Monday, June 4, 2007

no comment replies

Ladies & Gentlemen,

I have an announcement to make.

I'm having problem opening my own comment box and therefore, won't be able to reply any comments until I've successfully opened the damn comment box.

I've also heard complaints from my dear readers about how difficult it is for them to open up my comment box.

Go blame blogger. Or streamyx. Don't blame me.

As the owner of this blog, I'm also experiencing problems opening it up myself. I totally feel for you guys.

But thanks for reading up till here.

You're really patient!

Hope you'd be patient enough to wait till I managed to pry the damn box open for comments/replies.

Thank you for your time.

Enjoy yourself ya!


cc said...

Opened the comment box no problem. Is it the browser problem? I am using firefox.

CRIZ LAI said...

I do not have problem opening up your comment box as well. As advised by cc, change to Firefox. It's more stable too.

Wish you luck :)

Anonymous said...

I have slight problem opening the comment box for this posting.. only manage to open it on the 2nd try... ;p

KiBiKiBi said...

cc : I'm using Firefox too wor.

criz lai : I ditched IE ages ago ler. But sometimes, it took me days just to be able to reply comments. *sigh*

wps : Thanks for trying dear dear. At least you're patient, unlike me. Hehehe

Anonymous said...

I noticed the problem on FireFox 1.5.XX

Now I am on FF 2.0, it is much better.
There's another way to get through it though. I noticed that the comment box opens easier if you go into the individual post first. Like for this post, it is

KiBiKiBi said...

ken : I'm using FF to be exact. I hope the problem will cease to exist from now onwards. Haha. But my, that's very observant of you! Thanks for pointing that out. Perhaps now, my other readers can give that a try. Hehehe =)

CRIZ LAI said...

I think blogger is having some problems. I had problems opening as well as posting up comments for the past 3 days. Yours is the hardest to open so far. I made it a habit to CRTL-C the post before I hit submit to avoid retyping :P

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