Okay okay. Straight after the previous post, I logged into my gmail and read several e-mails from friends and readers asking me to blog more often. *grins*
I love you all! Ok lar. For your sake, I'll write more lar. Happy? But hor, you guys only read read read nia, seldom comment one. But then again, I know lar my comment box like coffin, so difficult to open, like it's cursed or something. Aiyo.
Nevermind. Me very understanding one. I've got appointment at 10.30 AM but I'm still here typing away. Later on I speed all the way there lar.
I'm arranging for the loan stuffs later on. Hope no problem lor. Unless they think what I earn is way too little lor. Aiyah.
So, will post more after this lar. I'll charge my digicam's batteries later on lar. Will camwhore away lar.
But hor, make sure u come back and read my blog ar. If not, I hunt you down sampai ke lubang cacing ooo!
Thursday, June 28, 2007
new car!
My blog is quite dead, ne?
What to do? My home pc's internet connection is quite messed up. *sigh*
And the speed is like okui (translate : tortoise).
So what do I do when I'm stuck at home till I start working at the new company on the 2nd July?
I shop.
Just bought myself a car yesterday.
It's a Viva. Glittering silver. Cheap cheap. 38k only. Cheap right?
I had a test drive yesterday too. Tried its auto transmission 1000cc and also its manual transmission 1000cc. The auto transmission is very swift and smooth. You can't feel the transition from 1st to 2nd gear and so on. I was quite impressed. And the manual OMG. It's close to Kelisa's feel and I like the difference in power between its auto and manual transmissions. Much better than Avanza (sorry Toyota, no offence but the truth is, most of your recent car products sucks and I'll always be a Honda fan but damn! Honda soooo expensive! I totally bolui to buy lor, tiu!).
Straight after the test drive, I sealed the deal. Upon reaching the showroom. Crazy hor?
I never expected Viva to be as roomy as ... being able to accommodate 5 ppl one go. With vast leg rooms. Soooo unexpected.
I remember asking for a test drive when I first saw Viva in one of the showroom here in Kuching. That was ages ago. No test drive allowed then. Stupid salesman. If I test drive then I would have booked the car there and then!!! Stewpid.
Oh well. I bought one in the end. Salesman told me I'll be getting it in 2-4 weeks time. Hope it's true. The last I checked, I had to wait 3 months.
Come to think of it, I haven't seen much Vivas on the road in Kuching either. I hope it's not a problematic car. I'd bang my head to the wall if it turns out to be. Aiyah.
My blog is quite dead, ne?
What to do? My home pc's internet connection is quite messed up. *sigh*
And the speed is like okui (translate : tortoise).
So what do I do when I'm stuck at home till I start working at the new company on the 2nd July?
I shop.
Just bought myself a car yesterday.
It's a Viva. Glittering silver. Cheap cheap. 38k only. Cheap right?
I had a test drive yesterday too. Tried its auto transmission 1000cc and also its manual transmission 1000cc. The auto transmission is very swift and smooth. You can't feel the transition from 1st to 2nd gear and so on. I was quite impressed. And the manual OMG. It's close to Kelisa's feel and I like the difference in power between its auto and manual transmissions. Much better than Avanza (sorry Toyota, no offence but the truth is, most of your recent car products sucks and I'll always be a Honda fan but damn! Honda soooo expensive! I totally bolui to buy lor, tiu!).
Straight after the test drive, I sealed the deal. Upon reaching the showroom. Crazy hor?
I never expected Viva to be as roomy as ... being able to accommodate 5 ppl one go. With vast leg rooms. Soooo unexpected.
I remember asking for a test drive when I first saw Viva in one of the showroom here in Kuching. That was ages ago. No test drive allowed then. Stupid salesman. If I test drive then I would have booked the car there and then!!! Stewpid.
Oh well. I bought one in the end. Salesman told me I'll be getting it in 2-4 weeks time. Hope it's true. The last I checked, I had to wait 3 months.
Come to think of it, I haven't seen much Vivas on the road in Kuching either. I hope it's not a problematic car. I'd bang my head to the wall if it turns out to be. Aiyah.
Saturday, June 23, 2007
i'm still alive!!!
Howdie folks. Sorry for vanishing into thin air just like that.
I have the tendency to that recently. =P
I don't think you're upset over that, rite? RITE?
I just went to get a 'breather'... that lasted longer than I expected.
The breather here refers to:-
Have I told you guys that my last day in the OLD company was on last Wednesday? Oh boy, I never thought I'd be so relieved to be gone from THAT company. I'll post up a separate story once I get to write it. It has to do with that "such a mess" post I did previously.
I had dinner with my ex-colleagues last nite. Seafood. Food only so so lar. But the gifts!!! Oh the gifts!!! I love them. Ehem. *giggles* There are 2 gifts. I'll post the pics up later tonite too.
I'm quite lazy lar. So pin tua wanna take pics and load them up. Even when I did have the pics, then I feel double lazy to load them up lor. Aiyah. How hor like this? Tsk tsk tsk.
On top ot that, I have an extreme case of temper fluctuation which may HARM my readers, both directly and indirectly. =P
I'm also having problems with my ISP at home (meaning I can't stay logged online for more than 5 minutes without having the fucking thing turning on and off, on and off, on and off. Ptfff!!!)
But but but!!! That doesn't mean I'm dead lor. I'm very much alive ler. Just that each time I reached home, I'm so beat I ended up in bed, snoring in a matter of minutes. Like an old worn out mother pig lor. Aiyoyo.
Bad influence ler?
*looks into the mirror*
And I look fat fat too. Aiyo. How?
Ai. Nia mind lar. I'm still alive mar. Good or not? *grins*
I'll try to kick myself to upload all those piccies and write post about them tonite lar. You say lar wookay or not?
Wei? Wei? wei? wei?!!
