Yo all! I'm going to Sibu tomorrow around noon time. Hope I'd be able to drive tomorrow. Will spend time there and then go to Kuching sometime in the middle until the my leave expires. Hahaha. That's like 2 whole weeks!!! All in all, I took almost one whole month off. 2 weeks mc and 2 weeks hols (Public Hols + Unrecorded Leaves + Annual Leaves + Weekends)
Can't wait to meet friends!
Can't wait to take pics!
Can't wait to catch up on stuffs!
Can't wait to hang out!!!
Can't wait to stuff myself silly with good food there!
Can't wait to shop!!!
Can't wait to check out that Pig statue near the Tanahmas Hotel. Is it wearing any cute costume now ar??
Can't wait... x888 =p
Everything can't wait lar. Aiyo. Dun even mention 'work' in front of me. I'd stare at you blankly. Never heard of that word before. What the fark is it? Is it even important? *evil grins*
Me insomnia liao.
Me sot sot tei liao.
Me kong liao.
Thoughts of shopping shudders me tho. This year shall be the poorest cny I've ever experienced. I'm totally broke. My com still owe me my allowance from Dec until now. *sigh* Sian. Double sian. Tripple Tu-lan too. Hope it comes out before 18th Feb. Otherwise, I'll spend the rest of my cny sulking. Grrr..
Plotting murder.
Build voodoo dolls.
The rest are too gory details. P/s:It's not good to post bad bad stuffs like that when my title says CNY hor? So, I'll be 'guai' and stop doing that.
*looks around*
Damn! I hate it when ppl owe me money ya know??!!! I'll hunt them down! Tear their limbs and rub salt onto their wounds! Feed their blood to fleas, use their meat to buat bak pao, use their bones to boil nice soup and then feed the remains of the bones to dogs.... #$#@%%^2#!
Tiu lar. Me sleepy liao. Gotta fetch my mum early tomorrow morning. Won't be able to blog much in Sibu cuz I don't have internet access there. But spending CNY in Sibu is the best evar ya know!!!
So dang meriah. Hopefully I'll manage to snap some cool photos. But then again my photo snapping skills sucks zillions!!!
Ok ok. I really should stop now. Till next time.. Bai!
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Monday, February 12, 2007
God, please...
Dear God,
I'm being very 'guai' liao. Please listen to my prayers. Please heal my right fractured foot. I need it very much. I need it urgently. I need it to be able to drive my manual old junk Nissan 130Y all da way from Sarikei to Sibu this Valentine's day. That junk has very stiff accelerator pad ler. Me dun wanna let my mummy do the driving. Long distance wor. Me worried sick. Me damn tu-lan my right foot now. Me lagi tulan myself now. Yalar, with me being clumsy and all that. Me fedup already. So please use your magical hand, and heal me up God! I promise I'll be XTRA 'guai' and I'll stop cussing for 3 weeks and I'll let you have all my Ang Pows, ok??? *teary face*
If not, I CRY!!!!! waaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I pray this all in Jesus Christ's most precious name. Amen!
Now, now... do you think my right foot can heal in time ar? Valentine's 2 days from now wor. *sigh* Worries. Endless worries. Aiiii...
I'm being very 'guai' liao. Please listen to my prayers. Please heal my right fractured foot. I need it very much. I need it urgently. I need it to be able to drive my manual old junk Nissan 130Y all da way from Sarikei to Sibu this Valentine's day. That junk has very stiff accelerator pad ler. Me dun wanna let my mummy do the driving. Long distance wor. Me worried sick. Me damn tu-lan my right foot now. Me lagi tulan myself now. Yalar, with me being clumsy and all that. Me fedup already. So please use your magical hand, and heal me up God! I promise I'll be XTRA 'guai' and I'll stop cussing for 3 weeks and I'll let you have all my Ang Pows, ok??? *teary face*
If not, I CRY!!!!! waaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I pray this all in Jesus Christ's most precious name. Amen!
Now, now... do you think my right foot can heal in time ar? Valentine's 2 days from now wor. *sigh* Worries. Endless worries. Aiiii...
Wokay. I'm going to do a simple FAQ here just for the heck of it. It's an Introductory of some sort. Here goes nothing! ;p
1) Who are you?
Me? Me?? Me??? I'm a Female. HomoSapien. I'm Malaysian Chinese. No no NO! I'm not a Malay, ok?!! I'm a Malaysian born Chinese. Malaysian is my NATIONALITY. Chinese is my Species. Race. Got that? Ok. Next! Name's Val. Hajime maste. *bows low low* AND *shakes hand* ^____^
2) Is that your real name?
Uh.. actually it's a nickname I used when I first started playing internet. Yeah. Back in 1997. Mirc rocks back then. Those were the days. I'm really bad in choosing nickname. Therefore I stick to names instead. I really like the name Valerie at that time, but I couldn't get me a valerie during the registration of nick in mirc, so I settled for valerie2 instead. Over the years, the name got stuck somehow. I'm so used to ppl calling me Val in the internet so I was like wth... just use lar. What's in a name rite?
3) Where do you come from?
Me come from Malaysia. The state is Sarawak. Where's THAT? Ya know, that big space on the map that looks kinda like a slipper if you squint your eyes hard enough. Yeah. We live in jungles and trees and caves. We're so advance in science and technology that we use tree roots to plug into cave walls and voila, we're connected to the www. Awesome eh?!!? Muahahaha!!! And here I am Dude! Blogging for you to read. Nyehahaha!
