Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Best AsuCaga AMV ever!!!
*watches amv again and marvelled at it*
It's dang good. I miss AsuCaga terribly!!! Now, when the heck are they gonna release the damn GSD movie??? Grrr....
I'd google for the translation into English of the song used ---> "Mosaic Kakera". Hmm...2nd Ending Theme for Code Geass eh? I'm searching searching!!
In the meantime, enjoy!!!
Updates : Just managed to surf a lil bit and noticed that strike_akabane put up the lyrics + translations + reasons why she (I assume she's a her, pls correct me if I'm wrong) used the scenes in her mini amv. Click here... ^_~
The First Meme In My Blog
70 Questionsss...
1) Are your parents married or divorced?
Of coz married lar. I have a really happy family tau!!!
2) Are you a vegetarian?
No way!!! One day without meat and I'd have shaking knees. It's prohibited NOT to eat meat!!! That's so wrong! And veges scream when they are cut cause they BLEED!!!
3) Do you believe in Heaven?
Yes, why not? Just believe lar, what's so difficult???
4) Have you ever come close to dying?
Yes! Numerous times. Always when I'm behind wheels. Once I nearly became a goner cause of this stupid lorry that suddenly swerved out of its lane just to avoid a damn SHALLOW pool of water! To cut the story short, I did the first 'drifting' of my life, with the car finally stopping after having several dangerously fast spins along the whole dang straight road!
5) What jewellery do you wear 24/7?
My necklace. Can't sleep without it. Dunno why lor, weird eh?
6) Favourite time of day?
Hehe. Feeding time!!! Means whenever I'm eating lar. Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner. Uwah! Heaven!!!
7) Do you eat the stems of broccoli?
Yuck!!! I prefer the 'rambut' of the broccoli more lar. What's so nice about its stems??? Euuuuu!!!!!
8) Do you wear makeup?
Never. Can't stand the smell. I'd be so stiff and so NOT myself if I wear makeup. Euuuuuu!!!!!
9) Ever have plastic surgery?
Nolar. My face good good mar, why need one?
10) Do you colour your hair?
Never. But my relatives always accuse me and my sistas of dyeing our hair cause we have dark hazel brown hairs. Hahaha
11) What do you wear to bed?
Depends on my mood. Most of the time I prefer my old worn out T-shirts and long pants. Sometimes, I just wear undies. Sometimes, nothing!!!! You believe or not? Hiak hiak hiak!
12) Have you ever done anything illegal?
Fui yoh! Banyak lor. Depends on what you consider illegal lor. What are you referring to? Plotting to kill someone? Burn houses? Bomb a certain place? Kidnapping and then tie the person up with dynamites, firecrackers and then set him on fire? Speeding, jump q, steps on accelerator hard hard when the traffic light's red? Which one ar? Kyahhh!!!
13) Can you roll your tongue?
Can. Horizontally. Vertically. All can!!!
14) Do you tweeze your eyebrows?
Never!!! Why needa tweeze wor?
15) What kind of sneakers?
Of course comfy ones lar. Who wanna wear hard hard ones? Aiyo.
16) Do you believe in Abortions?
No!!! That's like saying yes to killing!!!
17) What is your Hair color?
Black and dark hazel brown.
18) Future child's name?
Erm… Haven't thought of one wor. I don't think tat far one larrr.
19) Do you snore?
Eh? No gua. Never heard complains so far. Hehehe.
20) If you could go anywhere in the world where would it be?
Hmmm.. Japan!!! Wanna go see their underground shopping complexes!!! Just curious ler. Wanna see how different it is. Sure 'shiok' right?? Hehehe.
21) Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
Yes!!! My okuis.
22) If you won the lottery, what would you do first?
I'd do these in the following order:-
Scream!!!!!! Jump high high!!!! Get my mum & dad, 3 sisters & march straight to claim money!!! They are all my BODYGUARDS! Get money, then go shopping for a big house, furnitures, a car each, and if I still have money left, then maybe donate 5% of it for charity lar. The rest, put in Fixed D!!! I won't quit my job though. Would still do it just for the heck of it. Life's boring without a job lar.
23) Gold or silver?
Both can ar?
24) Hamburger or hot dog?
Hamburger. Period!!!
25) If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Laksa - Sarawak style. With extra helping of bee hun, extra bean sprouts, extra omellete shreds, extra chicken shreds, extra large prawns and extra soup!!!
26) City, beach or country?
City - so noisy and hectic and dirty (pollutions). Beach - so noisy especially the splashing waves and the damn sea birds. Country - so dang quiet and boring!!! Can I have a combination of all three ar? I want the city's best & largest shopping mall, entertainment & food outlets, the beach's cool sea breeze and refreshing air and the country's greenery and tranquility? Muahahaha. Greedy ler??? *paiseh*
27) What was the last thing you touched?
Which hands are you referring to? If right hand then it's my mouse and if left hand, then it's my face. Hehehe.
28) Where did you eat last?
Home lar. Nothing beats mum's home cooked meal!!!!
29) When's the last time you cried?
When I pray to God. I always get sentimental whenever I chatted with God. ^______^
30) Do you read blogs?
Yesssss..! Why do you wanna know lar? Kay poh!!!
31) Would you ever go out dressed like the opposite sex?
You mean like T-shirts and pants??? Everybody does that right? I think you should direct this question to guys. And BE specific about it. Like would you go out dressed in a mini-skirt, wearing a bra and a tight fitting blouse!!! Or a gal's bikini. Now that's FUN!!!!!! LOL!!!!!
