Wednesday, August 29, 2007

boring longgg meetings!

I'm so tired! Those meetings! Bloody meetings! My job for the past two days has been limited to just one activity - attending meetings that last whole day through. Yes. Through lunch hours (noon time) and past my normal dinner time (5.30 PM). Damn meetings started from 9 AM till 6.45 PM. Non-stop!

I nearly cabut just now. I don't care anymore. Really be tahan! I yawned countless of times inside the conference room because I can more or less by-heart every details and information conveyed during the meeting. Those info has been repeated again and again and again. It actually feels like I've gone back to the blardy school days whereby the teachers voice keeps droning (no matter how interesting the subject is and no matter how excited a voice they use, everything just sounds like the same boring stupid things being repeated over and over again like a broken casette player) till I kept yawning and had troubles keeping my mind and eyes awake.


I'm praying that tomorrow there won't be any meetings to attend because I can't stand it. I hate dressing up smartly and nicely and neatly for the meetings. I hate the awkwardness of having to sit through the long hours in total discomfort of my clothing attire. I felt weird donning those formal office wear (executive suits). I felt like a different person. Maybe, just maybe I should wear them more oftenly so that I get used to it? I don't like the idea but perhaps I'll give it a try.

I did say many a times over that I wanted to change right? Yupe.

And the boots. You know, those ankle high boots worn with slacks and suits or whatever particle of clothing that suits them. Remember my fractured right foot? I'm having difficulties wearing boots because of the slightly highly extended heels which forced me to exert more pressure on the fractured part of my right foot. My foot felt numb each time I took off the boots after I reached home at 7 PM. Huhuhu... my poor foot!

Anyway, I'm totally exhausted. I fell asleep early last night eventhough I had planned to blog about the meeting. Thinking about it now, I guess it's safe to say that I've totally forgotten about the stuffs that I planned to write last night. Oh well. If it comes back to me, I'll blog about it. If not, then let it be. It's not really important.

Oh yeah. Back to topic. The meetings. After those miserable long hours spent inside the conference rooms, the conclusion is : I need to travel to West Malaysia with a group of Engineers from another company. I'll probably leave next week and duration of travel is currently still unknown to us. The only thing I'm sure of is that we have to go to several places all over West Malaysia to collect samples and survey the sites.


Sounds tiring huh? Well, tiring is better than boring. At least I can fall asleep without much tossing at night. And time somehow flies each time you have something to do or rush. Without actually realising it, one week may have gone by just by the blink of an eye. Time really waits for no man. Err... woman. Errr... anybody, in fact.


I'm tired tired tired. I'll just spend some time watching anime and then I'll call it a night. How's your days folks? Man. I feel like I've been blogging to walls. Haven't got much feedback in a while. You guys still alive? Arlow??

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Right. I'm posting craps. It makes me feel better. So bear with me a bit.

*looks at watch*

OMG!!! It's so late already! I better go to sleep now! Meeting early tomorrow morning!

I'll wake up early tomorrow and post something.

Good nite!

meeting tomorrow!

I'm going to attend a very important meeting tomorrow. I hope I'll just be an observer though. There's no way I could have given them any useful input that they can use. Heck, I'm not even qualified to do that (pssttt I'm being humble here so start praising me already! Ahaks!). So, I'll just be guai guai and observe what's happening and commit the information to my memories for further detailed processing at home.

What's scaring me though, is that the meeting will probably lasts 5 days. 5 days! Having to attend a meeting on weekly basis is tedious enough for me and this..this...this!!! Meeting for 5 days continuously! I better bring my pain-killers, anti-depressent pills and lots of drugs to pull me through.

Haha. Just kidding lar. I don't do drugs okay! It's just an expression. Chill ler. Dun call the cops ler. I'm no druggy okay. So no need to report me to the authority. I dun like being famous one. I don't like to masuk suratkhabar or TV3. Kuat bahaya ler wei. I cannot take it. Really heart attack lar!