I have the tendency to that recently. =P
I don't think you're upset over that, rite? RITE?
I just went to get a 'breather'... that lasted longer than I expected.
The breather here refers to:-
- Eating (breakfast, lunch & dinner + morning snack + afternoon snack + midnite snack) everyDAY
- Cruising (went cruising all over Kuching, stretched all the way to Samarahan too!) whole day
- Shop shop shop
- See look see look
Have I told you guys that my last day in the OLD company was on last Wednesday? Oh boy, I never thought I'd be so relieved to be gone from THAT company. I'll post up a separate story once I get to write it. It has to do with that "such a mess" post I did previously.
I had dinner with my ex-colleagues last nite. Seafood. Food only so so lar. But the gifts!!! Oh the gifts!!! I love them. Ehem. *giggles* There are 2 gifts. I'll post the pics up later tonite too.
I'm quite lazy lar. So pin tua wanna take pics and load them up. Even when I did have the pics, then I feel double lazy to load them up lor. Aiyah. How hor like this? Tsk tsk tsk.
On top ot that, I have an extreme case of temper fluctuation which may HARM my readers, both directly and indirectly. =P
I'm also having problems with my ISP at home (meaning I can't stay logged online for more than 5 minutes without having the fucking thing turning on and off, on and off, on and off. Ptfff!!!)
But but but!!! That doesn't mean I'm dead lor. I'm very much alive ler. Just that each time I reached home, I'm so beat I ended up in bed, snoring in a matter of minutes. Like an old worn out mother pig lor. Aiyoyo.
Bad influence ler?
*looks into the mirror*
And I look fat fat too. Aiyo. How?
Ai. Nia mind lar. I'm still alive mar. Good or not? *grins*
I'll try to kick myself to upload all those piccies and write post about them tonite lar. You say lar wookay or not?
Wei? Wei? wei? wei?!!
Monday, June 18, 2007
such a mess
This is my 1st attempt posting through my pda, so it will be short.
I heard a very disturbing set of rumors this morning that sent my internal alarm bells off.
It's such a mess. I'm troubled. Why can't I just leave in peace? AAAaaarrrggghhh!!!
I heard a very disturbing set of rumors this morning that sent my internal alarm bells off.
It's such a mess. I'm troubled. Why can't I just leave in peace? AAAaaarrrggghhh!!!
Friday, June 15, 2007
I'm home I'm home I'm home!!!!!!!!!
It's so good to be home!!!!!!!!!!
Had dinner with family and relatives. Then went cruising the town and bought lotsa ice cream for desert.
Now I'm full and sleepy and soooo contented I don't wanna do anything else! Except sleep.
*climbs into her bed to sleep*
Awwwww... I'll post more tomorrow. Really! Till then, oyasumi nasai!
It's so good to be home!!!!!!!!!!
Had dinner with family and relatives. Then went cruising the town and bought lotsa ice cream for desert.
Now I'm full and sleepy and soooo contented I don't wanna do anything else! Except sleep.
*climbs into her bed to sleep*
Awwwww... I'll post more tomorrow. Really! Till then, oyasumi nasai!
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Thursday really saves me! LOL
I've been very busy today. Fixed everything that I could. Packing starts at 6.30 PM.
I know I have lots of stuffs to pack, but never this much! Gosh! I am messy! I hope I'll be able to get enough sleep tonight!
I charged my digicam batteries while packing. I'm hoping to snap some Sarikei photos before I left this place for good tomorrow morning.
And nope. I won't miss this place. At all. That I can assure you. Muahahaha!
Ok. Time to continue packing. I've taken enough rest already.
I've also been sneezing non-stop but the thought of going home somehow tones down my misery. Wakaka
I can't wait to go home!!! =D
I've been very busy today. Fixed everything that I could. Packing starts at 6.30 PM.
I know I have lots of stuffs to pack, but never this much! Gosh! I am messy! I hope I'll be able to get enough sleep tonight!
I charged my digicam batteries while packing. I'm hoping to snap some Sarikei photos before I left this place for good tomorrow morning.
And nope. I won't miss this place. At all. That I can assure you. Muahahaha!
Ok. Time to continue packing. I've taken enough rest already.
I've also been sneezing non-stop but the thought of going home somehow tones down my misery. Wakaka
I can't wait to go home!!! =D
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
bad mood
I'm in quite a bad mood today.
It rained very heavily this morning and afternoon.
The weather's so cold my wounds (from my blasted fractured right foot) ache non-stop.
Every little thing pissed me off.
People riding on a motorbike while listening to their handphones INSIDE their helmets.
The idiots who drove 20 kmh in front of me + On a straight main road some more!!!
Those darn dogs that howled and cried non-stop in the frigging rain. Maybe they'd just been castrated and were looking for their balls in the middle of the fucking rain?
The fact that it's so hard for me to open my own comment box sends me in a fit of anger.
Streamyx on and off, on and off, on and off the very same way human breath in and out, in and out, in and out. TU-LAN.
Government servants salary raise up to 30% or was it 35%? Why the fuck do they get raises when they give lousy services to us taxpayers (remember the black, sour, long faces WITH NO SMILE AND arrogant retorts and comments to our queries), who paid their fucking salaries with our HARD EARNED tax money??? Not to mention the fact that they are so damn bloody I N C O M P E T E N T in their works, thus causing queues as long as dragons in every possible counter??? On top of that, they get house loans, car loans, loan this loan that. Pui!!! (Ok ok. Not all of them, but MOST of them are like that!!!)
My mum who NEVER gets what I'm talking about, and when she DOES GET what I mean, she's more worried over trivial things instead of the fucking BIG PROBLEM looming over me!
Why can't mothers just SEE the big picture?! Instead, they spotted the tiny speckle of dust near the bloody frame and fuss over that. Yeah, dusts that can be wiped off and be gone just at the snap of your fingers.