4) What does 'hlco' mean?
Eh..for those who are curious as to why I'm using hlco instead of val yadda yadda yadda, you better pay close attention. Hohoho. 'hl' stands for the initial of my chinese name and 'co' is short for the word 'cocoon'. My initial when translated from chinese directly into English means 'small bell'. That's something huh? *beams* Cocoon means a safe quiet place. So, in direct translation, 'hlco' simply means my own safe quiet place in the web. I hope it's safe enough. And quiet cause nobody would know what I'm writing here unless you hunt me down, plod through all those senseless junks that I spewed out and read till your eyeballs dropped to the ground. And died in the process (of boredom, haha).
5) Why do you blog? Why now?
Having my own blog means a freedom of some sort to me. It's a safe quiet place for me to rant, complain, pour out my heart's content and just be myself. Well, at least I consider it safe until somebody sue me or threatened to kill me rite?
Liessss! All lies. I blog cause I like to bitch about life cause it sucks and I just can't fucking stand it sometimes I just needa find an outlet to scream and rant and plot murderous intent till the rage deep inside me tones down and I'm all back to normal and...
-__-'' That's my other self talking so don't pay any attention to her. Sometimes I believe I DO have double personalities. The Angel AND the Demon. Ya know?? I'm the Angel *smiles*.. she's the Demon *sulks* ... *BIG SIGH*
To put it nicely... here's how it should be:-
I need some form of outlet to let loose all those extra stress hugging tightly to me as if I'm the last person alive on earth for them to bug. Welcome to my world. Welcome to 'hlco.blogspot.com'. If you like what you read, BOOKMARK me. Quick quick! Click that button liao!!! Hit Ctrl-D lar, aiyo. Stop by. Read!!! You MUST! 24-7-365! Don't stop clicking that mousie of yours! Aiyah. Like this lar. Let's be friends lar. I'm friendly ya know. Me very nice one ya know. I give you sweets. Come hon come. *winks*
6) So, what's your blog about?
Kyah!!! This question me like me like! *nods fervently* Ehem. I'd like to say my blog covers a wide range of categories. They are:-
Life - every shit that happens everyday. Crap. Shit happens ya know?
Anime & Manga - stuffs I watch and read and luv and worship and can't live without
Rants - endless rants
Musings - endless of THAT too =P
Food - I can't live a day without it wor. Can you?
Memories - I miss those good old days *dreamy state*
Site/Work - tempat cari makan (translate : literally just mean my working place in Bahasa Melayu)
More shall be added to the category as life goes on. Did you find something that you like? Anything???? Come come. Let's watch Anime. I teach you. Really!
7) What do you expect to get from your blog?
Uwah. This is a toughy. What do I expect ar? Hmm.. I expect somebody to read it AND like it. Hope it gains lotsa readers worldwide. I won't mind making some friends through my blog. Absolutely won't mind making money here too! But that's a tad bit too ambitious. Gosh! I don't even know what I'm talking about. Ohhh! I found that answer! I hope I can find the real Me here. Does that make sense to you? LOL
8) What do you do? I mean in real life?
Real life? *sigh* Let's just say I dun earn enough to support my miserable life. Work is a pain in the ass. Hate it kinda. Hafta work under the sun and blardy rain too. Paper works too. Practical shits too. But sometimes hor, I'm so dang passionate about it. But some retard cols or stooopid boss may spoil it big & deep (if ya get what I mean, so yeah, there shall be lotsa rants about bosses too. p/s: I have MANY bosses so I may intro some of them... on 2nd thought, maybe not... eeeeeEEE...)
9) What are your hobbies? Ya know. Stuffs that you enjoy doing when you're free?
Hobbies? My lattest hobbies include Blogging. Haha. Next is probably photography gua. But I haven't done much snapping ever since I got myself that Canon A540. What a waste eh? The rest of my hobbies are pretty much the same stuffs I blog about. Bitching about life. Watching Anime. Reading Manga. Surfing. Listening to songs (but how many dickheads are REALLY singing nowadays? Pah! But I'll blog about that some other time). What else? Ooohhh... perhaps I'll indulge myself in Gundam Modelling too. Just haven't find a good spot fer me to do all those stuffs!!! Needa workshop of some sort ya know. Y? Cuz me dumb dumb and slow like snail mar. May take ages just to finish one model. Aiyoyo!!!
Wokay. I'm done. Quite quite done. You have further questions? E-mail me at valerie2@gmail.com Happy Reading evbody!!! ^-^''
1) Who are you?
Me? Me?? Me??? I'm a Female. HomoSapien. I'm Malaysian Chinese. No no NO! I'm not a Malay, ok?!! I'm a Malaysian born Chinese. Malaysian is my NATIONALITY. Chinese is my Species. Race. Got that? Ok. Next! Name's Val. Hajime maste. *bows low low* AND *shakes hand* ^____^
2) Is that your real name?
Uh.. actually it's a nickname I used when I first started playing internet. Yeah. Back in 1997. Mirc rocks back then. Those were the days. I'm really bad in choosing nickname. Therefore I stick to names instead. I really like the name Valerie at that time, but I couldn't get me a valerie during the registration of nick in mirc, so I settled for valerie2 instead. Over the years, the name got stuck somehow. I'm so used to ppl calling me Val in the internet so I was like wth... just use lar. What's in a name rite?
3) Where do you come from?