32) Ever been involved with the police?
Hell yes!!! Police are like… full time coffee drinkers, ya know??? *winks* *winks* And I always look too YOUNG to be able to drive. Last few years when I first started driving, I always got stopped and asked to produce my driving license. Tiu!!! Now? It's speeding!!! Kyah!
33) What's your favourite shampoo conditioner and soap?
Anything that smells good and does its job well!
34) Do you talk in your sleep?
Yes!!!! Even exchanged fists in my sleep. My sis once woke me up 6 o'clock in the morning because, according to her, I was shouting, and straddling my pillows, with both of my hands strangling it. And then proceeded to hit it with balled fists, repetitively. Scared my poor sis shitless!!!!!
35) Ocean or pool?
36) So, who has the original missing questions? #36, 37, 61, and 62?
Is this a trick question??? The questions are all there, aren't they? You gila ker?
37) Who would you take on a ménage à trois for a dirty weekend?
O.o What the HECK is that?????
38) Window seat or aisle?
Used to be window seat all the time. Until I experienced the almost 14 hour ride from Malaysia to London. It's aisle seat since then.
39) Ever met anyone famous?
Ermmm… *thinks hard hard* Rafidah Aziz? Does she count? Captain Jean Luc Picard. Guan Lian & Ping Guan. Errr… *brain freezes* Tiu… can't think of any liao lar…
40) Do you feel that you've had a truly successful life?
I feel like such a loser lar. Aiyah….
41) Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?
Twirl twirl twirl! What's the fun in cutting spaghetti wor? Twirl is best!!!
42) Ricki Lake or Oprah Winfrey?
Who the heck is Ricki Lake huh? Since I dunno him/her, I'd choose Oprah. She's good!
43) Basketball or Football?
Cheh! Both are a big NO NO to me. Although I DO like Slamdunk. But then again, that's anime ler. Cartoon ler. Does that count ar? Football to me is a stupid game with 22 idiots chasing after one silly ball, and millions of jerks cheering them on!!! Duh!!!
44) How long do your showers last?
Depends wor.
If cold shower then:-
a) 5 mins - without washing hair.
b) 10 mins - washing hair
If hot shower then:-
c) 10 mins - without washing hair.
d) 15 mins - washing hair
45) Automatic or do you drive a stick?
Both, cause I drive both. Nyehahaha. But I prefer stick lar. Can accelerate real fast!!! Can't bear to drive like okui, eventhough I luv okui!!!
46) Cake or ice cream?
Ice cream hands down!!! Cake can't beat ice cream! I luv banana-split, chocolate flava, yam flava, vanilla flava, peppermint with chocolate chips are acceptable. Durian flava, corn flava, STRAWBERRY flava are all big NO NO for me!!!! Ewwwwww!!!!!
47) Are you self-conscious?
Yes, very much so I feel very uncomfortable, especially in large crowds.
48) Have you ever drank so much you threw up?
Heh. No. So far, I've never threw up drinking!!!
49) Have you ever given money to a beggar?
Of coz lar. Those who don't have no heart lar. Aiyoh.
50) Have you been in love?
Ummmm…. Ummm… ummm… Can we skip this pls???
51) Where do you wish you were?
Heaven. With all those angels. Enjoying ourselves. Muahahaha. I'm sick. Real sick!
52) Are you wearing socks?
53) Have you ever ridden in an ambulance?
Aiyo!!! Choiiii!!!!! Peiiii!!!! Ptuiiiiiii!!! What, you soooo want me dead ar??? Tiu!!!
54) Can you tango?
Tango? What? With these 2 sticks that I have? Fat chance larrr!
55) Last gift you received?
Cash from mum! She won lottery. I was broke and in dire need of money. She's a life saver!!! 1 more day before I got my dang salary!!! Then I'd return her heaps!!!
56) Last sport you played?
Counting stairs. I fell down and somehow broke a bone in my right foot. Geeezzzzzz!!!!!
57) Things you spend a lot of money on?
Tech gadgets…like mobile phones, pc accessories, upgrades, headphones, mp3/mp4 players, pdas, memory cards (sd, mmc, cf) AND food!!!
58) Where do you live?
House lor. What do you expect? Reban ayam??? Cissss!!!!
59) Where were you born?
60) Last wedding attended?
Ummm…ummm… aiyah, can't remember lar. So many oneeee!!!!!
61) Spit or swallow?
... *blank* ….spit? Swallow? Wat ooo??? O.o *re-reads question* …. Wat the??? Oh!!! Holy cow! Did you just ask me what I think you just asked me??? Ewwwwwww!!!!!! Next!
62) Favorite position?
EEErrrr… how come these questions are SO blardy weird ar? What position???? *so lost*
63) Most hated food(s)?
Sotong!!!!! Ham!!! Slug!!! & Those damn medicines!!!!! Both western and eastern!!! And anything alive!!!! Yuck!!!!!
64) What's your least favourite?
Least fav? What's the difference between this and the most hated??? Aiyoh!
65) Can you sing?
Can. Everyone can sing. The question is, how good it is lar, right?
66) Last person you instant messaged?
My friend Eliz.
67) Last place you went on holiday?
68) Favourite regular drink?
Kopi-peng kaw/Teh C-peng kaw. Want everything kaw. Kopi kaw, gula kaw, milk kaw, smell kaw, taste kaw. If not, sure reject one!!!!!!