Aiyo! What to wear for tomorrow's meeting? All my slack cannot fit in my current waistline! I'll just have to stuff myself into one (my biggest sized slack) tomorrow and pray that it won't koyak in the middle of the damn meeting. At least I have a button-up collared shirt that I can wear. It's XL in size if memory serves me right and I bought it from G2000. Really love the shirt but haven't wear it yet. I guess tomorrow is the right time to wear it then. *sigh*

Wish me luck folks. I mean it. *points daggers at readers* You BETTER wish me luck and pray for me with all of your heart! If anything happens to me, you won't have anything to read! That's a threat! Start praying now!

Muahahaha. I need the wishes okay. It won't kill u to wish me luck lar. Don't be so kiam siap (translate : stingy) ler. Quick quick wish me good luck liao!

Monday, August 27, 2007

changes changes

I changed my template colors. I'm a little edgy recently so I prefer something dark and moody. Perhaps it reflects my mood. Perhaps I just want a change. Changes are good, no?

I've just came back from one of those dinner treats (reads special dinner that I had with my boss and his contacts). All the VIPs are there. I feel a little out of place and insecure. Just a tad bit. I wonder why...

  • Maybe it's because I wasn't properly dressed? I just wear T-shirt with jeans. No make ups. No fancy hair-do. Or style. I look plain, simple and childish. In fact, I look younger than I actually am in age. Which wasn't good at all when it comes to "first impressions". My contacts always told me later (once I knew them better and vice versa) that they actually underestimated me cuz of my LOUSY first impressions. They either think I'm dumb (I wear outdated glasses and I don't talk much. I only talk when I'm talked to. Otherwise, I kept my mouth shut and just observe); or a klutz (I'm clumsy whenever I get nervous. Like knocking things all over the place or spilling water here and there, stuffs like that..) or I'm bluffing (most of them think I'm bluffing cause they dun believe a kid that has a face like mine actually know tat much) or or or... I dunno. They just have these weird expressions on their face when they look at me.
  • Maybe something's wrong with my face. I find it hard to smile and I always believe that I look like a total jerk when I smile. Maybe a brocolli got stuck in between my teeth??!
  • Maybe it's because I kept quiet all the time? I'm not much of a talker (I only talk with close friends) and I actually prefer to be a listener and observer. I don't mind if nobody talks to me as long as I get the chance to study other people's facial expressions and listen closely to their topic of conversations. Their intonations. Their vast knowledge of life. Those are so intriguing.

But tonight. Tonight, I didn't quite enjoy what I used to do. I feel awkward and I don't know what is wrong with me. Something's definitely wrong with me. It has been bugging me for a while now. I always feel out of place and that I do not belong here.

Am I being too sensitive?

One of my friend thinks I'm just over-stressed. Am I?

I think it's time to change. I want changes in my life, but I'm not sure which direction I should be heading to. I guess I'm fed up with what I've been having up till now cause it feels like it's getting me nowhere. What should I do? I'm not even sure what's going on anymore. I'm confused. I don't even know what I'm feeling or wanting anymore. Nothing matters.

Oh gosh. I need help. Seriously. I need emergency help. Taskete kudasai! Tolong! Help! Jiu ming ar!!! Kiu miang ooo!

Ok. Seriously. Here's a small quiz. Do you know what language is "taskete kudasai" and what does it mean? How about "tolong" and "jiu ming ar" and "kiu miang ooo"? Hahaha. Give it a try. Cookies are up for grabs for those who got it right!! ^___^

10 Reasons why I didn’t blog

Hi again. Sorry for the long absence. I didn’t feel like writing. On top of that, life’s busy and demanding and well, I just didn’t feel like writing. Here are the 10 preciousss reasons that I came up with for not blogging. Read and enjoy. Or read and be pissed off. Whatever.

  1. I’m too busy. Job’s calling me, my boss is calling me, his wife is calling me, my manager is calling me, Sub-con is calling me, consultant is calling me, my friends are calling me, my mum is calling me, my dad is calling me… bla bla bla. Yes. I spent most of my time answering phone calls. See? That’s busy. And my ears! My poor poor ears! Chow tar liaooo! Listening to phone calls all the time. No wonder I’m having headache!

  1. When I’m not busy, I became too lazy to do anything. What do you call that? Overworked? Overstressed? It’s a symptom that I used to have. Still having it now. When I do too much work, the next thing you know, I may not move at all. It’s like I just went kong or something. Snapped maybe?