Me come from Malaysia. The state is Sarawak. Where's THAT? Ya know, that big space on the map that looks kinda like a slipper if you squint your eyes hard enough. Yeah. We live in jungles and trees and caves. We're so advance in science and technology that we use tree roots to plug into cave walls and voila, we're connected to the www. Awesome eh?!!? Muahahaha!!! And here I am Dude! Blogging for you to read. Nyehahaha!
4) What does 'hlco' mean?
Eh..for those who are curious as to why I'm using hlco instead of val yadda yadda yadda, you better pay close attention. Hohoho. 'hl' stands for the initial of my chinese name and 'co' is short for the word 'cocoon'. My initial when translated from chinese directly into English means 'small bell'. That's something huh? *beams* Cocoon means a safe quiet place. So, in direct translation, 'hlco' simply means my own safe quiet place in the web. I hope it's safe enough. And quiet cause nobody would know what I'm writing here unless you hunt me down, plod through all those senseless junks that I spewed out and read till your eyeballs dropped to the ground. And died in the process (of boredom, haha).
5) Why do you blog? Why now?
Having my own blog means a freedom of some sort to me. It's a safe quiet place for me to rant, complain, pour out my heart's content and just be myself. Well, at least I consider it safe until somebody sue me or threatened to kill me rite?
Liessss! All lies. I blog cause I like to bitch about life cause it sucks and I just can't fucking stand it sometimes I just needa find an outlet to scream and rant and plot murderous intent till the rage deep inside me tones down and I'm all back to normal and...
-__-'' That's my other self talking so don't pay any attention to her. Sometimes I believe I DO have double personalities. The Angel AND the Demon. Ya know?? I'm the Angel *smiles*.. she's the Demon *sulks* ... *BIG SIGH*
To put it nicely... here's how it should be:-
I need some form of outlet to let loose all those extra stress hugging tightly to me as if I'm the last person alive on earth for them to bug. Welcome to my world. Welcome to 'hlco.blogspot.com'. If you like what you read, BOOKMARK me. Quick quick! Click that button liao!!! Hit Ctrl-D lar, aiyo. Stop by. Read!!! You MUST! 24-7-365! Don't stop clicking that mousie of yours! Aiyah. Like this lar. Let's be friends lar. I'm friendly ya know. Me very nice one ya know. I give you sweets. Come hon come. *winks*
6) So, what's your blog about?
Kyah!!! This question me like me like! *nods fervently* Ehem. I'd like to say my blog covers a wide range of categories. They are:-
Life - every shit that happens everyday. Crap. Shit happens ya know?
Anime & Manga - stuffs I watch and read and luv and worship and can't live without
Rants - endless rants
Musings - endless of THAT too =P
Food - I can't live a day without it wor. Can you?
Memories - I miss those good old days *dreamy state*
Site/Work - tempat cari makan (translate : literally just mean my working place in Bahasa Melayu)
More shall be added to the category as life goes on. Did you find something that you like? Anything???? Come come. Let's watch Anime. I teach you. Really!
7) What do you expect to get from your blog?
Uwah. This is a toughy. What do I expect ar? Hmm.. I expect somebody to read it AND like it. Hope it gains lotsa readers worldwide. I won't mind making some friends through my blog. Absolutely won't mind making money here too! But that's a tad bit too ambitious. Gosh! I don't even know what I'm talking about. Ohhh! I found that answer! I hope I can find the real Me here. Does that make sense to you? LOL
8) What do you do? I mean in real life?
Real life? *sigh* Let's just say I dun earn enough to support my miserable life. Work is a pain in the ass. Hate it kinda. Hafta work under the sun and blardy rain too. Paper works too. Practical shits too. But sometimes hor, I'm so dang passionate about it. But some retard cols or stooopid boss may spoil it big & deep (if ya get what I mean, so yeah, there shall be lotsa rants about bosses too. p/s: I have MANY bosses so I may intro some of them... on 2nd thought, maybe not... eeeeeEEE...)
9) What are your hobbies? Ya know. Stuffs that you enjoy doing when you're free?
Hobbies? My lattest hobbies include Blogging. Haha. Next is probably photography gua. But I haven't done much snapping ever since I got myself that Canon A540. What a waste eh? The rest of my hobbies are pretty much the same stuffs I blog about. Bitching about life. Watching Anime. Reading Manga. Surfing. Listening to songs (but how many dickheads are REALLY singing nowadays? Pah! But I'll blog about that some other time). What else? Ooohhh... perhaps I'll indulge myself in Gundam Modelling too. Just haven't find a good spot fer me to do all those stuffs!!! Needa workshop of some sort ya know. Y? Cuz me dumb dumb and slow like snail mar. May take ages just to finish one model. Aiyoyo!!!
Wokay. I'm done. Quite quite done. You have further questions? E-mail me at valerie2@gmail.com Happy Reading evbody!!! ^-^''
Saturday, February 10, 2007
WHAT are YOU doing??
No cleaning for you!
When my mum learnt what I was planning to do today, she got quite upset and told me to rest instead. "What can you do in that state of yours???" Aaa.. she's quite right. I may injure myself again while cleaning up my room so I relented. I just dusted off whatever I could and then proceeded to 'play' with my blog settings/construction till it's time to have dinner with Uncle Jo. It was sponsored by my cousin who's currently working at one of the University in UK and the dinner was planned weeks in advance. Me and my family are happy to meet our Uncle Jo. It's a happy and warm family gathering of some sort. ^^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Bandage up your foot no matter what!