69) Current Song?
Communication by The Cardigans, What Hurts The Most by Rascall Flatts and Snow Kiss by Nirgillis.
70) Tag 3 friends :
Tag? Me don't play tag one (maybe next time larrr). Anyone who wanna do this, just do lar!
Monday, January 29, 2007
2 WEEKS MC!! All thanks to damn STAIRS!!!
Hehehe.. the fact is, it feels like ages for me. I was enjoying myself so much since the last Friday, but it didn't last long. Disaster came uninvited. I fell down the stairs in the middle of the night on Saturday, at MY HOME and fractured a bone in my right foot. T_T Yeah. Fractured. I'm limping all over the place now and it hurts like crazy!!! The fact that I'm fat AND heavy doesn't help to ease my pain one tiny bit. What with me trying my best not to put more pressure than necessary to my right foot, so I shifted most of my weight over to my left leg --> wrong decision, cause now my left knee is beginning to hurt too! *BIG SIGH*
Seen 2 docs today. Both of them are 'specialist' but one of them is an Orthopaedic Specialist. The other one is a 'General Specialist' sorta. *sigh* He referred me to the Orthopaedic cause he believes I need consultation from an Orthopaedic. Ai! I got a week worth of mc from each of them. Why? The Orthopaedic told me I need 2 weeks time to fully heal mar, so I get 2 weeks lor. I'm so worried whether I'll be tempang (translate : crippled) for the rest of my life. Yeah, a little traumatic but hey, that's what the first doc written down on my mc. It reads "Traumatic accident with Right xxxxxxxxxxx fracture!" Don't ask me what the heck is that xxxxx I can't make out the doc's writing! And I got dizzy trying to read the 'Referral Letter' that he wrote to the Orthopaedic. Docs have such nasty handwritting!!! Gosh!
So, should I be happy that I managed to get a 2 weeks worth of MC?????
*thinks hard hard*
I'm not happy! Why? I hate to limp here and there! It's really troublesome! And guess what? I hate stairs!!!!! This is the third blardy time I fell down the godamn stairs!!!! Crap!
Friday, January 26, 2007
Dabai & Buah 'Bukak' Fest!!!
So I was on my own. I bought 2 kgs of Dabai which costs RM7 per kg. They are huge, in fact, bigger than my thumb as you can see in the pic below. ^__^
My mum and sisters just couldn't wait anymore to dig in!!!In fact, they were hovering over the box since the very moment I opened them. Just like lalat (translate : housefly) Hahaha
They split open 2 biji while I was changing into comfy homey clothes. >__> Greedy bunch
Burp!!! I was so full I could barely move. But half an hour later, I was cruising the city with my whole family (minus my Dad, he prefers Internet <__<), and I was already offering different varieties of food to my family members. I even hinted them that I could start eating again. My mum laughed in amusement and asked whether I was trying to become the next Lydia Shum Din-ha (沈殿霞). My answer? Muahahahahaha!!!
Going home. Ahhh...
- Buy 200g of dried button mushroms for pp, and
- Buy buah 'Bukak' for my family
I'll prolly be good and post pictures (clearer ones) of them in the afternoon. If I remember. I hardly blog when I'm in Kuching. So many things to do. Places to go. Movies to watch. Gatherings to attend!!! Kuching, here I come!!! Oh hyuk!
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Forgotten good 'stuffs'
It seems like I won't have much time to get it done today as well.
I bet you can wait, cause I don't have much people reading this anyway.
Ranting so early in the morning, eh? Did I just wake up from the wrong side of the bed?
Hope not, duh.
*looks at watch*
=.= It's quite late. I'm running late. Gotta go. Have a nice day minna! Ciao!
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Shark survivor's story
Just another same ol' day. Busy busy busy
"Morning! " *Chinese New Year songs playing in the background*
"Wah!!! Nice! I luv listening to those songs first thing in the morning! It's so lively and..."
"Ms. Wong, did boss call you?"
Oh uh
It appears that Boss wanted me to go to one of our site in Sibu. Take pics. So, what's the big deal with taking pictures??? Ohh... easy for you to say. Try taking pictures of construction works all over the site, especially a huge site where special attention must be applied to details. Then it becomes one heck of a tedious task. *sigh*
The moment I prepared to leave the office, a second call came looking for me. The guy has an appointment with me at site and it clashes with my trip to Sibu. *sigh* In the end, I went to the site visit, had discussions with him, and then rushed to Sibu for the pics taking.
We ended up with 200++ shots of high quality pictures and still it's not enough. I'm estimating at least 600++ pictures to take before it's enough to satisfy my Boss. JIALAT!!! Hafta make second trips tomorrow. Huhuhu
While my col was busy taking pics with me surveying the surroundings, I suddenly spotted this HUGE SPIDER the size of a damn GOLF BALL inside our car, at the passenger seat next to the driver seat. Kyahhhhhh!!!!!!!!! I'm the driver. And I was INSIDE the car! I screamed and scrambled to get out of the car!!!!!! And dropped my brand new Sony Ericsson K610i handphone in the process! %#$#%^&#$@#$
I shouted frantically to my col : That!!! That thing! Spider!!! Kill it! KILL IT! DIE! DIE! It shocked me! Scared me! And now my brand new phone's cacat!!! I want that thing dead!!!!!! Noooowwwwww!!!!!
My poor col just looked at me weirdly and made a half hearted attempt to swipe it away.
"Nah. Dah tak ada."