I'm contemplating the very idea of staying mute for at least one month. I'm fed up of talking. With morons. Especially! And I'm fed up of repeating myself over and over and over and over and over and over... *infinity loop*
Maybe I should get those punching sand bag and a pair of gloves. Each time I'm pissed I'll just go beat the pulp out of that bag.
I'm also thinking of how nice it would be if I could just get a baseball bat and send the stupid irritating dogs OUT OF FIELD. Or maybe out of life seems MUCH BETTER.
Have I mentioned that I hate kids/toddlers who cries and cries and cries and cries...
KNN. How the hell did they do that? Crying WHOLE DAY long. I hope they grow up blind from the excessive crying that they had. They so fucking deserve it. Cheebye kia.
If that damn kid is in front of me, I'll slap slap slap slap slap slap slap slap his face till he stops crying. If not, I'll feed him lots and lots and lots of chillies till his lips are totally swollen. He likes to cry mar. I'll let him cry PUAS-PUAS!!! And if he screams so much till I damn tu-lan, I'll just slit his throat open wide wide and sapu lotsa salt onto his wounds and end his bloody misery. There. Habis cerita. End of story. Game over. Cipet.
Today is just so fucking lame. It's worse than Mondays. *cradles head*
Thursday please come quick! I need Thursday to save me!!!
Disclaimer : No child was harmed in the production of this post. The same applies to the dogs too. Whatever stated here was merely a fraction of the writer's WILD and totally DARK imagination which has NEVER BEEN PRACTICED in reality.
It rained very heavily this morning and afternoon.
The weather's so cold my wounds (from my blasted fractured right foot) ache non-stop.
Every little thing pissed me off.
People riding on a motorbike while listening to their handphones INSIDE their helmets.
The idiots who drove 20 kmh in front of me + On a straight main road some more!!!
Those darn dogs that howled and cried non-stop in the frigging rain. Maybe they'd just been castrated and were looking for their balls in the middle of the fucking rain?
The fact that it's so hard for me to open my own comment box sends me in a fit of anger.
Streamyx on and off, on and off, on and off the very same way human breath in and out, in and out, in and out. TU-LAN.
Government servants salary raise up to 30% or was it 35%? Why the fuck do they get raises when they give lousy services to us taxpayers (remember the black, sour, long faces WITH NO SMILE AND arrogant retorts and comments to our queries), who paid their fucking salaries with our HARD EARNED tax money??? Not to mention the fact that they are so damn bloody I N C O M P E T E N T in their works, thus causing queues as long as dragons in every possible counter??? On top of that, they get house loans, car loans, loan this loan that. Pui!!! (Ok ok. Not all of them, but MOST of them are like that!!!)
My mum who NEVER gets what I'm talking about, and when she DOES GET what I mean, she's more worried over trivial things instead of the fucking BIG PROBLEM looming over me!
Why can't mothers just SEE the big picture?! Instead, they spotted the tiny speckle of dust near the bloody frame and fuss over that. Yeah, dusts that can be wiped off and be gone just at the snap of your fingers.
I'm contemplating the very idea of staying mute for at least one month. I'm fed up of talking. With morons. Especially! And I'm fed up of repeating myself over and over and over and over and over and over... *infinity loop*
Maybe I should get those punching sand bag and a pair of gloves. Each time I'm pissed I'll just go beat the pulp out of that bag.
I'm also thinking of how nice it would be if I could just get a baseball bat and send the stupid irritating dogs OUT OF FIELD. Or maybe out of life seems MUCH BETTER.
Have I mentioned that I hate kids/toddlers who cries and cries and cries and cries...
KNN. How the hell did they do that? Crying WHOLE DAY long. I hope they grow up blind from the excessive crying that they had. They so fucking deserve it. Cheebye kia.
If that damn kid is in front of me, I'll slap slap slap slap slap slap slap slap his face till he stops crying. If not, I'll feed him lots and lots and lots of chillies till his lips are totally swollen. He likes to cry mar. I'll let him cry PUAS-PUAS!!! And if he screams so much till I damn tu-lan, I'll just slit his throat open wide wide and sapu lotsa salt onto his wounds and end his bloody misery. There. Habis cerita. End of story. Game over. Cipet.
Today is just so fucking lame. It's worse than Mondays. *cradles head*
Thursday please come quick! I need Thursday to save me!!!
Disclaimer : No child was harmed in the production of this post. The same applies to the dogs too. Whatever stated here was merely a fraction of the writer's WILD and totally DARK imagination which has NEVER BEEN PRACTICED in reality.
Monday, June 11, 2007
weird phonecallsss...
I've been getting lots of that lately. Weird phone calls. Weird sms. Almost everyday. And at the most annoying of times.
Some of them started off like this:-
Cayang, I manyak cinta sama u. Why you tdk reply I sudah. U tak cayang sama I lagi ke?
Or this:-
Wei, why you treat me like that? You don't remember me? Neh, I'm the cute cute one in Miri here jek. Continues to make moaning sound.
Eeee!!!! You know what? All my hairs stand up straight straight listening to calls like that!
See char bor!
Chao char bor!
Gong char bor!
Siao char bor!
I really mou ngan tai. It's obvious the guys ditched you all stupid gals already and here you are, calling my phone number, moaning like some goddamn cheap horny cats by the alley. I siram you with hot boiling water baru you tau!
The worst is the second caller featured above. She's a chinese (you bring shame to chinese gals I tell you!!!) from Miri and she kept calling me (like so blardy rajin like that) continuously and especially when I was busy at the site until I hafta bark into the phone :
How many times do I have to tell you that you got the wrong number you siao char bor, gong char bor, you see char bor you!!! I'm a gal lar wei, not guy lar cipet you! Ki-si-lar lu! Chao ku liu! KNNCCB!!!