  1. The weather’s too hot. When it’s hot, I feel lazy. When I feel lazy, my brain won’t work. When my brain isn’t working, then my fingers won’t move (cause it receives instructions to move from my brain lar). When my fingers won’t move, I can’t type. If I can’t type, I can’t blog. Got it? Haiya. No brain no finger how to blog? No activities what!

  1. The internet’s down. This ar, I tell you, is my number ONE reason why I didn’t blog. Potong stim aje I tell you! Damn tu-lan. Especially when I have the best inspirations, best topic to blog on and best mood to blog, then the blardy internet connection sure went down as if it was shot down by missiles. PUI!!!!!

  1. I’m sick. Huhuhu. This is the paling kolien part. When it comes to the sakit topic ar, my most famous sicknesses are :

    1. GASTRIC – till I ended up in the Emergency Room and scared my mum shitless
    2. WINDY STOMACH – keeps farting like I’m leaking or something
    3. NAUSEA – feels like vomiting all the time lor…like pregnant lady.. tu-lan nye!
    4. LAU SAI / DIARHOEA – best friends with toilet bowl (sien)

Surprisingly, I don’t get flu or fever THAT easily, and even getting those do not necessarily render me useless. Unless I have high fever. Now, that’s scary!

  1. I hate uploading pictures. I hate waiting for the pics to load. That’s why most of my posts are without pics. I hate losing my patience over some stupid pictures that refused to load no matter how long I waited. Once, it took me hours (days even) just to upload one small picture. I was so freaking pissed that I nearly tossed out my desktop! No point getting pissed mad for not being able to post pictures, right? So, I either posted without the pictures, or I mah dun blog lor.

  1. I’m worried sick! What am I worrying about? My weight! My waistline! I can’t wear my normal clothes! Fuck, I can’t even button up my shirts or wear my blouse without worrying that it’ll be torn to pieces. I can’t wear my jeans! Goddamn, if I’m so worried about my food and waistline and diet and exercise and all those bloody time consuming shits, do you think I’ll have time to blog, har?!

  1. Negative feedback, negative feedbacks! My sisters told me that my blog is very sia soey (memalukan which means shameful) because it contains too much vulgar words, too many cuss words, too many angry remarks, too impolite/rude, too low class. Un-educational and totally useless to read! *sigh* There goes my self-esteem. Everything down the drain liaoooo… you say lar, where got mood to blog ler? Ai…

  1. I don’t feel like blogging. Totally no mood lar. How?

  1. No thrill. No thrill man! No adrenaline! I mah no want to blog lor. Can barely maintain the blog’s pureee English. How lor like tat? Better close shop hor?

Last but not least, tenkiu for reading my craps. *bows low low*

*runs off to write another post*

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

50 raunchiest Malaysian blogs

I was reading Michael's blog when I came across this. It's quite outdated (cuz it was posted in June 21, 2007) but what the heck. I'll post anyway. Here's my rating.

NC-17 which means that NO ONE 17 AND UNDER ADMITTED. So you. Yes! YOU! If you're under 17 and you're here reading my blog, shoooooo now!

Pssssttt.. But if your parents aren't watching then by all means, just read lar. I need all the support I can get man!

But truth be told hor, I can't believe my blog can make it through. Then again, if you take into account the amount of swearing I've spewed here, then off course, I'll be pissed if I didn't make it through!

*slaps forehead*

Hey Michael! Please include me to your list!!! I couldn't post comment on his site just now. Guess I'll just wait till I managed to do that. *sigh*

Thursday, August 16, 2007

off to kapit

Yo. I'm going to Kapit today. 10.30 AM flight. Then gonna catch an express to Kapit at 12.30 PM gua. I'm not sure cause my BigBoss's wife arranged the express tickets.

Anyway, there won't be any updates till I came back on Saturday. Unless I managed to online there in Kapit. Chances are quite slim and I'm not really looking forward to it.

I'll just spend my time there writing reports, reading E-Books and watching Anime and movies.

Cya all on Saturday!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

how terrible is your job?

I came across this "Employee beware" article this morning when I browsed for something juicy to read. Actually, it's the only morning (in 2 weeks time since I last goyang kaki) when I get (haha lucky me!) to surf and read something before starting my job full swing.

