*one thumb up for Pirates of the Caribbean*
Nice one. But I still prefer Return of the Mummy 2. That's one of the best in my mind.
But hey, the Pirrrraatteeessss kept me glued to the chair without any whining... AT ALL!!!
Not even the blasted kids cries nor damn teenagers flashing their mobile phones oh so high up in the middle of the movie screen as if they're the only ones with phones on earth can take my eyes off the big screen!
THAT'S gotta be good!
But what really attracted me to watch this movie? I didn't even watch its 2nd movie : Dead Man's Chest.
*drum rolls*
Okok. I like this pose shown in the pic I snatched from here : Keira Knightley as Elizabeth Swann. Dunno why. Can't really explain. But I simply admire girls with guts and those who can wield swords as if they are part of their arms. Especially those who can really fight!!! Yay! Girl Powerrr!!!
Maybe it's quite late for me to say this, but if you haven't watch this movie, then quick quick go buy the tix and watch!
What are you waiting for? Sure good watch ler. I highly recommended it wor. =P
Me again! So you'd finally put the hammer down. Good then, one problem solved. ^_~ When are you starting with your new job? 1st July? Or you're gonna take a couple of weeks break before starting?
Hmm ... since you described til the movie is so nice, I'm gonna try to download it to watch. :P I'd watched its first and 2nd ones, so I guess I shouldn't miss out it's third one either.
Gonna try to apply for my own broadband next month. Hope that I'll have enough money for it. Hehe ... it's such a pain having no internet at home. However, I'm gonna have to get a DVD burner if I do get my own broadband next month. Hehe ... the HDD is almost full already cos of all the anime that I download.
Wish you all the best in your career!!! Gambare!!
ooo.. Love Keira Knightley in any kinda poss-ie... ;p
Anonymous : Wei didi. Could you please just put in your nickname ar. Very hard to identify you thru anonymous ler. You know lar, I'm lazy mar. Just put didi or GT or ur usual nick next time you commented yeah? Sankyu!
p/s I'm starting 2nd of July cuz 1st of July is a Sunday. =D
wps : yayaya.. but there are certain angles I prefer more than others... kekeke
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