To my great horror, she managed to get all the necessary ingredients - ALL except one.. taik kambing (translate : goat's dung). Thank GOD!!! Can you imagine having goat's dung + all the other ingredients plastered onto your foot and bandaged up??? That's absofreakinglutely gross!!! Euuuuuu!!!! But since the goat's dung is missing, I'm a happy camper. =D
New hardisk!
I bought a new hardisk. Yay!!!! Ooooo!!! Aaaaa!!! It's a Hitachi 320 GB EIDE with 8MB Cache at the cost of RM331. Initially planned to get a Western Digital hardisk but well, the places I checked on ran out of stock and the only brand they have is Hitachi and Maxtor. Decided to try Hitachi out. Hope it's good. I have my fingers crossed on this. Volcanoes will erupt if it's not good. I AM the volcanoes. =X
New look on my blog!
Spent the whole afternoon dusting stuffs off in my room and then surfing for add-ons to Blogger. At first, I was really just looking for an analog clock and maybe a calendar to go with it. Then things went out of control cause I came upon a website that has like tonnes of add-on tools and I just went bonkers and my fingers just won't stop clicking and here I am. Haha. What do you think? Messy eh?
Well, truth be told. I'm not happy with just two colums of errr... what d'ya call that? Template? I prefer a 3 columns webbie and I happened to chance upon one. Waiting for reply from the owner. *fingers crossed* I hope he replies soon soon and send me the code as he promised he would in his blog. Then I'll have more stuffs to do!!! =P
I really really really wanna install smilies and those cute animation like those used in msn messenger. Hope I'll manage to pry them out somewhere!!!
*prays hard hard*
Ready for zzz!
Gosh I'm tired! This blog of mine is fast turning into a diary of some sort. Well, it's supposed to be a diary right? At the moment tho, my brain's too fuzzy to think of anything clever worth writing. Gotta go. Dreamland's calling me. Good nite everyone! Sleep tight and cya tomorrow!!! Same time, same place. ^_~
Cold wet Saturday
I woke up early at 8 o'clock this morning to a completely silent and empty house. *sigh* My mum & dad went out already, sending my sisters to work. Then they proceeded to the 3rd mile to have breakfast, buy stuffs and tapao (translate : order take away) porridge for me. =) I luv to eat this porridge at one of the old shop there (I can't read chinese and can't remember shop names in chinese *sigh*) but trying to get a parking space there on a Saturday morning is ALWAYS a pain in the ass.
Sorry guys, no pic. I'm quite turned off by those blurry pics taken by my SE K610i. So lauyar (translate : lousy) lar. Really no mood lar. Aiyah. I miss my Nokia 6270 miserably. Damn. Miss the huge huge big big crystal clear display screen. Miss its slide sound. Miss its cool efficient camera and its large storage card. Tiu. I miss it so dang much. *cries*
While waiting for them to come back, I tidied up my stuffs downstairs. Threw junks as much as one full dustbin (huge one) away before I finally cleared some space to put new stuffs. Took me an hour to do that. Sigh. From my calculations, it'll take me at least 3 full days before I can finally bring my room back to order or any semblance of a room. And I don't have 3 days. I only have... *starts counting* ... one and a half day, that's today (1) and tomorrow (0.5) before I go back to Sarikei in the afternoon tomorrow. By bus. Fucking hate that.
My plan to go to Saberkas to get myself a huge hardisk (320GB and above) went up in flames due to the damn rain. It's raining quite heavily and I don't fancy walking outside and risk slipping and causing further injuries and pain to my blardy right foot. Oh btw, I accidentally knocked it into a furniture in my room last nite and I cursed like hell. Today it's swollen again, and the pain doubled. My whole 2 weeks rest has been for nothing. Fuck. I was so totally pissed man. I wish the next time I fell down the fucking stairs, I'd die on the spot so that I dun have to endure all this shit. #%#@@^%$#!!!
It's still raining now and I'm feeling blue. Guess I'll just go and get me that hardisk this afternoon then. Hope the rain will stop then. In the meantime, I'll just do my best to tidy up my messy room. And hope that I'd be able to post more later without kicking much fuss over the stupid internet connection. The only thing good about today tho, is that it's cool and I like that. Even if it means more pain to my bones, but at this point, I dun fucking care already. Aiiii... sien liao!!!
Sorry guys, no pic. I'm quite turned off by those blurry pics taken by my SE K610i. So lauyar (translate : lousy) lar. Really no mood lar. Aiyah. I miss my Nokia 6270 miserably. Damn. Miss the huge huge big big crystal clear display screen. Miss its slide sound. Miss its cool efficient camera and its large storage card. Tiu. I miss it so dang much. *cries*
While waiting for them to come back, I tidied up my stuffs downstairs. Threw junks as much as one full dustbin (huge one) away before I finally cleared some space to put new stuffs. Took me an hour to do that. Sigh. From my calculations, it'll take me at least 3 full days before I can finally bring my room back to order or any semblance of a room. And I don't have 3 days. I only have... *starts counting* ... one and a half day, that's today (1) and tomorrow (0.5) before I go back to Sarikei in the afternoon tomorrow. By bus. Fucking hate that.
My plan to go to Saberkas to get myself a huge hardisk (320GB and above) went up in flames due to the damn rain. It's raining quite heavily and I don't fancy walking outside and risk slipping and causing further injuries and pain to my blardy right foot. Oh btw, I accidentally knocked it into a furniture in my room last nite and I cursed like hell. Today it's swollen again, and the pain doubled. My whole 2 weeks rest has been for nothing. Fuck. I was so totally pissed man. I wish the next time I fell down the fucking stairs, I'd die on the spot so that I dun have to endure all this shit. #%#@@^%$#!!!