To all those employees, click on the link and go read the article up and determine whether you're one of the unlucky employee or not. If you are, then too bad. If you're not, then dang it you're one lucky damn person. Stay faraway from me. I'll be so tulan if you're nearby!

Anyway, here's the summary of the sub-titles and my verdict (of myself lar okay, not you!) :-

1. You dread going to work.
Hmmm... To some extend, yes. I dread going to work. But not to the point where I refused to go to work. It's like a love hate situation. You love it, and yet you hate it at the same time. You don't wanna do it, and yet you can't live without doing it. In my case, it's 50/50 lar. My work sucks but sometimes, I love doing it. That's part and parcel of life. Nothing is perfect. Even if you can't accept that, life still goes on. Time waits for no one babe, especially you! Haha!

2. You get no enjoyment from your day-to-day responsibilities.
Enjoyment from my day to day responsibilities? Hmmm. I like the idea of being able to do impossible things for my superbly impossible boss who always asks for im
possible targets. Heck, anybody would feel good if they managed to accomplish the impossibles, no?

I have to admit though, that sometimes, when the going gets tough, and everything, practically just everything went wrong, you'd feel like you're dreaming and that everything would just go away once you open your eyes and wake up. Those are the days when you feel like eating panadols (loads of them) the size of hamburgers. *faints*

3. You are uncomfortable with the company culture and environment.
Company culture and environment? Let's see. No dressing code. Anything goes as long as I don't turn up wearing a bikini or swimsuit. Flexible working hours. You can come in super late, or leave super early, or come in super early, and leave super late or whatever as long as you get the jobs done. Damn flexible eh? Hahaha. And they have great working environment. Decent office equipments, leather chairs, fully equipped with air-conds, stationeries, endless beverage supplies, pantry with microwave oven, rice cooker, gas stove, gas tank, refrigerator, complete cooking utensils, slow cooker, kettle, everything! Hahaha. I simply love that. Now, how many companies can have that???

And I can't sit still in a chair without moving, or going outside. Since all the jobs I've done requires traveling, I'm pretty much a happy bunny. I can do management and traveling and site visiting at the same time but pullleeezzzzeee : No office work for 1 week straight. I'll die of boredom. And no site work for 1 week straight. I'd get so bloody restless I'll kill anybody within the radius of 10m from me! And pulezzzeee no traveling for 1 week straight too. I'd be so tired I'd just spend most of my night time sleeping instead of working!

Conclusion : I like my job now. It's a rojak. With a little bit of everything. Spices of life. Niceee...

Point of the day. Just bloody perform. Accomplish your tasks. You can bitch about it later on. I always bitch halfway through though. Sometimes even before I started the works to reach the targets. Bad habits are hard to kill ya know. ;P

4. Your relationship with your boss is turbulent.
Eh, I don't have problems with my boss. The only thing I can't stand is that he nags too much, always talk dirty and keeps repeating the same thing over and over and over again. He only does that when he's losing money. And he cuss a lot too. And he's a bloody liar. I still can't comprehend why I believed what he said in the first place. To think that he might have changed after all those years? Silly me. Aaarrrggghhhhh!!!!!!!

5. You see no opportunities for career advancement or enhancement.

Job training? Professional development? Pah. Nonsense. I'm trained every single goddamn minute I'm working for him. Need further training meh tiu! Professional development? Let's just say that I don't intend to become an Engineer for the rest of my miserable life. As long as I get good pay, and as long as THAT's done through job performance, the rest I just don't care lar, aiyo!

Hmmm... I think I'm doing fine there doncha think? In that case, does that mean that those who aren't doing well should steer clear and faraway from me? Least they feel tulan with me. Muahahaha!

So, how terrible is your job? ;P

oh no!

I'm going to Kapit tomorrow for 2 days. I managed to book a hotel room for 16 Aug but not for 17 Aug. All the hotels there are fully booked on the 17 Aug. By the ministers.

I can't believe it. I really can't believe it.

Hello!!! We're talking about Kapit here okay. How the heck can the hotels there be fully booked? By ministers some more. Damn. They must be having some kinda function there.

My flight back to Kuching is on the 18 Aug. I bet the flights on 17 Aug are all fully booked as well.


This leaves me with nothing but one choice.

To stay at my BigBoss's house.

I don't like that.

