Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Bad day...

Today is one of those days most people dread the most. At least, I do. Dread them days like this.

It started off beautifully. So beautiful that you'd think to yourself... I love being alive...

Then, bad things started pouring in one after another. Nah, it's a beautiful day. I don't mind one or two bad things.

Then more and more shits started pouring in and it's actually aimed at your face. Fuck *starts to lose patience*

Next came the biggest, worst, slimiest shits you'd ever imagined in that slimy small tight head of yours. Then you'd go OMG... fuck fuck fuck

Fuck (multiply that by 1000 to the power of eternity)

I felt like I've just fell down from the top of Mount Everest and landed on a huge pile of cow dung. Ugh!!!

Ok ok. The story is this. I accomplished something major tasks today and I felt good about it. I was on cloud 9. I felt useful. I felt great. Awesome.

Before I had enough time to soak in my accomplishments though, I get one after another weird calls. All meant trouble. Suddenly, problems just popped out of nowhere and they kept coming in fast.

I didn't have enough ears to listen to the laments of these poor souls and of course, I don't have enough mouth to calm or soothe them or provide solutions for them and DAMN RIGHT I only have one brain and I can't think or listen to 3 phone calls at the same time, process all the frigging problems and come up with a solution for each of those goddamn problems as if I'm some awesome professor working at one of the most prestigious Universities in the world.


I'm beat. I feel totally useless. I wish I'm Superman or Wonder Woman. Just so I can fix things on my own without needing any other assholes help or support or cooperation. Fuck team work!

I hate works that need team members. I hate depending on people. I hate those goddamn mother-fuckers who dunno their roles and can't differentiate a dick from a boob.

I hate morons.


I hate today.


Anonymous said...

oh man,.. you are getting busier and busier every passing days!!! ask for more $$$ yah..

KiBiKiBi said...

wps : ask for more $$$? Easier said than done. But I'm gonna get my Lappy soon. It's a 12" display and weights less than 2 kg Acer Travelmate. Can't wait to have my hands on it! ;D