It's still raining now and I'm feeling blue. Guess I'll just go and get me that hardisk this afternoon then. Hope the rain will stop then. In the meantime, I'll just do my best to tidy up my messy room. And hope that I'd be able to post more later without kicking much fuss over the stupid internet connection. The only thing good about today tho, is that it's cool and I like that. Even if it means more pain to my bones, but at this point, I dun fucking care already. Aiiii... sien liao!!!
Patience is never a virtue of mine. A good friend of mine brought up this topic with me just now. She said that I should include patient in my new year resolution. It's a good suggestion. But I told her that patience never get me anywhere. All patience ever brings me is more pain, heartache and disappointments. Being patient means I'm stupid, if you see it from a certain point of view. Being patient means I'm easy to bully for some jerks. Being patient means they can climb to the top of my head, shit there or lay eggs there and sit there incubating them till they hatch. Being patience means trying, trying, and trying again despite all the countless failing and hence all the pain, heartache and disappointments. I hate the word 'patience'. Don't you?
Friday, February 9, 2007
Memories : Letters. Forgotten letters.
Say, do you keep things from your past? Memories. Letters. To friends, from friends. I was cleaning my room for Chinese New Year (CNY) just now and came across whole box of letters. Cards. Notes. Memos. All from friends. Those letters accummulated over a period of 15 years. Birthday cards. Cny cards. Christmas cards. And here comes what I hate the most--> Valentine's card. All lovey dovey. Euuu!!! Those are the first ones I chucked away! Now don't get me wrong. Those aren't from my bf. I NEVER had bf, okay? If you don't believe me, nevermind. No one does!!! I have a hard time understanding & believing why. *sigh* But, I'll share that some other time. Not now. *grins*
Second in line's the birthday cards. Awww... I appreciate the cards really, but eh, they remind me of how young and vibrant I was. Let's make it simpler. They make me feel old. Now, how does that sound to you? Every gal alive on this planet will say NO NO NO. I hate feeling OLD! So I threw them out. For good. But I made sure I remember the names of the senders. Really!!! I have good ways of remembering things. Sentimental things ok. I'm super sentimental. Do you know how builders do the foundations or construct structures? They drive piles onto the earth to set (Engineering terminology..just leave it be ok? Me very lazy to explain now, less I forget what I wanna write.. ^^), build those formworks (ya know, those wooden planks/plywoods used to form boxes to hold concrete), install the reinforcement bars and then just pour concrete in and wait for it to harden in time? For me, the reinforcement bars are the memories, the formwork my brain and concrete are there to ensure the memories stay put. Haha. Weird huh? I'm weird in many ways. ;p
Next is the.. *holds breath* ..CNY and Christmas cards. Year after year. Until the number suddenly dwindles down to zero. Haha. You wonder why? Well, it's the information age, where practically everybody knows how to send an E-Card. Why needa waste money to buy cards when you can send an E-Card free of charge (foc) wor? Rite? So, one by one, they stopped sending me CNY and Christmas cards. Me too. Hehehe. Hafta reciprocate mar. Can save money wor. That's gotta be good, rite?
Then came the letters. Memos. Notes. Stickers. Damn. This is the MOST difficult part. Soooo reluctant to throw them away. But I needa clear up space in my room! I almost have no place left to store anything. Hafta chuck lotsa things out! Those letters included. Guess what? I sieved through them ever so carefully. They are all precious to me, but I can't keep them all. Like what Pua Chu Kang's wife Rossie said (I quote from one of their many episodes. Uh. If memory serves me right) "You keep keep keep those things can turn into GOLD meh?"
*thinks hard hard*
Yalor hor. What for keep rite? They can't turn into gold mar. What's important are the things you keep close to your heart. Told you I'm sentimental. I remember most of my childhood days in such vivid details. I remember my primary + secondary + college + university days clearly as if they just happened yesterday. Sometimes, I wish I have lousy memories. I wish I can't remember. Because along with the good memories came the bad ones. The pain of reopening old wounds are unbearable ya know? But that's another story for another time. Full stop. =P
I spent so much time re-reading all the letters, carefully picking out a selected few for keepsake before chucking away the rest of them. Some of those letters bring a smile to my face, some tears too. But that's life. You can't have all the good things without the bads. They come together in a package. Just gotta take them all. *sigh*
Tomorrow I'm gonna clear the newspapers, throw away all those papers/notes/memos/whatnots, rearrange the clothes and books and cds and all those cluttered files in my room. It's such a mess (p/s: my room looks as if it has been struck by two hurricanes... Oh my Gawd!!!) and I'm ashamed to call myself a lady. Ugh! Hope I get this done by tomorrow, or I'll never hear the end of it from my mum. -___-'' Which, serves me right. God Bless my poor mama. ^o^
So, do you keep letters from the past to yourself? Letters from best buddies? Love letters? Too bad I never have bf, otherwise I'll blog about that too! =p
Second in line's the birthday cards. Awww... I appreciate the cards really, but eh, they remind me of how young and vibrant I was. Let's make it simpler. They make me feel old. Now, how does that sound to you? Every gal alive on this planet will say NO NO NO. I hate feeling OLD! So I threw them out. For good. But I made sure I remember the names of the senders. Really!!! I have good ways of remembering things. Sentimental things ok. I'm super sentimental. Do you know how builders do the foundations or construct structures? They drive piles onto the earth to set (Engineering terminology..just leave it be ok? Me very lazy to explain now, less I forget what I wanna write.. ^^), build those formworks (ya know, those wooden planks/plywoods used to form boxes to hold concrete), install the reinforcement bars and then just pour concrete in and wait for it to harden in time? For me, the reinforcement bars are the memories, the formwork my brain and concrete are there to ensure the memories stay put. Haha. Weird huh? I'm weird in many ways. ;p
Next is the.. *holds breath* ..CNY and Christmas cards. Year after year. Until the number suddenly dwindles down to zero. Haha. You wonder why? Well, it's the information age, where practically everybody knows how to send an E-Card. Why needa waste money to buy cards when you can send an E-Card free of charge (foc) wor? Rite? So, one by one, they stopped sending me CNY and Christmas cards. Me too. Hehehe. Hafta reciprocate mar. Can save money wor. That's gotta be good, rite?