"Ape takde. I want that thing dead tau. And I wanna see it's corpse. If not, I'm not driving that car back to Sarikei!!! I can't drive with that thing crawling and roaming free INSIDE the car! Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!"
I may sound wicked/bad/heartless but my col's face transformed to one of horror. You see, he can't drive even if his life depended on it. He's got no license. And he dunno how to drive. He quickly searched the car for that thing while I scrambled for tools/weapons/anything long, hard AND sharp that can kill.
By the time he found the damn spider, I'd managed to get a recently dismantled ventshade of the car (it's long, measuring close to 1 metre). Passed it over to him to kill the spider. Not satisfied with that, I scrambled looking for more tools and found---> my umbrella. By the time I got the umbrella, he told me the spider's dead.
"Ya. Sudah mati."
"Mana? Mana?? I wanna see its body!!!" I really can't drive that car if I don't see proof that the damn thing's dead.
He pointed at the body of the said spider. It's outside of the car now, lying on the pavement and I scrutinised it and found it moving! It's got 3 remaining legs attached to its body and was trying so hard to move to the side of the road...
"AIYO! Belum mati lar. It's still moving!!!"
"Tunggu mati dah. Biarlah."
"Ewww!!!! IT's still moving it's still moving. Kill it kill it!!!!!!"
My kind col just lightly tapped on the poor fella with his foot and said "Nah. Dah mati."
I looked at it again. It's not really dead. Just barely, but now I feel like such a bad person. =(
But but but ... I can't help it! I'm so scared of spiders I'll scream as if the skies are falling and it's the end of the world. And I sound so damn freaking girly when I did that. I hate it. =(
We got back safely to Sarikei with the spider badly injured and out of the car. Phew!!!!!
Half the day was gone and I thought like I could finally relax a little when my handphone rang and it's from my Sarikei office. *sigh*
Problems. I was driving and answering phone calls and trying to fix the problems all at once. Ugh!
Straight after the first phone call, the second call came in. It's from my mum. My uncle is experiencing car problem and she wants me to help him fix it. -____-''' She wants me to call my uncle and ask him what really are the problems and then tell him how to fix them. AND recommend him the shop/mechanic too. *sigh*
Third phone call came and it's from office again. Adoi!!!!!! Why do I ALWAYS have to fix things up even when I'm away? *sigh* I want higher pay. =(
Fourth phone call's from the 'source of the problem'. I politely told him that I'd make the necessary arrangements for him but really, he should have like informed us earlier so that we can make the preparations beforehand!!! Haiya!
Half an hour later, I got all the problems fixed, even my uncle's. *sigh* So much for trying to relax. Duh...
I have one unfinished report to do and submit by this week, another appointment with another "party" on site tomorrow, hafta go to Sibu Site again tomorrow, gotta meet up with a supplier to pass over some documents, almost 70 pages of approval chits to fill in for submission, correspondence letters to keep track and office and site staffs to monitor, and am answerable to my Boss for anything that happened on Site, in the office, staff accommodations, utility bills, company cars and all other shits.
So yeah. It's just another VERY tiring day for me. I'm happy just being able to come home, bath, on aircond and surf and dl stuffs. Minus those pitiful, annoying cries from those retard kids living opposite me. Now you understand why they bother me so much? I just want some peaceful moments while relaxing after a damn long tiring day. Is that too much to ask? Aiyoyo...
And perhaps I broke yet another record. This post maybe my longest post, ever. I don't know how to break them up into shorter posts really. When I start writing, I just can't stop. Suggestions anyone? ^^
Learning Chinese
So yeah, I'm getting help and I'm gluing my butt to it!!! *prays hard hard* .... again *sigh*
Any tips on how to learn Chinese the easy way? I could use some help ya know... ^^
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Mother forces own daughter to commit incest with current hubby
Read more here.
An experienced Aussie diver had his head bitten by a Great White Shark and survived, even after a second bite!!!
Try and guess which part of him got bitten first? His head!!! He's an experienced diver, and the first bite practically crushed his face mask and fractured his nose! The 'sharky' apparently liked him, and came back for a second bite and still, Eric Nerhus survived the second attack!!! That's a holy miracle!
Read more here.
I so wanna shake hands with him. Maybe he'll transfer his lucks over to me. I need them quite badly ya know. ^-^
Tasty buah 'Bukak'
I came across these buah 'Bukak' (as me and my family call them, cause it's really easy to buka or open them). As a kid, I used to just pijak (translate : step on it with my foot) the fruit, but of course, you've gotta use some sorta alas (translate : cover) to help protect your kaki (translate : foot) from injuries. For me, I used clean home slippers. Some people just wrap up the buah with towels or or just put newspaper on top. After that, just apply a small pressure on your kaki and the buah will split open beautifully. Make sure you don't squash them flat though or you shall regret it. Hehehe
It is situated near the BCB (Bumiputera Commerce Bank). Just to make it simple, it's in between BCB and KFC in Sarikei. Use your imagination and you'll get it ^^
And for those who doesn't know, buah 'Bukak' is really similar to buah Durian. Ya know, the shape, the thorns, the outer appearance, even the isi (translate : inner flesh) except for the difference in color. The isi of Durian comes in all sorts of colours : white, yellow, grey, orange whereas buah 'Bukak' comes only in yellow or dark orange colour. They are either pale yellow, very dirty yellow or dark orange colour. And they don't emit those super foul (or invigorating, as some may prefer ^_^) smell as Durians do. Not to say that they don't smell, just that they pale in comparison to Durians. Hahaha...