*bangs head to the wall*

Cause that means zero freedom.

*bangs head to the floor*

And also more stress. Unnecessary pressure.

-_____-'' Uwahhhhhh!!!!!!

;_; I don't wanna go traveling tomorrow!!!!!!!! Waaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Latest update...

I was scolded by my BigBoss's wife for booking a hotel. She expects me to stay at her house. =.= I hope it's good. I'm praying that it'll be good. Cause I've heard stories... *gulps*

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

rainy days...

It's raining again. Haven't rained in a while. Maybe that explains why it was so difficult for me to climb out of my bed this morning.

You see, I have the tendency to procrastinate the most when the weather's cool. And yes. That includes rainy days.

Was it raining this morning? Nope. There was no rain this morning. I simply felt super lazy to wake up. As if my body knows that its gonna rain. Hahaha...

Man. That felt good. I miss the rain kinda. But raining also means that the work on site would be delayed and that my Vivic would be totally drenched out there. Poor him.

And yeah. While we're talking about cars, I hafta tell you guys this. I'm so relieved that I wasn't driving my Vivic just now. If it were him, I don't think I'll let the damn kid off the hook that easily. I'd have cooked him for dinner right then and there!

To make a long story short, I had a slight accident just now while driving my Mum's Unser. A young man driving a dark green coloured sedan rammed to the right side of my Unser's rear bumper at the T-junction while I was on my way to collect my buah cempedak.

Me and my mum went down to inspect the car. Actually, my mum's to inspect the car, me? To rough things up with the other fucking driver.

Me : Shit! *horror looks on* Look at that! How the heck did you drive???

Dumbass : Sorry sorry! I didn't see you...

Me : Great. My Unser is SO BIG and it's fucking RED in colour and YOU can't see it?!! YOU CAN'T SEE IT??!

Dumbass : I'm sorry. I was looking at the other direction. I thought that there was no car in front. I wasn't looking. I'm sorry. I really am.

Dumbass was mumbling and rambling sorry sorry sorry all over. I checked my rear bumper and it was scratched but not badly damaged. Slightly dented but my mum still can live with that. What with her being such a nice, compassionate and considerate person. My mum is SUPER NICE okay!

Unlike me though, you dented my car, I'll have your head for snack!!!

I took one peek at the guy's car and man, it was dented all right, starting from his front bumper all the way to his front door. That's a long scratch + dent.

Meanwhile, my mum checked our Unser and sensing not much damage, she just said "Nevermind lar"...


If my mum says nevermind, then what more can I say right? The car is hers.

I climbed into the car (surprisingly without much cussing) and drove off. End of story.

Anyway, I think the guy's gonna get a beating or by the least, his ears gonna fell off its perching place by the time he gets home cause he didn't inspect the damages on his car and he drove off thinking that he didn't sustain much damages. I bet his parents will chew his ears and meat out.

And I'm telling you the truth when I said that I was relieved that it wasn't my Vivic out there just now. My dear dear Vivic definitely can't survive a bump like that. What with him being a Perodua Viva (which reads milo tin car), with a bump like that, I bet I'll be changing the whole rear bumper and that can easily cost me thousands of ringgit. No kidding!

It's nice to have rainy days sometimes. But accidents ALWAYS happen during rainy days too. Without fail. Is this a written law that must happen each time it rains or what? Haiya. So ma huan!

But I love my bed. During rainy days. That's without complain off course!!!

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Kurama's Voice Artist!!! Megumi Ogata!

OMG!!! I was watching Claymore episode 15 and I noticed something awesome to my great delight!!!

It's Kurama's voice!!!!! I'm sure of it! I'm ecstatic!!! I'm on cloud 9! I miss his voice so much!!!! That rich, deep, sexy, mysterious, worth dying for voice!!! I haven't heard it in years!!! I'll recognize it anywhere! Anytime! Yay!!!!!