Then came the letters. Memos. Notes. Stickers. Damn. This is the MOST difficult part. Soooo reluctant to throw them away. But I needa clear up space in my room! I almost have no place left to store anything. Hafta chuck lotsa things out! Those letters included. Guess what? I sieved through them ever so carefully. They are all precious to me, but I can't keep them all. Like what Pua Chu Kang's wife Rossie said (I quote from one of their many episodes. Uh. If memory serves me right) "You keep keep keep those things can turn into GOLD meh?"
*thinks hard hard*
Yalor hor. What for keep rite? They can't turn into gold mar. What's important are the things you keep close to your heart. Told you I'm sentimental. I remember most of my childhood days in such vivid details. I remember my primary + secondary + college + university days clearly as if they just happened yesterday. Sometimes, I wish I have lousy memories. I wish I can't remember. Because along with the good memories came the bad ones. The pain of reopening old wounds are unbearable ya know? But that's another story for another time. Full stop. =P
I spent so much time re-reading all the letters, carefully picking out a selected few for keepsake before chucking away the rest of them. Some of those letters bring a smile to my face, some tears too. But that's life. You can't have all the good things without the bads. They come together in a package. Just gotta take them all. *sigh*
Tomorrow I'm gonna clear the newspapers, throw away all those papers/notes/memos/whatnots, rearrange the clothes and books and cds and all those cluttered files in my room. It's such a mess (p/s: my room looks as if it has been struck by two hurricanes... Oh my Gawd!!!) and I'm ashamed to call myself a lady. Ugh! Hope I get this done by tomorrow, or I'll never hear the end of it from my mum. -___-'' Which, serves me right. God Bless my poor mama. ^o^
So, do you keep letters from the past to yourself? Letters from best buddies? Love letters? Too bad I never have bf, otherwise I'll blog about that too! =p
Thursday, February 8, 2007
New Hair Style
Guess what? I finally got my hair cut today. Not only that, I permed it too. Then, baru cut. Been wanting to do this for a long time. FINALLY got it done. Hmm. This is another HUGE accomplishment this year. Change of hair style. So, what's next on my list?
Well. Truth is, I don't have a list. I just said that for this year's resolution, I simply wanna change. So, I do everything I can to C-H-A-N-G-E. No worries. I won't change everything about me. I'll certainly retain the good qualities hehe... and only chuck away the bad ones. Haha
On 2nd thought, I'd list down several more things I wanna do (asap) just for the heck of it. For the remaining of the year, I'd love to.. :-
Haiiiiii!!!!!!!!!! ^^
Well. Truth is, I don't have a list. I just said that for this year's resolution, I simply wanna change. So, I do everything I can to C-H-A-N-G-E. No worries. I won't change everything about me. I'll certainly retain the good qualities hehe... and only chuck away the bad ones. Haha
On 2nd thought, I'd list down several more things I wanna do (asap) just for the heck of it. For the remaining of the year, I'd love to.. :-
- shed 10-15kgs or more off my weight (I'm way too heavy for my height.. p/s : I'm short, got that? -_-'')
- dress more femininely (I always wear baggy trousers, huge T-shirts, guy's pants & nothing girly. -___-)
- change the way I talk maybe? (uh... Very FAT CHANCE, but I'll give it a shot..hehe)
- spend less on tech gadgets
- save up at least 40% of what I earn every month (quite difficult too, I'm a spendthrift -___-'')
- say, socialise more? and watch less anime/manga/drama
- improve my photo taking skills!!!! It's for my blog. My BLOG!!! *serious stare*
Haiiiiii!!!!!!!!!! ^^
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
Try this!!!
Yo dudes! My friend just sms-ed me an interesting stuff. I find it amusing. Haha. Curious? Go ahead and try this:-
Open a Microsoft Word Document, type =rand(200,99) and press enter.
Go on! Try it! Try it and tell me what you think! Hehehe
Open a Microsoft Word Document, type =rand(200,99) and press enter.
Go on! Try it! Try it and tell me what you think! Hehehe
Filling up time...
So, what have I been doing for the past few days? From my blog, it doesn't seem as if I've done anything rite? Well.... I did stuffs, just that I didn't blog about it. Haha. Let's see... In between eating, sleeping and recuperating, I... :-
Boy, I'm at home and pampered real badly, and I still wanna go out. Imagine what it's like to be in jail eh? I'd never make it out alive! =P
Frankly speaking, I needed the break. But not this LONG! It drives me up the wall. So, to humor myself up, I experimented with all those html, scripts thingies.. ya know, reading them and installing them to monitor traffic on my blog and stuffs... I think I screwed up somewhere, cause my blog turned up funny, but yeah, it's fixed so I guess it's okay now.