A note to remember though. Durian shells (or outer skins or whatever you wanna call them, as long as they are the parts with lotsa thorns on them) could be green, light brown, orange, or a combination of any of those colours but buah 'Bukak' shells are always orange in colour. Bright orange. Dark orange. Whatever the shade of colour, it's ALWAYS orange so it's quite easy to differentiate them from Durians really!
I bought 7 biji for RM10. Super cheap!!! It's only the size of a softball (I hope I get that right) and I told the seller that I'm just buying RM10 to try them out and if they are really good, I'll go back to borong (translate : buy in bulks) from her... Hehehe.. I'm greedy when it comes to food. Ahhh...
Guess what? I came across this very unique seed. See? It's a 2 in 1. It looks like twins!!! My col wants it for keepsake. Maybe he's going to tanam (translate : plant) it.. hehehe
The buah 'Bukak' tasted superb! Words just don't do them justice. Go buy them and try them. Then you'll know ^_____^
Oh well, I'll admit it. We had quite a buah 'Bukak' fest just now. Me and two of my cols. It's a good change of pace, ya know.. doing something unusual, eventhough it's just eating...
I hope we get to pancing udang (translate : fishing for prawns) next. That would be fun! And I'd bring along my digicam for some cool action!!! Nyehahaha..
Having said that, I haven't really spend much time with my DigiCam. =(
But but but but... I'll get to it soon... so =)
Psssst... I just remembered the 'good' stuffs that I promised you all last night and well, I didn't quite get the chance and time to translate them cause of my 'extra' workload today in the office so I shall get it posted up tomorrow. I hope it's not too dull. Feedbacks are most welcomed. Arigato ne! ^^
Monday, January 22, 2007
I've changed! I've changed!!! =D
You see, I opened my rocketmail account last night and came across 4 numbers of "Circulation Due Reminder" issued by the local library here in Sarikei to me. I think I've deleted the rests due to annoyance. It's about the 3 books that I borrowed sometime back in October 2006 and expired on the 10th November 2006. I returned the books on the said expiry date but alas the library's computer system was down on that particular day. The lady over the counter advised me to just leave my books there at the counter and all shall be fine the next time I go there to borrow books. I shall not be fined and everything's gonna be allright. Well, nothing's right.
I kept getting these annoying reminders from them since Nov 2006 till 20th Jan 2007. At first I was baffled and quite quite pissed at this. I was like wtf is going on? Aren't they working? Did that lady over the counter swallow the books that I returned or what?? #^@!#%^^*%$#
I considered bombarding the library with threats, complains and demanding their higher supervisor in charge to EXPLAIN to me about wth happened. I wanted so badly to smoke the library! Seriously considered wrapping tonnes of firecrackers around the whole building, threw in loads of dynamites, splashed kerosene all over the library and set it on fire!!! Of course, that's how I normally thinks when I'm pissed and close to exploding.
Once I calmed down though, a thought occured in my mind. Why don't you try doing it the soft way? Just casually drop in with a smile, politely ask them to check things out and be patient. That's not so hard, right?
Now I have two options :-
- March in there like a general ready to kill, or...
- Just casually waltz in, act all kiddy and charming and ask for their help ever so politely to solve this issue.
Anyway, I went to the library, waltzed in, plastered a HUGE smile on my face and politely asked the ladies at the counter to check on my library card and see if I could borrow books or not. They checked. I could imagine myself tapping my feet impatiently while they ever so slowly ... checked! Of course, I held myself tight tight, and mustered all the strength that I could to NOT tap my feet! And smile.. ^_________^
Guess what? It worked! They asked several questions, all of which I answered as politely as I could manage, and within seconds, they kicked into gear, and helped me to look for the books and solved the issue for me!It was done in like 10 minutes! And best of all, I need not even pay for the fines. Of coz, I wasn't supposed to be fined in the first place, since I returned the books in time but heck... hehehe
THAT was like...such a huge accomplishment to me. What's the accomplishment then, you may ask. Well, the fact that I held back instead of cursing out loud loud, and going for option (2) instead of (1). That was sooo hard for me! I never believe in being soft. I believed that being soft can't solve things. I prefered to be hard hard hard. Retaliation like paikia. Look at me the wrong way and I'll castrate you! Muahahaha... I sounded so bad, eh? But I intended to change this year, and I will. What happened in the library today was like my first big accomplishment this year!!! It sounds silly, but I'd love to share with everyone here, no matter how insignificant it is. I'll certainly write more...tee hee
I've changed, not much, just a tiny-weeny bit, but it's a change. It's good. And I shall keep it up. Pray for me yah!
In fact, I have more good stuffs coming in tomorrow so stay tuned! Till then, good night and sweet dreams minna... ^^
How to deal with nasty-disobedient employee/subordinates/colleagues who think they are smarter than you
They are really annoying aren't they? I've met quite a number of them from all walks of life, and most of the time, they took me lightly probably due to my innocent-dumb-dumb-young face. Well, I'm not dumb, and certainly not as young as I look. A piece of advise tho, no matter what, never lose your cool! You'll pull it through, definitely! If not, then message me. Help you I shall, yesss... ^-^
Below are some suggestions from me. At least they work for me so perhaps they'll work on you too ^^
- Stay calm and confident at ALL TIMES. Never let them intimidate you (even when they are screaming at the top of their lungs and talk like paikia. Ignore them, and they shall look downright silly).
