Monday, January 22, 2007

Employee-employer relations & management decisions.

I recently made a comment regarding the abovementioned topic in Bengbeng's blog called 'My Longkang'. He left a comment in my blog saying that I should link to him and copy my answer here in my own blog, so here they are:-

You may want to read the article there first before reading my comments. Here's the link:-

And my answer (^___^) :-

"Hmm. A very interesting topic indeed. As an employee, I’d say that a good boss is:-

1) a boss who ‘takes care’ of his employees

2) a boss who has the guts to do things (fight for better remuneration packages for his underlings when they really deserve it and not for those who licks and polishes his/her shoes every single second)

3) a boss who takes full responsibility for his sub-ordinates works/actions EVEN when they screw up and better still if he can come up with ideas/ways to make better progress AND save costs. Boss like that shall earn my full respect and 101% support at all times (I’d stick to him no matter what), whereas a boss who’s a ‘Tai-Chi master’ is a big no no to me(I’ll cabut whenever I have the chance ^_^)

4) a boss with a heart (takes the welfare of his workers into consideration and acts accordingly) Note:Workers are slaves but unlike tools that can works non-stop, they have feelings and worn out easily too. A heartless boss shall get a very ‘cold’ retirement party or farewell gathering at the end of the day, and worse still, he/she may get a taste of their own medicine. Pls remember that payback’s bitch..hohoho

and last but not least…

5) a boss who is a LEADER. He/she must be commanding, confident and dares to make decision on the spot, and be fully responsible for it. Don’t be lo so lar, aiyo if you have a boss like that then it’s better to go bang your head at the wall than waiting for him/her to make decisions. Most of the times, they will take the chicken way out duh…

And why on earth must employees appear busy at all times even during lunch break? That’s totally bullshit. I RELAX and ENJOY myself during lunch break but when duty calls, I can still abandon my lunch and do stuffs for my boss. Heck, as a boss, you should know the ones who can really work and perform and those who really can’t and dunno anything about their scope of work/responsibilities and etc. If you don’t, then you suck as a boss.

The most important thing is that a boss must always have the BIG picture and he/she must always think BIG instead of small. On top of that, he/she must really know where he/she stands. And knows what are their targets and end products that they want, and ways to get them. Otherwise, how on earth are they going to fight & get what they want & need? Right?

Erm.. I think I wrote too much already so gomen.. I’ll stop nowwww… =P but hey, does that answer your question? Hmmm…"

I hope I did this right. Please lemme know if I made mistakes or anything silly. Would appreciate that loads and loads!!!

Now, with that out of the way... So, what do you think? What kinda boss would you like to have? What are good boss made of? Minda share? hehe... I'm all ears!!!

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