Monday, February 12, 2007


Wokay. I'm going to do a simple FAQ here just for the heck of it. It's an Introductory of some sort. Here goes nothing! ;p

1) Who are you?
Me? Me?? Me??? I'm a Female. HomoSapien. I'm Malaysian Chinese. No no NO! I'm not a Malay, ok?!! I'm a Malaysian born Chinese. Malaysian is my NATIONALITY. Chinese is my Species. Race. Got that? Ok. Next! Name's Val. Hajime maste. *bows low low* AND *shakes hand* ^____^

2) Is that your real name?
Uh.. actually it's a nickname I used when I first started playing internet. Yeah. Back in 1997. Mirc rocks back then. Those were the days. I'm really bad in choosing nickname. Therefore I stick to names instead. I really like the name Valerie at that time, but I couldn't get me a valerie during the registration of nick in mirc, so I settled for valerie2 instead. Over the years, the name got stuck somehow. I'm so used to ppl calling me Val in the internet so I was like wth... just use lar. What's in a name rite?

3) Where do you come from?
Me come from Malaysia. The state is Sarawak. Where's THAT? Ya know, that big space on the map that looks kinda like a slipper if you squint your eyes hard enough. Yeah. We live in jungles and trees and caves. We're so advance in science and technology that we use tree roots to plug into cave walls and voila, we're connected to the www. Awesome eh?!!? Muahahaha!!! And here I am Dude! Blogging for you to read. Nyehahaha!

4) What does 'hlco' mean?
Eh..for those who are curious as to why I'm using hlco instead of val yadda yadda yadda, you better pay close attention. Hohoho. 'hl' stands for the initial of my chinese name and 'co' is short for the word 'cocoon'. My initial when translated from chinese directly into English means 'small bell'. That's something huh? *beams* Cocoon means a safe quiet place. So, in direct translation, 'hlco' simply means my own safe quiet place in the web. I hope it's safe enough. And quiet cause nobody would know what I'm writing here unless you hunt me down, plod through all those senseless junks that I spewed out and read till your eyeballs dropped to the ground. And died in the process (of boredom, haha).

5) Why do you blog? Why now?
Having my own blog means a freedom of some sort to me. It's a safe quiet place for me to rant, complain, pour out my heart's content and just be myself. Well, at least I consider it safe until somebody sue me or threatened to kill me rite?

Liessss! All lies. I blog cause I like to bitch about life cause it sucks and I just can't fucking stand it sometimes I just needa find an outlet to scream and rant and plot murderous intent till the rage deep inside me tones down and I'm all back to normal and...

-__-'' That's my other self talking so don't pay any attention to her. Sometimes I believe I DO have double personalities. The Angel AND the Demon. Ya know?? I'm the Angel *smiles*.. she's the Demon *sulks* ... *BIG SIGH*

To put it nicely... here's how it should be:-

I need some form of outlet to let loose all those extra stress hugging tightly to me as if I'm the last person alive on earth for them to bug. Welcome to my world. Welcome to ''. If you like what you read, BOOKMARK me. Quick quick! Click that button liao!!! Hit Ctrl-D lar, aiyo. Stop by. Read!!! You MUST! 24-7-365! Don't stop clicking that mousie of yours! Aiyah. Like this lar. Let's be friends lar. I'm friendly ya know. Me very nice one ya know. I give you sweets. Come hon come. *winks*

6) So, what's your blog about?
Kyah!!! This question me like me like! *nods fervently* Ehem. I'd like to say my blog covers a wide range of categories. They are:-

Life - every shit that happens everyday. Crap. Shit happens ya know?
Anime & Manga - stuffs I watch and read and luv and worship and can't live without
Rants - endless rants
Musings - endless of THAT too =P
Food - I can't live a day without it wor. Can you?
Memories - I miss those good old days *dreamy state*
Site/Work - tempat cari makan (translate : literally just mean my working place in Bahasa Melayu)

More shall be added to the category as life goes on. Did you find something that you like? Anything???? Come come. Let's watch Anime. I teach you. Really!

7) What do you expect to get from your blog?
Uwah. This is a toughy. What do I expect ar? Hmm.. I expect somebody to read it AND like it. Hope it gains lotsa readers worldwide. I won't mind making some friends through my blog. Absolutely won't mind making money here too! But that's a tad bit too ambitious. Gosh! I don't even know what I'm talking about. Ohhh! I found that answer! I hope I can find the real Me here. Does that make sense to you? LOL

8) What do you do? I mean in real life?
Real life? *sigh* Let's just say I dun earn enough to support my miserable life. Work is a pain in the ass. Hate it kinda. Hafta work under the sun and blardy rain too. Paper works too. Practical shits too. But sometimes hor, I'm so dang passionate about it. But some retard cols or stooopid boss may spoil it big & deep (if ya get what I mean, so yeah, there shall be lotsa rants about bosses too. p/s: I have MANY bosses so I may intro some of them... on 2nd thought, maybe not... eeeeeEEE...)

9) What are your hobbies? Ya know. Stuffs that you enjoy doing when you're free?
Hobbies? My lattest hobbies include Blogging. Haha. Next is probably photography gua. But I haven't done much snapping ever since I got myself that Canon A540. What a waste eh? The rest of my hobbies are pretty much the same stuffs I blog about. Bitching about life. Watching Anime. Reading Manga. Surfing. Listening to songs (but how many dickheads are REALLY singing nowadays? Pah! But I'll blog about that some other time). What else? Ooohhh... perhaps I'll indulge myself in Gundam Modelling too. Just haven't find a good spot fer me to do all those stuffs!!! Needa workshop of some sort ya know. Y? Cuz me dumb dumb and slow like snail mar. May take ages just to finish one model. Aiyoyo!!!

Wokay. I'm done. Quite quite done. You have further questions? E-mail me at Happy Reading evbody!!! ^-^''


Anonymous said...

Yeah do have a question for you.. hehehe... don't get angry eh...where did u learn to swear like that wor... ;p ;p

KiBiKiBi said...

swear? *looks around* Where? Where?? Where??!?

ummm... u mean on #5??? tat's the OTHER me.. dun ask me, ask her! ^^