- Square your shoulders and fix your gaze at them in the eyes. They will shudder involuntarily (well, at least those who are weak at heart, and for those who aren't, they'll just get the shock and stare at you..like wtf aren't you scared of me??? hehe). The intensity of your gaze fixed on them reads "You better watch what you say and DON'T MESS with me or you'll live to regret it." (Of coz, practise makes perfect..wakaka. Come on minna! Do it 5 times in front of the mirror everyday!!!)
- Ask him/her precisely why and what are they fuming over with. Specifically. No bullshit. No hanky-panky crap. Straight to the point.
- Watch your tone when you speak. Believe me. No matter how pissed off or annoyed you are, you don't want to fan the already flaming fire. No fuel too please. But be in command. Get them to calm down, and talk properly (like the civilized people we are... *grins*)
- If they give you a very general answer/bullcrap, then just act dumb and kindly ask them to explain because you just can't (for the heck of it) understand what they are talking about. Ask for specific elaboration and examples.
- If they start deviating from the main points, cut them short and remind them that they are getting out of topic. Segregate his/her points and cut them down into small chunks to chew on. Don't jumble EVERYTHING together. It just made the matter worse, complicated and HUGE!
- Offer them to talk things through calmly. Invite them to sit down. Make them feel important. Make them feel that their opinions count, and their feelings taken into consideration. People are more than willing to give & take when they feel that you care for their benefits and well-being.
- Explain things to them one by one. Most of the times, people jump to conclusions due to some misunderstandings. They lash out when they feel threatened. Convince them. Advise them accordingly.
- Tell them your responsibilities over them. Help them to understand YOUR situation. Make them believe that you think highly of them and surely they would understand why certain things happened the way they did. Give them chance to see things from your perspectives and ask them what would they do if they were in your place. Counter their answers and link them with other related problems that may arise if those actions were taken. (Come on! This is healthy discussion!!! Of course, you MUST have time for this) If they are childish, then help them to think maturely. Some people need a bit of probing you know!
- Last but not least, tell them precisely what would happen to them if they keep doing what they are doing ie. being disobedient, irresponsible, lazy, coming in late, 'ular' (translate : curi tulang, or trying not to work when they are supposed to) and mean it! Follow up with actions and they shall be scared. Very scared. *mischievious glint*
But all in all, send them the message that you are not easy to bully and fool. After several attempts, they shall get the clue and try to behave. Help and encourage them when they try to turn over a new leaf. They shall love you!!!!!!!!! Muahahaha..
*looks back and re-read*
Hmmm... whadaya think? Feel free to share if you have anything to add. Comments are most welcomed! Wheeeeee...
Employee-employer relations & management decisions.
You may want to read the article there first before reading my comments. Here's the link:-
And my answer (^___^) :-
"Hmm. A very interesting topic indeed. As an employee, I’d say that a good boss is:-
1) a boss who ‘takes care’ of his employees
2) a boss who has the guts to do things (fight for better remuneration packages for his underlings when they really deserve it and not for those who licks and polishes his/her shoes every single second)
3) a boss who takes full responsibility for his sub-ordinates works/actions EVEN when they screw up and better still if he can come up with ideas/ways to make better progress AND save costs. Boss like that shall earn my full respect and 101% support at all times (I’d stick to him no matter what), whereas a boss who’s a ‘Tai-Chi master’ is a big no no to me(I’ll cabut whenever I have the chance ^_^)
4) a boss with a heart (takes the welfare of his workers into consideration and acts accordingly) Note:Workers are slaves but unlike tools that can works non-stop, they have feelings and worn out easily too. A heartless boss shall get a very ‘cold’ retirement party or farewell gathering at the end of the day, and worse still, he/she may get a taste of their own medicine. Pls remember that payback’s bitch..hohoho
and last but not least…
5) a boss who is a LEADER. He/she must be commanding, confident and dares to make decision on the spot, and be fully responsible for it. Don’t be lo so lar, aiyo if you have a boss like that then it’s better to go bang your head at the wall than waiting for him/her to make decisions. Most of the times, they will take the chicken way out duh…
And why on earth must employees appear busy at all times even during lunch break? That’s totally bullshit. I RELAX and ENJOY myself during lunch break but when duty calls, I can still abandon my lunch and do stuffs for my boss. Heck, as a boss, you should know the ones who can really work and perform and those who really can’t and dunno anything about their scope of work/responsibilities and etc. If you don’t, then you suck as a boss.
The most important thing is that a boss must always have the BIG picture and he/she must always think BIG instead of small. On top of that, he/she must really know where he/she stands. And knows what are their targets and end products that they want, and ways to get them. Otherwise, how on earth are they going to fight & get what they want & need? Right?
Erm.. I think I wrote too much already so gomen.. I’ll stop nowwww… =P but hey, does that answer your question? Hmmm…"
Now, with that out of the way... So, what do you think? What kinda boss would you like to have? What are good boss made of? Minda share? hehe... I'm all ears!!!
Thursday, January 18, 2007
No TV liaooo... huhuhu
My house owner together with his wife both asked me the weirdest question just now : Are you watching tv or not?
Well, the question is weird to me because I never watch tv. At all. In Sarikei, the only thing I use the tv for is playing ps2. Really! So far, I've never even watched a single movie on tv, eventhough I do have a DVD player in my room. So nope. I'm not watching tv. Nah.
