I nearly cabut just now. I don't care anymore. Really be tahan! I yawned countless of times inside the conference room because I can more or less by-heart every details and information conveyed during the meeting. Those info has been repeated again and again and again. It actually feels like I've gone back to the blardy school days whereby the teachers voice keeps droning (no matter how interesting the subject is and no matter how excited a voice they use, everything just sounds like the same boring stupid things being repeated over and over again like a broken casette player) till I kept yawning and had troubles keeping my mind and eyes awake.
I'm praying that tomorrow there won't be any meetings to attend because I can't stand it. I hate dressing up smartly and nicely and neatly for the meetings. I hate the awkwardness of having to sit through the long hours in total discomfort of my clothing attire. I felt weird donning those formal office wear (executive suits). I felt like a different person. Maybe, just maybe I should wear them more oftenly so that I get used to it? I don't like the idea but perhaps I'll give it a try.
I did say many a times over that I wanted to change right? Yupe.
And the boots. You know, those ankle high boots worn with slacks and suits or whatever particle of clothing that suits them. Remember my fractured right foot? I'm having difficulties wearing boots because of the slightly highly extended heels which forced me to exert more pressure on the fractured part of my right foot. My foot felt numb each time I took off the boots after I reached home at 7 PM.
Anyway, I'm totally exhausted. I fell asleep early last night eventhough I had planned to blog about the meeting. Thinking about it now, I guess it's safe to say that I've totally forgotten about the stuffs that I planned to write last night. Oh well. If it comes back to me, I'll blog about it. If not, then let it be. It's not really important.
Oh yeah. Back to topic. The meetings. After those miserable long hours spent inside the conference rooms, the conclusion is : I need to travel to West Malaysia with a group of Engineers from another company. I'll probably leave next week and duration of travel is currently still unknown to us. The only thing I'm sure of is that we have to go to several places all over West Malaysia to collect samples and survey the sites.
Sounds tiring huh? Well, tiring is better than boring. At least I can fall asleep without much tossing at night. And time somehow flies each time you have something to do or rush. Without actually realising it, one week may have gone by just by the blink of an eye. Time really waits for no man. Err... woman. Errr... anybody, in fact.
I'm tired tired tired. I'll just spend some time watching anime and then I'll call it a night. How's your days folks? Man. I feel like I've been blogging to walls. Haven't got much feedback in a while. You guys still alive? Arlow??