car plate. Anything else is fine.
How hard could that be? Right? RIGHT??!!
fourth day at work
Today's the fourth day I started working in the new company.
I'm still shaking legs.
Reading newspaper. Borneo Post. The Star.
Then followed by CNN, Channel News Asia, BBC, New Straits Time (nst) etc etc.
I nearly read Utusan Malaysia and Beritan Harian. I said nearly! If I did, I'll kill myself.
I was so bored I nearly went bonkers. FYI, I have very low tolerance towards office works. I only sit in the office when there are paper works to be done. The rest of the time? I'd rather spend them outside the office - site works, meeting people, dealing... those stuffs.
My mind raced to find an excuse to go out! You know. Go out. Do something. Instead of sitting there, shaking legs! I'd finally decided to go to the bank. Needed to check whether my existing bank account with Maybank is still active or not. Otherwise, I'd have to set up a new account for my boss to bank in my monthly salary. I went to the 7th Mile's MayBank.
They treated me like a child. Just because I look like one. Fark them!
The damn counter officer made unnecessary remarks about my totally outdated AND closed account. Tried to LECTURE me for not updating my bank book.
I gave him a warning stare, and told him that I've just came back from abroad. With a heavy English accent. Okay. I lied about the 'just came back from abroad' story. So what? My account was already closed after I graduated and came back from UK. It's partly true! That shuts him up. Bloody asshole who looks like a cross breed of a mouse and a nerd.
With my account totally closed, I was forced to open a new one. Initially I thought I could reactivate my old account just cuz I like the account number. It has lotsa 8's in it. But no. They won't allow me to reactivate my account. Cuz it's CLOSED already. They said that they closed my account cause it has less than RM100 in it. If it has more than RM100 in it, they would have retained my account. Which means, if I had RM99.99 in it, the bank would have taken the money and closed my account anyway! I checked. I had less than RM2 inside. Muahahaha. Nevermind lar. Pity them. Let them have the money lar. Pathetic.
The bank officer who processed my application was a weird man-who sat next to the damn nerd mousie. With weird accent. And strange attitude. I totally don't understand him. He made a fuss when I couldn't provide him my company address. Acting cocky and arrogant and all that. Damn. I haven't got my name card. What does he expect? For me to memorise them?
He gave me some forms to fill. I called the office while filling in the forms, asking for the damn address. Gave it to him when I submitted the forms to him and guess what? He talked differently now!!! He said he's already got the address already. He called my office. And then he's all nice and good with me. After he called my office.
Do you see what I mean when I say they treated me like a kid? Damn.
And his efficiency doubled after THE call to my office. What does that tell you???
I hate pigs like that.
Which reminds me of my encounter while updating my bankbook, at the same bank. That was sometime in year 2000. The lady at the counter actually looked at the figures in my bankbook, stared at me, looked at my bankbook again, and asked me incredulously "Are you really working in this company??! This is your salary??!"
I rolled my eyes exasperatedly and asked her "What's YOUR problem??"
She smiled sheepishly and said "I just found it so unbelievable. That's all. Don't be angry yah".
Anyway, that's the bank story for today. Will tell you guys more bank stories next time. My other hobby includes frying bank officers for snacks. I stir fry them. I grill them. Why? They pissed me off greatly with all the stupid remarks that they made. I'll blog about it some other time though. Stay tuned!
I'm still shaking legs.
Reading newspaper. Borneo Post. The Star.
Then followed by CNN, Channel News Asia, BBC, New Straits Time (nst) etc etc.
I nearly read Utusan Malaysia and Beritan Harian. I said nearly! If I did, I'll kill myself.
I was so bored I nearly went bonkers. FYI, I have very low tolerance towards office works. I only sit in the office when there are paper works to be done. The rest of the time? I'd rather spend them outside the office - site works, meeting people, dealing... those stuffs.
My mind raced to find an excuse to go out! You know. Go out. Do something. Instead of sitting there, shaking legs! I'd finally decided to go to the bank. Needed to check whether my existing bank account with Maybank is still active or not. Otherwise, I'd have to set up a new account for my boss to bank in my monthly salary. I went to the 7th Mile's MayBank.
They treated me like a child. Just because I look like one. Fark them!
The damn counter officer made unnecessary remarks about my totally outdated AND closed account. Tried to LECTURE me for not updating my bank book.