Uncle (house owner) beamed and asked me whether he can use my tv or not. Huh??? Then I noticed that the tv in the living room was not on. It's always on and loud but tonight it was blank, and quiet, and off. "Uh, what happened to that 29'' tv?" I asked, pointing at the said tv.
They ever so calmly smiled and said ''It was struck by lightning just now and just went kaput.."
Holy cow! That poor poor thing... eh??!?! Wait a sec! I rushed all the way upstairs and checked on my adsl modem and laptop and my external hardisk. They lights on my adsl modem was on, my laptop was on and running, and my external hardisk too. Phew!!!! Thank God they weren't struck by lightning!
Shouted to uncle and aunty to "Wait ar!!!" while I frantically tidied up my room. He has to come in and carry the 21'' tv in my room downstairs. Hehehe
And so now, my room looks more spacious with the tv gone. *sigh* Is that good news or bad news? For me thought, it doesn't really make a difference cause I really really play ps2 like once or twice a week. And I can't play today (at all, really!!!) cause I left my ps2 memory card back at home in Kuching -__-'''
Forgetful eh? Yes I am! Issskkkkk...
Out of Ideas
And besides, I think I ran out of ideas to write about. Or at least, the titles for each entry. Each time I reached home, I quickly showered, ate and hit the bed. I've been so tired lately I just dunno why.
Am I getting old? Yikes! I don't even wanna think about it. Shoooo! Go away! Go away!
Maybe I'm just too lazy to think up good titles and stuffs to blog about. Do you think I should conduct some sorta research on the most things people google for? Perhaps I shoudl eh? And sometimes when I did manage to think up good titles, I just couldn't log into blogger the entire night. Ugh!
Help! I'm getting writer's block!
Huh! How come you get writer's block so soon??? So lau yar lar u...
Yes. I am quite quite quite lau yar at times, it's unbelievable. *sigh*
On second thought, perhaps I'll do better once I sober up. From what, I dunno. It's really one of my crazy mood swings... again. *sigh*
*prays hard hard* Hope I can write something good tomorrow!!!
Thursday, January 4, 2007
What makes your blood boil? When?
One of these days I'm gonna get myself a truck and run down those jerks and make pancakes out of them.
*weak smile* Just a wistful thinking. Ain't gonna happen. Nah...
But that's how miserable it is. Whose blood doesn't boil when you come across notorious or stupid or inconsiderate or downright ridiculous drivers/road users? Especially these types:-
- Those who drive as if their father owns the road
- Those who drive like okui/turtle/snail/anything that moves slowly or close to non-moving at all (imagine driving behind a car that travels at a speed of 20kmh on a straight main road to town. Yes! That's how ppl here drive..ugh!)
- Those who occupies the other lane (even with cars coming from opposite direction) when overtaking bicycle/motorbike. I mean geezzz... how big is a bicycle or motorbike that you have to take up such huge space just to overtake them? Get real.
- Those who insists on overtaking the car in front of them (and at a very slow speed too) when there are cars/trucks/lorry coming from the other direction (at high speed too)
- Those who drives 80 kmh on a straight road and suddenly hits 2 kmh just to turn into an empty lane/junction (that's so exaggerating, it's like they're trying to maneuver precisely into a drain but can't get in somehow and so they ended up stationary, with their vehicle's butt sticking out obscuring half the road, waiting to be kissed ohhh so grandly from behind duhhh..)
- Those who stopped oh so suddenly (as if they've come across ghosts) ... just to slowly, and ever so carefully maneuver over a pothole the size of half a football -___-'''
- Those who drive as if they are drunk, and yet refuse to let you overtake them
- Those who drive as if they are measuring the road in nanometers (note that I'm dripping with sarcasm here... grrr)
Aren't they suicidal? Unbelievably ridiculous? Downright annoying?
I was once pissed beyond description of words when I witnessed a car (black kenari) trying to overtake a motorbike (moving quite fast) in front of it eventhough there is a car (white kelisa) coming quite fast from the opposite direction. And the black kenari practically took up the entire lane of the opposite side just to overtake a motorbike. I mean if those cars hit, it would be a straight head-on collision and nobody would have survived, and the black kenari carried on with its plan to overtake despite that!
I was watching from behind in utter shock as the black kenari ever so slowly inched back into its lane after successfully overtaking the motorbike. Inches away from a head-on collision with the white kelisa! It happened in slow-motion, but in reality, it's a matter of seconds.
With my blood boiling passing 100 degrees centrigade, I floored the accelerator pedal and overtook the bloody retard at 140 kmh. Gave him my best murderous glare too as I bypass him. I left the jerk behind within seconds of time. He slowed down drastically and stayed way way way behind me throughout the entire road. I kept track of him through my front mirror. Ugh!
He thinks he's so cool. Can overtake at whims and speed grandly. Well, I just wanna teach him a lesson. He's not the only one who can drives fast. I can too. But I never overtake if it means involving or risking another life. Even if its not my life. Value life! If you don't value your own life, at least, value others. You can die all you want (so go die and rot somewhere else) but please, don't drag innocent people with you.
And please, don't do what I did. I'm just so pissed at some of the driver's attitude. Let them have a share of their own medicine. Of course, that wouldn't make our road a better place, but I so so so wanna teach them a lesson! I so wanna squash them like a bug! Grrr. They really gets on my nerves! What would you do? ;p
Rainy Season
My family visited my rented place today. Mum's happy and kinda approved my selection. *beams* She's picky. Kinda. Don't get me wrong. It's not picky in the 'ngiau chee' or 'cerewet' type. She loves me to bits and all that, and so she's very concerned of my wellbeing. Which mum wouldn't eh? hehe...