If she called me again I'd put up her phone number on those porn sites and have those horny guys screw her to death! Damn tulan I tell you!
Another Malay gal also kept calling my number not so long ago. She called and called and called and said all those nonsense. In the end, I took revenge by answering ALL of her phone calls and entertained her to the sound of wind howling, radio blasting and strange farting noises. It satisfies me immensely to learn that the silly bitch is actually wasting her money by having me answering her calls. Muahahaha!
She never called me back since then.
And today, I got another weird call. Don't get me wrong. It's not one of those si anu anu, but this person, I sort of know her cause I've dealt with her several times over the phone. Today, she sounded so frustrated and was so whiny and all that. So much so my eyes nearly fell out when I heard what she said. Here's part of the conversation. She's red. I'm blue. ;P
Miss. xxx, I've been trying to call your office in Kch for so many times and nobody answers my calls. Why?! Why?!! WHY?!
O.o ... -_-'' .... *silence*
I called your xxx Department also nobody answers the phone. Is your receptionist on leave or something happened or what? Is she dead?
Erm... who are you trying to reach?
(Totally ignoring me).. I've also tried again and again to call your PM (Mousie lor) but how come he never answers the phone oneee?!!! Why isn't anybody in your office answering my phone calls???! Why?! What's going on?!!!
=.='' Hey, I answered you... Just...
(She cuts me off) But it's so frustrating you know! I've been wasting all my time trying to reach all of you and you..... bla bla bla bla bla
Hold on hold on. Allow me to explain, ok? FYI, our company is currently moving to a new office so the telephone line's probably still not up yet. What with renovation and all those stuffs. *pause*
As for my PM, he's ALWAYS like that. He hardly answers any of our phone calls. Probably scared of phones gua... *pause*
As for the people you're trying to reach, just tell me the names and I'll give you their phone numbers if I have them. If not, I'll give you other direct lines where you may be able to reach or get hold of them. If you still can't get them then gimme a shout and I'll fix that for you. How does that sound like to you?
She then proceeded to give me the names of the people she wanted to contact.
Weird or not? Either she's been under tremendous pressure or she's getting the Monday blues just like Garfield.
The last weird call I can handle. No problem. But not those from horny gals who definitely needs spanking. Euuu!!! So gatal!
I'm so blardy tulan when I get those calls. How do you deal with them lar? Any good ideas or not?
Some of them started off like this:-
Cayang, I manyak cinta sama u. Why you tdk reply I sudah. U tak cayang sama I lagi ke?
Or this:-
Wei, why you treat me like that? You don't remember me? Neh, I'm the cute cute one in Miri here jek. Continues to make moaning sound.
Eeee!!!! You know what? All my hairs stand up straight straight listening to calls like that!
See char bor!
Chao char bor!
Gong char bor!
Siao char bor!
I really mou ngan tai. It's obvious the guys ditched you all stupid gals already and here you are, calling my phone number, moaning like some goddamn cheap horny cats by the alley. I siram you with hot boiling water baru you tau!
The worst is the second caller featured above. She's a chinese (you bring shame to chinese gals I tell you!!!) from Miri and she kept calling me (like so blardy rajin like that) continuously and especially when I was busy at the site until I hafta bark into the phone :
How many times do I have to tell you that you got the wrong number you siao char bor, gong char bor, you see char bor you!!! I'm a gal lar wei, not guy lar cipet you! Ki-si-lar lu! Chao ku liu! KNNCCB!!!
If she called me again I'd put up her phone number on those porn sites and have those horny guys screw her to death! Damn tulan I tell you!
Another Malay gal also kept calling my number not so long ago. She called and called and called and said all those nonsense. In the end, I took revenge by answering ALL of her phone calls and entertained her to the sound of wind howling, radio blasting and strange farting noises. It satisfies me immensely to learn that the silly bitch is actually wasting her money by having me answering her calls. Muahahaha!
She never called me back since then.
And today, I got another weird call. Don't get me wrong. It's not one of those si anu anu, but this person, I sort of know her cause I've dealt with her several times over the phone. Today, she sounded so frustrated and was so whiny and all that. So much so my eyes nearly fell out when I heard what she said. Here's part of the conversation. She's red. I'm blue. ;P
Miss. xxx, I've been trying to call your office in Kch for so many times and nobody answers my calls. Why?! Why?!! WHY?!
O.o ... -_-'' .... *silence*
I called your xxx Department also nobody answers the phone. Is your receptionist on leave or something happened or what? Is she dead?
Erm... who are you trying to reach?
(Totally ignoring me).. I've also tried again and again to call your PM (Mousie lor) but how come he never answers the phone oneee?!!! Why isn't anybody in your office answering my phone calls???! Why?! What's going on?!!!
=.='' Hey, I answered you... Just...
(She cuts me off) But it's so frustrating you know! I've been wasting all my time trying to reach all of you and you..... bla bla bla bla bla
Hold on hold on. Allow me to explain, ok? FYI, our company is currently moving to a new office so the telephone line's probably still not up yet. What with renovation and all those stuffs. *pause*
As for my PM, he's ALWAYS like that. He hardly answers any of our phone calls. Probably scared of phones gua... *pause*
As for the people you're trying to reach, just tell me the names and I'll give you their phone numbers if I have them. If not, I'll give you other direct lines where you may be able to reach or get hold of them. If you still can't get them then gimme a shout and I'll fix that for you. How does that sound like to you?
She then proceeded to give me the names of the people she wanted to contact.
Weird or not? Either she's been under tremendous pressure or she's getting the Monday blues just like Garfield.
The last weird call I can handle. No problem. But not those from horny gals who definitely needs spanking. Euuu!!! So gatal!
I'm so blardy tulan when I get those calls. How do you deal with them lar? Any good ideas or not?
I have to start packing today.
I'm going back to Kuching this Friday.
Will hand over everything to my Kuching HQ office on coming Monday.
