Saturday, February 10, 2007


Patience is never a virtue of mine. A good friend of mine brought up this topic with me just now. She said that I should include patient in my new year resolution. It's a good suggestion. But I told her that patience never get me anywhere. All patience ever brings me is more pain, heartache and disappointments. Being patient means I'm stupid, if you see it from a certain point of view. Being patient means I'm easy to bully for some jerks. Being patient means they can climb to the top of my head, shit there or lay eggs there and sit there incubating them till they hatch. Being patience means trying, trying, and trying again despite all the countless failing and hence all the pain, heartache and disappointments. I hate the word 'patience'. Don't you?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Do think you need to be more patience but not til the extend of being bullied... ;D