Clare!!! Oh Clare! She lengthened her vocal chords to make her voice sounds deeper in her guise as a guy and it turned into Kurama's voice!!! I love Megumi Ogata! She's the voice artist for Kurama of the Yu Yu Hakusho Anime. She shot to stardom in her first debut role, staring as Youko Kurama aka Minamino Shuuichi in Yu Yu Hakusho back in the year 1992. Before the airing of Yu Yu Hakusho though, there were many protests from fans all over Japan. They didn't agree to the selection of a female Voice Artist to play the role of Kurama who was considered one of the important character in the Anime. Their protests turned into great admiration and approval once they heard her voice as Kurama. It's so captivating and no one can do it better than her!!! From then onwards, she continued to become the Voice Artist for various famous/popular Anime such as Sailor Moon and Magic Knight Rayearth (just to name a FEW).

OMG! I'm in crazy mode now. I kept repeating that part where Clare said the most sentence using Kurama's voice. *melts*

unbelievable 2

Hello again.

Finally dragged my ass here and checked my stats after finished watching and re-watching my Anime (I haven't checked it in weeks). It's not much, but hey, I actually have readers. Readers! And I do have a steady flow of readers, even if it's not much. But gosh!

I mean Good Lord, people are actually reading the craps I spewed out. My craps. My life!


To all my dear readers out there, I have absolutely no idea why you keep coming back (care to tell me why? *wink* *wink*) cuz personally I think my blog sucks and since I don't get much feedback, I don't quite know how well I'm actually doing in the blogsphere... but but but!!!

THANK YOU!!! *muaks*

Thanks for your support, for your loyalty, for just being here. I appreciate it. Somewhere, somehow, there are people who reads about my life, knowing what I've been through and all that. At least, I won't feel THAT lonely. Haha...

Well, I've just thought of the stuffs to post in my blog. Remember my helicopter ride? I actually took some pictures, so yeah, I may upload it here. Haha.. It's not much, but it's better than nothing, right?

I hope I'll be able to blog more next week. I may move to Sibu as well, so there are lots of preparations to do. Heck, I may be going all over the place, since my BigBoss changes his mind every goddamn seconds or so... So confusing. So tiring. So sien. *sigh*

I hope I'll be able to breath still. I hope I'll lost weight. I hope I'll slim down, back to my previous slim waistline. I hope I'm still 18 years old.

I hope I'll be happy. Contented.

I hope I won't be disappointed. Ai...

out of idea

Howdie folks. It's been ages since I blog.

I haven't been blogging regularly recently. It's like I totally ran out of idea on stuffs to write. And I'm short on blog titles as well.

The last few weeks had been extremely hectic. Work sucks because I had more than I can handle and my boss has a goddamn high expectations of me. Most of his expectations start with the big letter I (which denotes Impossible).

And I refrained from writing because I realized that I've been spewing so much anger lately. Heck, I got fed up with them myself. All I've ever felt is anger, anger and more anger. Gosh, is something wrong with me?

When was the last time I felt really good? Free of anger, free of worries, free of troubles?

I can't remember those times. And I don't want to. It feels so stupid to be missing the good ol' days when nobody else involved miss it. Get what I mean? Awww.... it's complicated.

I'm feeling restless without knowing the reason why. I'm feeling helpless without any comprehension at all. I'm tired, empty and sad. As for why am I feeling this way, the answer is : I don't know.

The truth is, I didn't put in much effort in my work lately. I didn't feel like blogging, I didn't feel like socializing and I just didn't want to do anything. I should be doing my best (especially in my work) and yet I'm not. I've always felt that, no matter how hard I worked and tried, at the end of the day, it would have meant nothing because I have no one to share it with.

Life seems dark and empty and meaningless when you put it that way, no?

All I've ever felt now is boredom. And the fact that I get bored easily doesn't make it any easier. Life's the same everyday, every week. Every goddamn second and minutes of the day. You wake up in the morning, get ready for work, eat, work, eat, rest then sleep and the whole cycle repeats itself the next day and the day after that and the day after and after... So boring.

As for my anime, I've downloaded and watched all the Anime that I'm after. And I'm stuck here now, waiting for more new episodes from Claymore, Kekkaishi, Naruto Shippuuden, Bleach and D.Gray-man. These are my favs at the moment.

And I'm still waiting for the Gundam Seed Destiny movie that mother fucker Fukuda promised to release in 2007. It's postponed to 2008 now. Bloody hell.

I watched Ratatouille last nite. Amusing movie about a rat named Remy that learns to cook. A rat that can cook. Now I feel worse cause I can't cook even if my life depended on it.