My last day is probably either on next week's Wednesday, Thursday or Friday.
Can't wait for Friday to come!!! ^___________^
But 1st, I gotta clear my room room and office here first.
Lotsa works lei. *sulks*
I'm going back to Kuching this Friday.
Will hand over everything to my Kuching HQ office on coming Monday.
My last day is probably either on next week's Wednesday, Thursday or Friday.
Can't wait for Friday to come!!! ^___________^
But 1st, I gotta clear my room room and office here first.
Lotsa works lei. *sulks*
Sunday, June 10, 2007
accidents everywhere
I've just came back from Sibu. I drove back on my own from Sibu to Sarikei. Halfway through though, I came across a terrible accident.
The white Kancil was upside down (not like overturned turtle, more like its lying on its side) and the passenger(s) were out. On the road.
I didn't really look or stare or anything. I tried to divert my eyes and pretended nothing was there.
The truth is, there were close to 10 cars stopping by both sides of the roads to get a better view. 2 fully loaded buses too. Yes. They stopped their vehicles, came out and walked all the way to the scene to check things out.
Gross!! Why the fuck are people so kaypoh one?
And then I noticed a reporter. With my trained eyes, I can easily spot those busybodies/fucking reporters even before they flash out their goddamn cameras. The way they hurriedly walked/jogged to the scene, eager faces, hands always on their bag/pouch or whatever shit it is that housed their cameras.
A woman was lying on her side (her back facing me when I passed by the scene). I also noticed some by-passers digging out stuffs from the overturned white kancil and then piling them up on top of her.
Does that mean she's dead?
I bet other passengers have been sent to the nearest hospital. The woman lying there could not be the driver.
How do I know? Through my 6th sense lor. You choy meh? If wrong mah wrong lor. No need to die one!
Before reaching the scene, I saw 2 very long, black, fresh tyre tracks on the road. Skidding marks. Kinda like those stuffs you see on CSI series. It means the car was traveling super fast and then suddenly braked and skidded off the road. And then overturned and all those bla bla bla shits. Otherwise you wouldn't see those tracks on the road.
I'm glad that I watched CSI and can sorta guess what happened earlier. The scene and everything. On the other hand, I'm not as glad cause the imagination is scaring me so much I refused to look further or any longer just now and I cowardly just eased off, putting more distance between me and the accident scene.
And to those damn toto/big sweep/number buyers - NOPE. I didn't even notice the vehicle number.
This incident reminds me of the accidents that I saw last few weeks. It was the recent trip I took back to Kuching and as usual, I boarded a bus. And choy choy choy! I saw 4 accidents along the road. Well 3 accidents actually. The other one is just a car breakdown.
Here's what I remember about those accidents:-
One involving a red Hilux which tried to overtake the car in front of it without realizing our bus which was overtaking at the same time too. The Hilux driver was so shocked upon noticing the bus when he turned out that he made a sudden lunge to the left side and then wham! His whole car was spinning uncontrollably and ended up in the longkang on the left side of the road. Lucky for him it's only a drain there! The ravine is on the right side!!! He should thank whatever God he is worshiping BIG TIME!!!
Second one involves a Kancil (as well duh!). It was stuck inside the huge drain by the roadside. The whole car was INSIDE the drain! Apparently, the driver lost control of the car and somehow ended up trapped inside the drain. I noticed that they unwound the windows in order to climb out from the Kancil. They couldn't open the doors!
Third one was a nasty accident as well. I can't remember the details but a Kancil was involved as well (damn Kancil drivers). Half of its body was totally crushed like a matchbox. The tow truck was there to haul it back for repair. I doubt they can ever repair that piece of shit ever. It'll probably ended up being metal scrap. And I doubt the driver or passenger in front can survive. They're probably in the bilik mayat (translate : mortuary) by now.
Fourth one wasn't an accident. The car just broke down in the middle of nowhere. The poor driver. He should have checked his vehicle before traveling. *sigh*
Each time I traveled, I was so worried that I won't be able to make it safely back home! The way THAT particular bus driver drives, I'm never ever gonna take ANY bus from that company ever! Pui!
And each time I'm driving, it doesn't matter how safely I drive. I'm worried that other MORONS of a driver will ram their car into me! Or the damn trailer carrying those humongous kayu balak will somehow has a loose piece. Imagine those huge shits falling down from the fucking trailer onto you when you're trailing behind it. Fuck! You'd be a goner in seconds!
Damn lousy Sarawak roads and KNN drivers are everywhere! Aiyoh! No peace I tell you NO PEACE!!!
*slaps forehead*
The white Kancil was upside down (not like overturned turtle, more like its lying on its side) and the passenger(s) were out. On the road.
I didn't really look or stare or anything. I tried to divert my eyes and pretended nothing was there.
The truth is, there were close to 10 cars stopping by both sides of the roads to get a better view. 2 fully loaded buses too. Yes. They stopped their vehicles, came out and walked all the way to the scene to check things out.
Gross!! Why the fuck are people so kaypoh one?
And then I noticed a reporter. With my trained eyes, I can easily spot those busybodies/fucking reporters even before they flash out their goddamn cameras. The way they hurriedly walked/jogged to the scene, eager faces, hands always on their bag/pouch or whatever shit it is that housed their cameras.
A woman was lying on her side (her back facing me when I passed by the scene). I also noticed some by-passers digging out stuffs from the overturned white kancil and then piling them up on top of her.
Does that mean she's dead?
I bet other passengers have been sent to the nearest hospital. The woman lying there could not be the driver.
How do I know? Through my 6th sense lor. You choy meh? If wrong mah wrong lor. No need to die one!
Before reaching the scene, I saw 2 very long, black, fresh tyre tracks on the road. Skidding marks. Kinda like those stuffs you see on CSI series. It means the car was traveling super fast and then suddenly braked and skidded off the road. And then overturned and all those bla bla bla shits. Otherwise you wouldn't see those tracks on the road.