I gave him a warning stare, and told him that I've just came back from abroad. With a heavy English accent. Okay. I lied about the 'just came back from abroad' story. So what? My account was already closed after I graduated and came back from UK. It's partly true! That shuts him up. Bloody asshole who looks like a cross breed of a mouse and a nerd.
With my account totally closed, I was forced to open a new one. Initially I thought I could reactivate my old account just cuz I like the account number. It has lotsa 8's in it. But no. They won't allow me to reactivate my account. Cuz it's CLOSED already. They said that they closed my account cause it has less than RM100 in it. If it has more than RM100 in it, they would have retained my account. Which means, if I had RM99.99 in it, the bank would have taken the money and closed my account anyway! I checked. I had less than RM2 inside. Muahahaha. Nevermind lar. Pity them. Let them have the money lar. Pathetic.
The bank officer who processed my application was a weird man-who sat next to the damn nerd mousie. With weird accent. And strange attitude. I totally don't understand him. He made a fuss when I couldn't provide him my company address. Acting cocky and arrogant and all that. Damn. I haven't got my name card. What does he expect? For me to memorise them?
He gave me some forms to fill. I called the office while filling in the forms, asking for the damn address. Gave it to him when I submitted the forms to him and guess what? He talked differently now!!! He said he's already got the address already. He called my office. And then he's all nice and good with me. After he called my office.
Do you see what I mean when I say they treated me like a kid? Damn.
And his efficiency doubled after THE call to my office. What does that tell you???
I hate pigs like that.
Which reminds me of my encounter while updating my bankbook, at the same bank. That was sometime in year 2000. The lady at the counter actually looked at the figures in my bankbook, stared at me, looked at my bankbook again, and asked me incredulously "Are you really working in this company??! This is your salary??!"
I rolled my eyes exasperatedly and asked her "What's YOUR problem??"
She smiled sheepishly and said "I just found it so unbelievable. That's all. Don't be angry yah".
Anyway, that's the bank story for today. Will tell you guys more bank stories next time. My other hobby includes frying bank officers for snacks. I stir fry them. I grill them. Why? They pissed me off greatly with all the stupid remarks that they made. I'll blog about it some other time though. Stay tuned!
Monday, July 2, 2007
first day at work!
I reported for duty at the new company today.
I'm working in Kuching at the moment. The environment here is nice. They give me a huge room as my office (unlike my previous company, I didn't even have a room in Sarikei, all lies, empty promises, fcuk them). From my rough estimation, the room measures at least 12' x 12' in size. It was fully plastered (ceiling) and carpeted. I have my own telephone line, desktop, internet connection, air-cond, bookshelf, table and chairs. These may sound common but hey, after being deprived of even basic necessities such as these at my previous company, right now I feel like a dang thirsty human getting the taste of the first drop of water.
It was great!!!
I was then given a 1.5 inch thick document to read. It's the company rules book or something like that. I skimmed it through and somehow managed to remember the stuffs I may need during my stay in this company. No biggie. I can deal with that.
What I'm worried about is that I won't be getting my lappy! Cause they gimme a desktop and all that.
I want a lappy I want a lappy I want a lappy!!!
Oh well. Screaming and wailing won't help. I submitted a requisition for it already. Hope they approve.
OMG! What if they don't??? I'd feel so CHEATED then!!!
*prays that THAT won't happen!!!*
The day went by uneventfully. I tried getting used to the room I've been given. Once in a while, I went out and chatted with the rest of the colleagues. I only tried surfing later in the evening, about 2 hours before office hour was over. I can do that everyday. Yeap. I can.
I don't like my Manager though. He reminds me of Mr. Mouse. Nothing similar physically speaking, but the way they behave... *slaps forehead* ... it's like they are twins. Haiyo.
Since my salary here is more than double of what I used to earn, my level of endurance should have doubled, right?
I hope so. Really. Honestly!
I'm working in Kuching at the moment. The environment here is nice. They give me a huge room as my office (unlike my previous company, I didn't even have a room in Sarikei, all lies, empty promises, fcuk them). From my rough estimation, the room measures at least 12' x 12' in size. It was fully plastered (ceiling) and carpeted. I have my own telephone line, desktop, internet connection, air-cond, bookshelf, table and chairs. These may sound common but hey, after being deprived of even basic necessities such as these at my previous company, right now I feel like a dang thirsty human getting the taste of the first drop of water.
It was great!!!
I was then given a 1.5 inch thick document to read. It's the company rules book or something like that. I skimmed it through and somehow managed to remember the stuffs I may need during my stay in this company. No biggie. I can deal with that.