Of course, I'm 'pickier' than her..haha.. =D
And she's worried of me getting sick, cause I always get sick. And always, I mean really! Always, it's when I'm back home in Kuching. I'm always sick when I'm home. With my family. O.o Strange eh? I don't get sick elsewhere. I went to UK for my degree and strangely didn't get sick for 2 whole years. So I concluded that I'm just 'manja'..haha Or maybe my body is. Aaaaa...
Besides that, I'm going back to Kuching tomorrow morning. Again? Hehe. This time, it's to attend the monthly progress meeting. And a site visit to the yard where the fabrication is ongoing. It should be fun. Can't wait to check out the mould and progress there. Hn...
Oh rain, please stop pouring will ya? If ya wanna pour, pour all your might at night, but leave the morning and evening dry dry eh? Me hafta work lar and it's no fun working in the rain! Tsk tsk tsk
New Year Resolution
On second thought, maybe not. So, what are my NYR this year??? It's 2007. I thought about my previous NYR. And the year before that. And before that. And before that. They hardly come true. Maybe due to the reason that I have wayyyy too many 'resolutions', it's so hard to focus. So this year, I'm gonna keep it simple.
There. Simple enough? Come to think of it, I haven't changed at all since primary school. I'm still the same. Same face. Almost all of my primary school teachers recognise me eventhough it has been like what... 15 years??? That was like... gosh!!! Isn't that scary??? Same attitude. All my friends said I haven't changed a bit! Same attire. I still wear large T-shirts & jeans or shorts. I like comfy clothes. I feel confined by tight fitting clothes. Yeah. They make you look good but not feel good. For me, feelings and being comfortable are more important. But maybe, just maybe, I can change that if I try hard enough, right? I never bothered to try before. Maybe this year I will.
Having just one ultimate goal will somehow make it easier right? All you needa do is just remember that one sentence like a mantra. And do everything you can to change. Just change. If I could say 'hocus pocus change me into somebody new and different' and a miracle happened and I changed then I would surely do that. Kinda sick of being me... haha I'm not making any sense now am I?
Kekeke... anyway, wish me luck eh? Maybe I'll cross path with that 'special' someone this year. *winks*
Wednesday, January 3, 2007
Welcome 2007 ^___^
*looks back at year 2006*
Nyeh... glad it was gone. I'm not quite happy with 2006. I've had better years. Loads of bad sucky things happened that year. I think I'd lost enough temper to accumulate a mountain higher than Mount Kinabalu... --;; Yeah, it's that bad.
How I wish I could have just erased all the bad memories and retain only the good ones.
I can't. Never will. Unless I lost my memory somehow.. haha.. Even that is unlikely to happen. But then again, we can never know eh? Hmmm...
Let's do some recaps.
- Many friends got married. Yeah, them getting married is actually the good part. Then where's the bad part? It's the part where you hafta burn a huge hole in your pocket for the Ang Pow/presents/etc... huhuhu
- I'm still single. Single! Haven't found Mr. Right. I do wonder when will I find him... *sigh* Applicants anyone??? muahahaha...
- I was transferred to sleepy little mundane Sarikei to work. It's so bad that I practically crawled outta there almost every weekend... ;P
- My grandpa was seriously ill for quite some time. My family members and I took turns taking care of him. I even applied leave to go back to Kuching and resume a full-time-driver job; transporting my family members to and fro hospital (and practically everywhere and all around the clock whole day through;even middle of the night, or wee hours, rushing to emergency room at GH), accompanying my grandpa for treatment and taking turns/shifts caring for his every needs and whims, hoping against hope that we would be able to nurse him back to health. It was a complete nightmare. It ain't easy taking care of an old man.
- My grandpa passed away despite all of our efforts. =(
- I lost way too much temper. I need lotsa patience tablets -___-'' At this rate, I'll get a heart attack before I reach 30.. *sigh*
- The sound polution!!! Those 'damn' kids living opposite me in Sarikei... Those sleepless nights... I seriously need a 'sand bag'..grrr
- I'm getting fatter and fatter and fatter... I'm gaining weight and my waistline is getting bigger and bigger and bigger. I need slimming prog ;p
- No Gundam Seed Trilogy. I waited and waited and waited. Damn Fukuda. You made me wait till my heart almost jumped outta my body! Where's my lovey-dovey-mushy-downright-romantic AsuCaga ending? Where??? Why didn't they tie the knots??? Why do I hafta wait and wait and wait and wait... Even Gundam Seed Destiny has 'shitty' endings... grrr... sien.. what did Fukuda feed his wife with? Weed??? *goes and launch missiles---> target Fukuda and HIS wife!!! *#%%U&%$#@
- BetaBlogger so hard to login. So hard to upload pictures. So slow. So buggy. So.... -_-''
- Many friends got married, so that's very 'meriah'... I'm happy for them... hehehe
- I got an allowance for the transfer to Sarikei, so that means more $$$ for me *beams*
- I got bonus from my boss. Yeah. All the hardwork pays off. Finally!
- errr... Does starting this Blog counts? Now I have a place of my own to rant and rant and rant... hehehe
I'm gonna make 2007 a memorable one. Really!
So Sayonara 2006 and Welcome 2007 ^___^