I'm glad that I watched CSI and can sorta guess what happened earlier. The scene and everything. On the other hand, I'm not as glad cause the imagination is scaring me so much I refused to look further or any longer just now and I cowardly just eased off, putting more distance between me and the accident scene.
And to those damn toto/big sweep/number buyers - NOPE. I didn't even notice the vehicle number.
This incident reminds me of the accidents that I saw last few weeks. It was the recent trip I took back to Kuching and as usual, I boarded a bus. And choy choy choy! I saw 4 accidents along the road. Well 3 accidents actually. The other one is just a car breakdown.
Here's what I remember about those accidents:-
One involving a red Hilux which tried to overtake the car in front of it without realizing our bus which was overtaking at the same time too. The Hilux driver was so shocked upon noticing the bus when he turned out that he made a sudden lunge to the left side and then wham! His whole car was spinning uncontrollably and ended up in the longkang on the left side of the road. Lucky for him it's only a drain there! The ravine is on the right side!!! He should thank whatever God he is worshiping BIG TIME!!!
Second one involves a Kancil (as well duh!). It was stuck inside the huge drain by the roadside. The whole car was INSIDE the drain! Apparently, the driver lost control of the car and somehow ended up trapped inside the drain. I noticed that they unwound the windows in order to climb out from the Kancil. They couldn't open the doors!
Third one was a nasty accident as well. I can't remember the details but a Kancil was involved as well (damn Kancil drivers). Half of its body was totally crushed like a matchbox. The tow truck was there to haul it back for repair. I doubt they can ever repair that piece of shit ever. It'll probably ended up being metal scrap. And I doubt the driver or passenger in front can survive. They're probably in the bilik mayat (translate : mortuary) by now.
Fourth one wasn't an accident. The car just broke down in the middle of nowhere. The poor driver. He should have checked his vehicle before traveling. *sigh*
Each time I traveled, I was so worried that I won't be able to make it safely back home! The way THAT particular bus driver drives, I'm never ever gonna take ANY bus from that company ever! Pui!
And each time I'm driving, it doesn't matter how safely I drive. I'm worried that other MORONS of a driver will ram their car into me! Or the damn trailer carrying those humongous kayu balak will somehow has a loose piece. Imagine those huge shits falling down from the fucking trailer onto you when you're trailing behind it. Fuck! You'd be a goner in seconds!
Damn lousy Sarawak roads and KNN drivers are everywhere! Aiyoh! No peace I tell you NO PEACE!!!
*slaps forehead*
Thursday, June 7, 2007
those neighbours again
They have been singing dangdut shits for the past 3 fucking hours non-stop I'm getting dizzy just listening to their monotone and ever so lousy off-key vocals my ears feel like dropping down and close shop and I so wanna tembak them!!!!!!
I don't mind being deaf now.
They have been singing dangdut shits for the past 3 fucking hours non-stop I'm getting dizzy just listening to their monotone and ever so lousy off-key vocals my ears feel like dropping down and close shop and I so wanna tembak them!!!!!!
I don't mind being deaf now.
Do I know you? - Part 2
I got that today. Again.
Another guy looked at me happily, expecting me to remember him. Haiya, maybe I got a twins somewhere else hor? Eeee... wei, twin wei, you now this guy anot ar? *point* *point*
I just stared at him blankly.
He looks familiar but I can't recall.
Guy : Aik?! Tidak ingat ka? (translate : Huh? Don't remember?)
No. You're okay looking but not super duper hensem till I masuk longkang while walking so sorry lar, I can't remember lor. By the way, that's an old trick guys used to use on gals right? Hmm something's not right.
Again, I looked dumbly at him. *blink* *blink*
He stared at me in disbelief and I just left cuz I was in a hurry to do my tasks and time was running out.
Am I having amnesia? Or am I really that famous? Wakakaka. So many people know me and I can't even remember their names lar.
On 2nd thought... Muahahaha. Cannot be ler. Haiya. I'm definitely not famous. But the thing is, they got my name, title, working place and post all right. They even know the car I'm driving, where I'm living and the projects I'm involved in and places I've been traveling to. Sounds scarry? That's why I prefer to blog without any references to my real name lor. Aiyoh. Imagine the chaos when ALL of them found out about my blog. In reality, one would be enough. That's my doom liao.
I'd definitely be in TROUBLE.
Deep shit. Yeah.
Tsk tsk tsk.
So those of you who know me in person, keep quiet and dun tell anybody ar! Otherwise, I'll have no choice but to kill you!!!
I'm in trouble. Seriously. These amnesia of mine is scaring me bit by bit. I just remembered that I can't remember the names of the twins I had dinner with last Sunday. I only remember their surname and last names. But not their first names. Oh wait. I'm not sure about the last name of the other one either. OMFG!!! Taskete kudasai!!! (translate : Help please! ---> in Japanese)
*bangs head to the nearest wall*
Another guy looked at me happily, expecting me to remember him. Haiya, maybe I got a twins somewhere else hor? Eeee... wei, twin wei, you now this guy anot ar? *point* *point*
I just stared at him blankly.
He looks familiar but I can't recall.
Guy : Aik?! Tidak ingat ka? (translate : Huh? Don't remember?)
No. You're okay looking but not super duper hensem till I masuk longkang while walking so sorry lar, I can't remember lor. By the way, that's an old trick guys used to use on gals right? Hmm something's not right.
Again, I looked dumbly at him. *blink* *blink*
He stared at me in disbelief and I just left cuz I was in a hurry to do my tasks and time was running out.
Am I having amnesia? Or am I really that famous? Wakakaka. So many people know me and I can't even remember their names lar.