What I'm worried about is that I won't be getting my lappy! Cause they gimme a desktop and all that.
I want a lappy I want a lappy I want a lappy!!!
Oh well. Screaming and wailing won't help. I submitted a requisition for it already. Hope they approve.
OMG! What if they don't??? I'd feel so CHEATED then!!!
*prays that THAT won't happen!!!*
The day went by uneventfully. I tried getting used to the room I've been given. Once in a while, I went out and chatted with the rest of the colleagues. I only tried surfing later in the evening, about 2 hours before office hour was over. I can do that everyday. Yeap. I can.
I don't like my Manager though. He reminds me of Mr. Mouse. Nothing similar physically speaking, but the way they behave... *slaps forehead* ... it's like they are twins. Haiyo.
Since my salary here is more than double of what I used to earn, my level of endurance should have doubled, right?
I hope so. Really. Honestly!
Sunday, July 1, 2007
connection problems
At times like this, I totally hate pcs and modems and Streamyx.
Cause I can't online.
And I don't really know nor understand why.
I'm totally blur like sotong.
I don't know for sure what are the causes. Is it my pc? Or my Dad's pc? Or my sister's pc? Virus attacks? Network problems? Modem? Or tat dang Streamyx. Or the bloody phone line?
I'm totally clueless.
I have 3 desktops and 2 laptops at home. Initially had 3 laptops but since I resigned, I've returned one of the laptop cause it was supplied by the company. All of them wifi connected. ALL the desktops have problems connecting into internet. ALL the laptops can connect without problems.
I hate desktops. Ugh!
I'm so miserable. 1 week without internet connections = no downloads = no anime to watch = no manga to read = no msn to chat = no movies to watch = no mp3s to listen to = no hope = no life
I'm as good as dead.
Just forked out 200++ bucks to buy a new wifi modem yesterday. Sent the modem to my friend for emergency CPR but apparently it's gone bonkers. So, I bought a new modem.
With the new modem, I managed to surf a tiny wee bit. And to download stuffs.
That was last night. This morning when I woke up and tried surfing...
... I still have the same problem. WaaaaaaaAAAAA!!!
The desktop in my room can download stuffs through BitComet but can't surf at all. My sister's desktop downstairs can surf but can't download stuffs through BitComet.
Now, both of them can't even connect.
And I always get this warning/menu/message box/whatever you call it.
The message doesn't help cause I'm a sotong.
Initially I thought it was just a simple ISP clashes case. Apparently it's not.
Something evil is at work here. Damn.
I'm trying again tonight. See how it goes. Hope it's not a virus messing up things. Aiyoyo!
Cause I can't online.
And I don't really know nor understand why.
I'm totally blur like sotong.
I don't know for sure what are the causes. Is it my pc? Or my Dad's pc? Or my sister's pc? Virus attacks? Network problems? Modem? Or tat dang Streamyx. Or the bloody phone line?
I'm totally clueless.
I have 3 desktops and 2 laptops at home. Initially had 3 laptops but since I resigned, I've returned one of the laptop cause it was supplied by the company. All of them wifi connected. ALL the desktops have problems connecting into internet. ALL the laptops can connect without problems.
I hate desktops. Ugh!
I'm so miserable. 1 week without internet connections = no downloads = no anime to watch = no manga to read = no msn to chat = no movies to watch = no mp3s to listen to = no hope = no life
I'm as good as dead.
Just forked out 200++ bucks to buy a new wifi modem yesterday. Sent the modem to my friend for emergency CPR but apparently it's gone bonkers. So, I bought a new modem.
With the new modem, I managed to surf a tiny wee bit. And to download stuffs.
That was last night. This morning when I woke up and tried surfing...
... I still have the same problem. WaaaaaaaAAAAA!!!
The desktop in my room can download stuffs through BitComet but can't surf at all. My sister's desktop downstairs can surf but can't download stuffs through BitComet.
Now, both of them can't even connect.
And I always get this warning/menu/message box/whatever you call it.
This connection has limited or no connectivity. You might not be able to access internet or some network resources. For more info, click this message.Ugh! *sob* *sob*
The message doesn't help cause I'm a sotong.
Initially I thought it was just a simple ISP clashes case. Apparently it's not.
Something evil is at work here. Damn.
I'm trying again tonight. See how it goes. Hope it's not a virus messing up things. Aiyoyo!
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