I'm worse than a rat. Great feeling, eh?

I need something to distract me from all these miseries.

Should I write Anime reviews? Would you read them? Hmmm...

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Bad day...

Today is one of those days most people dread the most. At least, I do. Dread them days like this.

It started off beautifully. So beautiful that you'd think to yourself... I love being alive...

Then, bad things started pouring in one after another. Nah, it's a beautiful day. I don't mind one or two bad things.

Then more and more shits started pouring in and it's actually aimed at your face. Fuck *starts to lose patience*

Next came the biggest, worst, slimiest shits you'd ever imagined in that slimy small tight head of yours. Then you'd go OMG... fuck fuck fuck

Fuck (multiply that by 1000 to the power of eternity)

I felt like I've just fell down from the top of Mount Everest and landed on a huge pile of cow dung. Ugh!!!

Ok ok. The story is this. I accomplished something major tasks today and I felt good about it. I was on cloud 9. I felt useful. I felt great. Awesome.

Before I had enough time to soak in my accomplishments though, I get one after another weird calls. All meant trouble. Suddenly, problems just popped out of nowhere and they kept coming in fast.

I didn't have enough ears to listen to the laments of these poor souls and of course, I don't have enough mouth to calm or soothe them or provide solutions for them and DAMN RIGHT I only have one brain and I can't think or listen to 3 phone calls at the same time, process all the frigging problems and come up with a solution for each of those goddamn problems as if I'm some awesome professor working at one of the most prestigious Universities in the world.


I'm beat. I feel totally useless. I wish I'm Superman or Wonder Woman. Just so I can fix things on my own without needing any other assholes help or support or cooperation. Fuck team work!

I hate works that need team members. I hate depending on people. I hate those goddamn mother-fuckers who dunno their roles and can't differentiate a dick from a boob.

I hate morons.


I hate today.

Friday, August 3, 2007


I want to believe that I'm strong. Tough. I travel a lot and I never have dizziness problem. Whether I travel by air (plane or helicopter), water (express, speed boat, sampan, long boat, ferry) and land (car, bus, lorry, u name it). Sounds like I'm invisible huh?

Well, I do get dizzy. You wanna know what makes me dizzy?

You're so not gonna believe this.




*slaps forehead*

I'm ashamed of myself. *runs to hide* Sheesh!

total bullshit

I've just experienced the most unbelievable crap of the day.

I went out to survey the price of furnitures, electrical appliances and other facilities needed to setup houses for the PMT (Project Management Team). Guess what I found?

Bullshit number 1 : The taukeh in charge at the first furniture shop I went to refused to give me quotation!
Reason given : We never win any of the quotation given out. Give quotation = no sale!
Verdict : Fucking asshole. He can as well close his bloody shop cause obviously he doesn't know how to conduct business. If your price is competitive, why worry? And trust me, with that attitude of his, he'll be chasing away more customers than making them buy from him.

Bullshit number 2 : The taukenio quoted all right, but with tonnes of craps and bullshits too. She said she can't specify the brand name, but can quote the price. I went O.o and gave her a wtf look. How can you simply quote without stating the brand name? With no details whatsoever? She said if she gives me too many details then I'll be comparing her price to others. I was in the 'wtf' mood the entire time I was in her shop. I'm so not in the mood to deal with her. Fuck man.
Verdict : Fucking asshole number 2. She can go sell her body and become a whore or something cuz obviously she's got no brain. Niamah! Where the fuck got people do business like that one? Kanneh betul.

Do you guys see what I see? Fucking world is turning upside down. Geesh!

stay in Sibu

My stay in Sibu is... how should I put it. Tiring? Yeah. Although I hate to admit that, it's true. Tiring.

I spent whole day at the site, or outside, running all over the places.

That includes flying. On a helicopter. Sounds cool? Yeah. Cool. In between the heli rides and dining at expensive exclusive places, being able to order absolutely anything I want at whim, and getting to know all the VIPs out there, it amaze me how upset still I am.

I'm still upset that they haven't given me the laptop and mobile phone and car that they'd promised me.

As angry and pissed as I am with this, I still manage to suppress my anger somewhat (miraculously) because I found out the reason why they were unable to do that. My God. *slaps forehead*

Everything is in such a mess. No wonder they are willing to hire me at such high price. They expect me to just swing my wand and poof! All the problems are solved. Gone into thin air. Vanished!