Having said all that, though.. *looks back and..*
I'm still BORED. *sigh*
Someone rescue me Puleeeezzzzz!!!!
- Finished watching CSI (Las Vegas) Season 3
- Started watching CSI (Las Vegas) Season 4 - 2 epis already
- Finished watching Monster House (I never finished watching this before cause I always hafta pause it in the middle of nowhere to do other tasks that POPS out of nowhere... ;p)
- Read Naruto (manga) till Chapter 340 - man! What a bloody cliffhanger!!! #@%#$%!
- Read Bleach (manga) till Chapter 261 - same as above. Sheesh!
- Watched D.Gray-man Epi 15-17
- Watched Bleach Epi 110-113
- Watched Kyle XY (I know this is showing in TV but I didn't get to watch it cause my sis hogged the TV whole niteee >.<)
- Read countless blogs (whenever I manage to load the pages, if not, I play games)
- Played pc games (Yugi The Destiny, Pizza Frenzy, Talismania Deluxe, Bejewelled 2, Hammer Heads Deluxe, Chuzzle Deluxe etc etc.)
- SMS-ed
- Answered phone calls
Boy, I'm at home and pampered real badly, and I still wanna go out. Imagine what it's like to be in jail eh? I'd never make it out alive! =P
Frankly speaking, I needed the break. But not this LONG! It drives me up the wall. So, to humor myself up, I experimented with all those html, scripts thingies.. ya know, reading them and installing them to monitor traffic on my blog and stuffs... I think I screwed up somewhere, cause my blog turned up funny, but yeah, it's fixed so I guess it's okay now.
Having said all that, though.. *looks back and..*
I'm still BORED. *sigh*
Someone rescue me Puleeeezzzzz!!!!
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
Black outs...
I lost the internet connections a while ago... Electricity blackouts. Happens quite oftenly nowadays, I wonder why...
I'm stuck at home alone again. Mum & Dad went shopping for cny goods. *sigh* Guess I'll just nap. Perhaps, when I feel like it, I'll blog about the good old days. Then again, that depends on my mood, and which phase of laziness I'm at... hohoho
I bumped into Patrick Teoh's blog today. OMFG! Patrick Teoh blogs! I miz his deep vocals over the radio. None of the current radio deejays can beat him. It's one of the main reason I lost interest in local radio stations. *sigh*
Hope the damn electricity won't blackout again. Wtf is Sesco doing? Geezzzzz...
I'm stuck at home alone again. Mum & Dad went shopping for cny goods. *sigh* Guess I'll just nap. Perhaps, when I feel like it, I'll blog about the good old days. Then again, that depends on my mood, and which phase of laziness I'm at... hohoho
I bumped into Patrick Teoh's blog today. OMFG! Patrick Teoh blogs! I miz his deep vocals over the radio. None of the current radio deejays can beat him. It's one of the main reason I lost interest in local radio stations. *sigh*
Hope the damn electricity won't blackout again. Wtf is Sesco doing? Geezzzzz...
Are YOU reading my blog? ^o^
Hmmm... I can't help but wonder, time and time again, who are the peeps that have been reading my blog. I noticed that my profile stats had gone up, it still is, but it haunts me that I dunno the person reading my blog one tiny weeny bit. Bit scary eh? *laughs nervously*
Is it even enjoyable reading my blog? How far has it gone in the www? Where does my readers come from? I'd luv to hear from them. Just say hi. Drop by and sign your name. Tell me where you're from. Are you schooling? Working? Struggling? Depressed? Anything. Feedbacks would be lovely. Better still, lemme know if you have a blog. We can be friends. Yes! I mean it! And we can link up (ya know, I link u, u link me) and have some fun. ^^
I've been forcing my brain cells to think of ways to improve my blog. Read lotsa blogs too. After much reading, I just gave up. I'm such a 'computer idiot' when it comes to html/java/any of those computer languages, I guess I'll just have to surrender. Top that up with my laziness, I'll just do it the short cut way (in the meantime). Haha... Feedbacks would be good too in this 'field'. I could use a little help from computer experts out there too. Taskete kudasai!!! (translate : help!!! in Japanese)
All that being said, pls... whoever you are, no matter when is the time u cross path with this blog of mine (even 10 years from now... eh, provided I do BLOG that long..haha), pls pls pls.. kindly just tell me who you are. I'm dying to know!!! ;P
Is it even enjoyable reading my blog? How far has it gone in the www? Where does my readers come from? I'd luv to hear from them. Just say hi. Drop by and sign your name. Tell me where you're from. Are you schooling? Working? Struggling? Depressed? Anything. Feedbacks would be lovely. Better still, lemme know if you have a blog. We can be friends. Yes! I mean it! And we can link up (ya know, I link u, u link me) and have some fun. ^^
I've been forcing my brain cells to think of ways to improve my blog. Read lotsa blogs too. After much reading, I just gave up. I'm such a 'computer idiot' when it comes to html/java/any of those computer languages, I guess I'll just have to surrender. Top that up with my laziness, I'll just do it the short cut way (in the meantime). Haha... Feedbacks would be good too in this 'field'. I could use a little help from computer experts out there too. Taskete kudasai!!! (translate : help!!! in Japanese)
All that being said, pls... whoever you are, no matter when is the time u cross path with this blog of mine (even 10 years from now... eh, provided I do BLOG that long..haha), pls pls pls.. kindly just tell me who you are. I'm dying to know!!! ;P
Monday, February 5, 2007
The Wonders of Label..