On 2nd thought... Muahahaha. Cannot be ler. Haiya. I'm definitely not famous. But the thing is, they got my name, title, working place and post all right. They even know the car I'm driving, where I'm living and the projects I'm involved in and places I've been traveling to. Sounds scarry? That's why I prefer to blog without any references to my real name lor. Aiyoh. Imagine the chaos when ALL of them found out about my blog. In reality, one would be enough. That's my doom liao.
I'd definitely be in TROUBLE.
Deep shit. Yeah.
Tsk tsk tsk.
So those of you who know me in person, keep quiet and dun tell anybody ar! Otherwise, I'll have no choice but to kill you!!!
I'm in trouble. Seriously. These amnesia of mine is scaring me bit by bit. I just remembered that I can't remember the names of the twins I had dinner with last Sunday. I only remember their surname and last names. But not their first names. Oh wait. I'm not sure about the last name of the other one either. OMFG!!! Taskete kudasai!!! (translate : Help please! ---> in Japanese)
*bangs head to the nearest wall*
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Things to do
I have quite a number of things to do tomorrow. They are:-
ps : The days are easier to pass now cuz half of the zoo went on hols wor. By the time they come back, I'll be preparing to leave for a new zoo! Kekekeke... But hor, old zoo got stories, new zoo also got stories. I'll blog about it next time lar. Make sure you come back for more nyah!
- Retrieve car from col
- Pay utility bills of the office and house rentals (due date is 7.06.07 and fuck, I hate paying bills!!! Even if it's not mineee)
- Prepare summary for Petty Cash (headache lar. Gimme panadol quick quick!)
- Prepare Minutes of Meeting (for submission to Mousie, Owl & Client. Ps : Mousie can't write the Minutes of Meeting even if you threaten to fire him if he can't. LOL)
- Monitor Interim Claim shits (just submitted to HQ and they called me again this morning, the way they used to call each goddamn time we're about to submit Interim Claim, asking the normal shits - how many copies ar? send to whom ar? whom shall we get to send ar? O.o Like that oso hafta ask me? Niamah!!! And then... when ar? what ar? how ar? I've repeatedly told them the same kausai every fucking time and do they ever listen? Nope. They took ME for granted, expecting me to be there ALL the time. The very reason why I call them morons and I'd enjoy laughing my head off the next time they hafta do those shits without me around. Mwahahaha!!!)
- Return all library books (due date is 7.06.07 *sulks*)
- Call HR manager of current company (they want a chat wor... why only bother to chat when your staffs are leaving?? blur nyeh... )
- Call Owl for permission to return one car rental
- Call car rental company to make necessary arrangements
- Start cleaning my Lappy (transferring files and uninstalling all the games I had inside =P)
- Go to site. Sit there. Or stand. Watch. Listen. Think. Remember. Then... talk talk talk chat chat chat chit chat chit chat chit chat pot pet pot pet pot pet pot pet bli bla bli bla bli bla bleh bleh blur
- Then go eat. Bath. ZzZzZz liao...
ps : The days are easier to pass now cuz half of the zoo went on hols wor. By the time they come back, I'll be preparing to leave for a new zoo! Kekekeke... But hor, old zoo got stories, new zoo also got stories. I'll blog about it next time lar. Make sure you come back for more nyah!
Do I know you?
How many times have you come across people who greeted you cheerfully as if they've known you for years and you have absolutely no idea who they are? Or perhaps the said person somehow seems familiar but you simply can't remember where or when you've met them even if your life depended on it?
I always have that problem. I'm very poor in recognizing people and most often than not, I always greeted the wrong person. After making the same mistakes several times (and embarrassing the living daylights out of myself) I've finally succumbed to NOT greet them at all. Even if they look VERY familiar to me. As long as I'm not sure who they are, I'm all quiet and silent. Maybe I'll flash them a polite smile. Maybe. Just maybe.
I mean what do you normally do in such a situation? Apologizing sounds like a jerk. If you ask them who they are then you'd ended up looking dumb. And forgetful. And careless. If you ignore them then you're arrogant. So what to do?
I was greeted by a middle aged looking gentleman this morning while I was having my breakfast of porridge in the kopitiam near my office. Running out of option, I just stared at him as if he's just popped out of nowhere (he really just popped out of nowhere). He looked surprised and asked me:-
Him : Why didn't you join us for bible study anymore?
Me : O.o ... Oh, I've been very busy. (so he's one of the church member)
Him : Oh I see.
Me : .......
He disappeared just as suddenly as he appeared. I dunno where the heck he went after the words exchange.
So, does that mean staring works? Another option would be to just sit there and looking dumbly at him until he offered some sort of explanation. Question is, can I really do that? Can I muster up enough courage to look dumb enough to just get the stupid clue out of whoever it is standing in front of me?
Maybe not.
Then again, simply asking them "Who are you?" or "Do I know you?" or "Have we met before?" sounds very rude. No? Don't you agree?
I dunno what else to do. And I hate it each time I'm caught in situations like these. It's very... uncomfortable. *sigh* -___-'' What say you?
I always have that problem. I'm very poor in recognizing people and most often than not, I always greeted the wrong person. After making the same mistakes several times (and embarrassing the living daylights out of myself) I've finally succumbed to NOT greet them at all. Even if they look VERY familiar to me. As long as I'm not sure who they are, I'm all quiet and silent. Maybe I'll flash them a polite smile. Maybe. Just maybe.
I mean what do you normally do in such a situation? Apologizing sounds like a jerk. If you ask them who they are then you'd ended up looking dumb. And forgetful. And careless. If you ignore them then you're arrogant. So what to do?
I was greeted by a middle aged looking gentleman this morning while I was having my breakfast of porridge in the kopitiam near my office. Running out of option, I just stared at him as if he's just popped out of nowhere (he really just popped out of nowhere). He looked surprised and asked me:-
Him : Why didn't you join us for bible study anymore?