Ma-deh. As if that is possible. And to think that I have to give 3 months notice to resign. To be honest, I'm close to resigning. Again. I hate this miserable "chess" game. Either you lose or you win. Such bloody tiring game.

Patience. Patience. I need them now. Patience. Loads. More than you can imagine.

I'm wee bit close to calling my boss and bombed him this morning. Yeah. Those of you who knows me in person KNOWS that I'll do that whenever I'm pissed and that I won't give a fuck who's at the receiving end. And yeah. I woke up at the wrong side of the bed. I woke up angry. I woke up upset. And super pissed after making several important deciding calls back to HQ in Kuching.

FUCK! The first big four lettered foul word of the day. It's my word of the day.

Kanneh comes 2nd.

Cheebye comes 3rd.

As much as I want to curse, I hate to admit that my vocabulary on foul words are super limited.

Conclusion is : I'm not even good in cursing. Loser. Lame. Tiu.

So, instead of going to the site, I've locked myself inside the hotel room, enjoying the air cond, the coffee, the tv, the music, and the joy of surfing and blogging all in one go. Oh, with great Sibu town scenery too.

Have I mentioned that I bought a laptop? It's mine. Not the company ones. I've been wanting to buy one for quite some time now. Finally got it. Everything's fabulous. Except the bloody keyboard though. It's not responsive. I can't repeatedly type two continuous letter at one go. The letters just won't come out. So it's kinda annoying for me cause I type super fast. Average 70-80 words per minute. If the keyboard is nice and to my liking, I can easily reach 90 words per minute with 100% accuracy rate.

You don't believe me? Think I'm bluffing? Ask my friends. They'll smack your head and tell you "What? You don't fucking believe her? Try and have a competition with her then you MORON!"

*double whacks*

The speakers are awesome. The display is splendid. Oh. It's an Acer by the way. Aspire 4520. Cheap and fast unit. The shell is black in colour and after a while staring at it, I begin to like it. I didn't like it at first. The shape's slightly different. A little on the oval egg shape. Has curves on every corner. Everything's good and dandy. I've always liked Acer for a while now. Compared to Toshiba and NEC and Twinhead. But this unit has lousy keyboard. Fuck. Everything's good except the goddamn keyboard. Do you think I can have the keyboard changed? Better still, I'll go get a good keyboard. Kanneh.

I know. I'm babbling. Rambling. Ranting. Whatever.

I'm not in the mood to work. I'm bored. I'm pissed. I'm upset. I'm dizzy. The combination of all these produces:-

bored + pissed + upset + dizzy = bad mood

When I'm in a bad mood, it means I'm suicidal. Aggressive. Super sensitive. Every little thing is wrong for me. Right now I feel like flinging the 21" tv set in my hotel room out of the huge window panes behind me.

It'll be fun to watch it crash all the way down. It'll be better if the damn stupid box managed to claim some lives down there.

I miss my water gun. If I have it now, I'll fill it up with acid and go about on a crazy shooting spree. I'm on high mood to do some massive torturing activities.

That way I'll feel better. If I feel better, I'll cool down. If I'm cool, I'll calm down. If I'm calm, then perhaps, I'll be normal. Yeah. Right now, I'm far from normal.

Looking back, I've always been in angry mood. Way too frequently. At the rate I'm going, I won't be able to make it past 35. I'll be dead before I reach mid thirties.

I'll go out for a quick survey. Then I'll come back to brood further. Maybe I'll write more later too.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

First helicopter ride...

I had my first helicopter ride today. We (me, my colleagues and my big Boss) had to go some unreachable places and heli is the only solution.

It was so much fun!!!

Now I totally envied those pilots. They have so much fun. It really feels like a bird flying in the heli.

You can practically see everything!

I wanna be a pilot! It should be as fun as driving a car, no?

Actually, I took pictures but am not able to load it up.


And I don't feel like writing much. Maybe I'll write but not much.

Hey. You get to read some updates. Be happy about it.

Stop complaining bitches!

Just for once, I wanna stop being nice.

Maybe I should drop the goody two shoes act. Going bad all the way out makes me feel good.


Gtg. Later!