Just found out another feature of bloggers.com that I've never used.
I totally missed that! How could I, eh?
Anyway, point is, I missed its mere existence and only found out about it now, so I guess I'll start using it.
But I found it too late.
Now I'm sleepy and tired.. Fancy getting tired when you're just sitting around at home and not doing much eh?
Maybe that's the meaning of being 'sick'? *sigh*
I've always wanted to group my posts up into categories. Just didn't know that the 'tool' to do that is the 'Label'... duhhh
Anyway, *yawns* me very sleepy liao so I'll kiss ya good nite and go visit dreamland! *muaks*
I totally missed that! How could I, eh?
Anyway, point is, I missed its mere existence and only found out about it now, so I guess I'll start using it.
But I found it too late.
Now I'm sleepy and tired.. Fancy getting tired when you're just sitting around at home and not doing much eh?
Maybe that's the meaning of being 'sick'? *sigh*
I've always wanted to group my posts up into categories. Just didn't know that the 'tool' to do that is the 'Label'... duhhh
Anyway, *yawns* me very sleepy liao so I'll kiss ya good nite and go visit dreamland! *muaks*
Freedom is OUT of REACh
I'm so bored. Me want out me want out me want out!!!!!
I can't drive. *sigh*
My legs hurt. Damn hurt!!!!
I can't walk far. Even climbed the stairs like a crab. Ever seen crabs climbing stairs? *sigh*
Me wanna shop for cny. Me haven't buy new year clothes!!!
Me wanna get a hair cut.
Me wanna buy a new spectacle.
Me wanna shop me wanna shop.
Dang. Freedom is sooooo blardy OUT of REACH. I have time, but I sorta can't spend it. Weird hor?
Damn. This sucks!!!! Somebody humor me pls... *cries*
I can't drive. *sigh*
My legs hurt. Damn hurt!!!!
I can't walk far. Even climbed the stairs like a crab. Ever seen crabs climbing stairs? *sigh*
Me wanna shop for cny. Me haven't buy new year clothes!!!
Me wanna get a hair cut.
Me wanna buy a new spectacle.
Me wanna shop me wanna shop.
Dang. Freedom is sooooo blardy OUT of REACH. I have time, but I sorta can't spend it. Weird hor?
Damn. This sucks!!!! Somebody humor me pls... *cries*
Finally!!! DAmn Streamyx!!!
Haven't posted anything these past few days.
Had trouble signing into blogger. com
The page won't even load up.
Been trying for hours, days on end. Does that make sense???
I'm blardy pissed!
What the fuck is Streamyx doing huh????? I can't even surf!!!
To think that I'm stuck at home for 2 weeks, and I can't blardy surf.
How worse can it get? Somebody send me chocolates pls. Add in a HUGE bucket of Häagen-Dazs plsssss...
Had trouble signing into blogger. com
The page won't even load up.
Been trying for hours, days on end. Does that make sense???
I'm blardy pissed!
What the fuck is Streamyx doing huh????? I can't even surf!!!
To think that I'm stuck at home for 2 weeks, and I can't blardy surf.
How worse can it get? Somebody send me chocolates pls. Add in a HUGE bucket of Häagen-Dazs plsssss...
Friday, February 2, 2007
What's for breakie/breakfast??? ^^
Ohaiyo!!! Genki desu ka minna??? Me ar? I'm getting better on my right foot, but I think I've built up enough stress to totally bruise my left knee. Now my left knee hurts MORE than my right foot. Is that good? *sweat drop* ^^''
Anyway, wanna know what's for breakie? ( P/s: breakie's a short term for breakfast... I've got used to typing breakie instead of breakfast, so I suggest you to get used to it too!!! ;P )
One of the joy of being home is the fact that I get served nice breakie!!! *drools* Ah! Such happiness!!!
Yesterday, I had half boiled eggs with yaw-char-kuai for breakfast (on 2nd thought, I think I better type breakfast..kakaka). My mum prepares the BEST half boiled eggs in the whole wide world! Thanks mum!!! Luv ya!
Here's how you eat them. Shred the yaw-char-kuai the size of one inch long, and then dunk them into the half boiled eggs, mix them with soy sauce, and stir them evenly. Then, open your mouth wide wide and Ammm!!! Slurp. Slurp. Nice!!!
It looks small eh? The eggs are small & expensive! It costs 40 cents each! But that's okay cause it's much much more yummier than normal eggs. The small size is due to the fact that it came from first timer hen... Err.. meaning, sorta like virgin hen gua... Isk! I dunno how to put it lar... I trust you can figure it out yourself! Hah...
Anyway, wanna know what's for breakie? ( P/s: breakie's a short term for breakfast... I've got used to typing breakie instead of breakfast, so I suggest you to get used to it too!!! ;P )
One of the joy of being home is the fact that I get served nice breakie!!! *drools* Ah! Such happiness!!!
Yesterday, I had half boiled eggs with yaw-char-kuai for breakfast (on 2nd thought, I think I better type breakfast..kakaka). My mum prepares the BEST half boiled eggs in the whole wide world! Thanks mum!!! Luv ya!
Straight after I finished my breakie, dad came home from the market, and he bought this:
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