Me : O.o ... Oh, I've been very busy. (so he's one of the church member)
Him : Oh I see.
Me : .......
He disappeared just as suddenly as he appeared. I dunno where the heck he went after the words exchange.
So, does that mean staring works? Another option would be to just sit there and looking dumbly at him until he offered some sort of explanation. Question is, can I really do that? Can I muster up enough courage to look dumb enough to just get the stupid clue out of whoever it is standing in front of me?
Maybe not.
Then again, simply asking them "Who are you?" or "Do I know you?" or "Have we met before?" sounds very rude. No? Don't you agree?
I dunno what else to do. And I hate it each time I'm caught in situations like these. It's very... uncomfortable. *sigh* -___-'' What say you?
Monday, June 4, 2007
no comment replies
Ladies & Gentlemen,
I have an announcement to make.
I'm having problem opening my own comment box and therefore, won't be able to reply any comments until I've successfully opened the damn comment box.
I've also heard complaints from my dear readers about how difficult it is for them to open up my comment box.
Go blame blogger. Or streamyx. Don't blame me.
As the owner of this blog, I'm also experiencing problems opening it up myself. I totally feel for you guys.
But thanks for reading up till here.
You're really patient!
Hope you'd be patient enough to wait till I managed to pry the damn box open for comments/replies.
Thank you for your time.
Enjoy yourself ya!
I have an announcement to make.
I'm having problem opening my own comment box and therefore, won't be able to reply any comments until I've successfully opened the damn comment box.
I've also heard complaints from my dear readers about how difficult it is for them to open up my comment box.
Go blame blogger. Or streamyx. Don't blame me.
As the owner of this blog, I'm also experiencing problems opening it up myself. I totally feel for you guys.
But thanks for reading up till here.
You're really patient!
Hope you'd be patient enough to wait till I managed to pry the damn box open for comments/replies.
Thank you for your time.
Enjoy yourself ya!
messed up labels
I'm thinking of re-arranging my labels/categories again. It feels wrong. It feels so messy. Something is missing. I got a feel something's ain't right, but I'm not sure what.
Ideas or suggestions? Anyone??
Hmmm. Maybe I wanna change my blog theme too. Just maybe. Hmmm...
*still thinking*
Ideas or suggestions? Anyone??
Hmmm. Maybe I wanna change my blog theme too. Just maybe. Hmmm...
*still thinking*
stuffy nose
Do you know how difficult it is to sleep with a totally blocked nose? Or stuffy nose? Or running nose?
Fret not. Cuz you ain't getting any sleep if you have either one of them. And guess what?
I have them all! One go. Stuffy, totally blocked AND running nose.
I hate my nose now. NOW!
I'll be having problem sleeping again tonight. *cries*
How I wish I could take it off and rinse it thoroughly and then put it out to dry before I install it right back where it belongs.
How I wish God invented us like machines or those Gundams where you can just take off the parts or faulty joints and then service them back to perfection. That would have saved us so much money and time on doctors!!!
The next time God wanna invent something, I hope he takes me as his assistant. =P
Fret not. Cuz you ain't getting any sleep if you have either one of them. And guess what?
I have them all! One go. Stuffy, totally blocked AND running nose.
I hate my nose now. NOW!
I'll be having problem sleeping again tonight. *cries*
How I wish I could take it off and rinse it thoroughly and then put it out to dry before I install it right back where it belongs.
How I wish God invented us like machines or those Gundams where you can just take off the parts or faulty joints and then service them back to perfection. That would have saved us so much money and time on doctors!!!
The next time God wanna invent something, I hope he takes me as his assistant. =P
twitter gone bonkers?
I'm having problem with my twitter. I tried to log on for close to one week and I only managed to log on just now. After trying for the entire morning and noon time too.
My email addy & password are corrreeecccttttt ler. Checked the caps too. Even double checked the password wor. And username wor. What's wrong ar?
blur blur... @.@
My email addy & password are corrreeecccttttt ler. Checked the caps too. Even double checked the password wor. And username wor. What's wrong ar?
blur blur... @.@
Sunday, June 3, 2007
Pirates of the Caribbean : At World's End

*one thumb up for Pirates of the Caribbean*
Nice one. But I still prefer Return of the Mummy 2. That's one of the best in my mind.
But hey, the Pirrrraatteeessss kept me glued to the chair without any whining... AT ALL!!!
Not even the blasted kids cries nor damn teenagers flashing their mobile phones oh so high up in the middle of the movie screen as if they're the only ones with phones on earth can take my eyes off the big screen!
THAT'S gotta be good!
But what really attracted me to watch this movie? I didn't even watch its 2nd movie : Dead Man's Chest.
*drum rolls*
Okok. I like this pose shown in the pic I snatched from here : Keira Knightley as Elizabeth Swann. Dunno why. Can't really explain. But I simply admire girls with guts and those who can wield swords as if they are part of their arms. Especially those who can really fight!!! Yay! Girl Powerrr!!!
Maybe it's quite late for me to say this, but if you haven't watch this movie, then quick quick go buy the tix and watch!
What are you waiting for? Sure good watch ler. I highly recommended it wor. =P
i quit!
That's it.
I resigned.
On May 31, 2007.
It's a one month notice.
My last day would be June 30, 2007.
Minus annual leaves and unrecorded leave and what nots, I maybe able to leave earlier.
I hope I didn't make a mistake though.
Cuz if I did, I'd be chewing my heart out for the next few years!
Damn. I wish I could take a peek into the future! *sigh*
I resigned.
On May 31, 2007.
It's a one month notice.
My last day would be June 30, 2007.
Minus annual leaves and unrecorded leave and what nots, I maybe able to leave earlier.
I hope I didn't make a mistake though.
Cuz if I did, I'd be chewing my heart out for the next few years!
Damn. I wish I could take a peek into the future! *sigh*
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