Wondering why did I choose that title? It's true mar... life's like that mar...
Life's like a turning wheel. It's like the raging ocean; sometimes calm, peaceful and then totally uncontrollable the next... Life has its ups and downs. My life has all the above-mentioned 3... hehehe
Let's see... today started off peacefully. Quiet. Nice. *thinks to self* I may like today. It's good.
Until I got a phone call from site. Need diesel for the machines/equipments. Went to buy diesel.
Nearly ran over an apek this morning on my way to buy diesel. He was slightly hunch and was aided with a tongkat when he suddenly dashed out and scurried across the road like a lipas. My blood started boiling after watching the way he 'walked' across the road. Grrr. I hit the brake just in time not to send him one way to hell. -_-'' *slightly pissed*
Bought diesel. Reached site. Cols started working. And then...
All hell breaks loose. "Ms. [my surname] ar, lu beli minyak apa???"
O.o "Huh??? Diesel lar, you think I'll buy you gold when you asked for diesel ar?"
"Ini bukan diesel lar, ini petrol lar... aiseh..."
"What??!??" *clutched head inwardly* *groans* Damn. This is not happening. This is so not happening. This has got to be a dream. Yeah. A dream.
"Sudah tuang masuk machine?"
"Dah. Sikit lar, tapi dah masuk..."
Shit! Shit! Shit! My mind was racing as fast as a jetliner crossing across the damn sky. *do you know how fast is that?* If a diesel operating machine's been fed a petrol, can you imagine what would have happened? Or think of it this way. Try and feed your car which runs on petrol with diesel, and see what happens.
The machine will go kaput! Kaput! Kong! Dead! Shit! Do you know how much those machines on construction site costs??? Hundreds of thousands! Some millions!!! And not only that, think about the delay it will cause on the schedule if the machine broke down! Shit!
My mind's racing one zillion km per sec! Searched for the receipt. Receipt. Receipt. There! It writes "Diesel 90.00"
How the heck did I end up with petrol if the receipt says diesel? O.o
Ok. To make the long story short, I called the petrol station. Demanded that they gimme back my RM 90 worth of diesel and they'd be lucky I'm not burning their petrol station to the ground! They wanted to check the 'petrol' so I drove back, showed them the shits and they obliged, with long, sour face.
Hey! I'm the victim lar. What's the sour face? Not even an apology ka? Really tiu lar these peps... Sien! *quite quite quite pissed*
Told my cols to pump out all those bloody petrol in the machine and cuci the perut lar. Then pour in the diesel and prays hard hard that it will start up just fine. It started fine. No probs. Phew!!!
-_-'' That's a bloody scare!!! First thing in the morning! I was so shocked I forgot to have breakie. *sigh*
I spent the rest of the morning buried among piles of paperwork. Until my stomach growled hungrily. Uh... *heads to kopitiam*
And then, I spent the rest of the day buried, again among the paperwork till office hour's up...then...
I hit the KFC with a bunch of colleagues like starving hyena heading towards a feast...hohoho.. ok, it's not that 'terrible'... but I needed to chill rather badly. In Sarikei, KFC's the second best thing next to the pineapple... hahaha... really!
Anyway, we ate. We chatted. We left.
I went to purchase the bus tix heading home to Kuching. Yeah, I curi balik Kuching tomorrow (Friday) only to be forced to come back to Sarikei by Sunday. *sigh* Tiring. Yeah. I know. But it's worth it. I miss home... T_T
Came home after the ticket purchase. Did laundry. Cleaned & mopped the room. Bathed. Packed. Was dead tired by the time I finished everything. And now blogging. ^_^ Gomen minna. I need my rant very very badly. Otherwise, I can't sleep lar...
That's my day. How's it? *looks back and...*
Uh... It's definitely not as good as yesterday. *sigh* I'd give it a D. Yeah. It's one damn doggy day!!!
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Work work work... Chat chat chat... O.o Angpow???
I'm back at work today. Gotta do those interim payment shit. Yeah, shit cause the money ain't mine, although... *thinks hard* well, my salary sorta comes from THAT... and my bonus too (if I get any that is). Boss told me I'm getting bonus but I seriously doubt it. Guys, never trust your boss... ever. Or you'll end up hanging on for dear life... hope against hope... it's pure nightmare. Ever heard the phrase the higher you climb, the harder you fall?

But then again, if you don't strive hard and do your best, then what the heck are you doing??? When the heck are you gonna get up there among the tops eh? The lesson here is ---> Work smart, don't work dumb... hohoho
Anyway, I got my stuffs done. Yeah, wonderful huh? Anybody else who wanna hire me??? *chuckles* and I spent the rest of the day chatting away, or catching up on office politics... if that makes it sound any better.
And guess what? I got myself an Angpow!!! Wohoooo!!! It's like a gold stone falling down from heaven into my laps. Awww... All I can tell is that I got it for being a broker. Yeap. Broker. Commision. Nice!!!
Now I have extra fund for my digi cam!!! Yay!!! Awesome dude!
Today's nice, very nice indeed. I'll give it a B+ ... hehehe ^__^

But then again, if you don't strive hard and do your best, then what the heck are you doing??? When the heck are you gonna get up there among the tops eh? The lesson here is ---> Work smart, don't work dumb... hohoho
Anyway, I got my stuffs done. Yeah, wonderful huh? Anybody else who wanna hire me??? *chuckles* and I spent the rest of the day chatting away, or catching up on office politics... if that makes it sound any better.
And guess what? I got myself an Angpow!!! Wohoooo!!! It's like a gold stone falling down from heaven into my laps. Awww... All I can tell is that I got it for being a broker. Yeap. Broker. Commision. Nice!!!
Now I have extra fund for my digi cam!!! Yay!!! Awesome dude!
Today's nice, very nice indeed. I'll give it a B+ ... hehehe ^__^
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Interpreter ... anyone???
I've just woke up!!! Nyah!!! Very refreshed!!! I'm so so so glad that I'm having this 2 days mc. I'm feeling much better. Ah... what a bliss.
Anyway, got a weird dream last nite. Can't remember much of it, but it's got something to do with a propeller. Any suggestion what does that mean???
Anyway, got a weird dream last nite. Can't remember much of it, but it's got something to do with a propeller. Any suggestion what does that mean???
Monday, November 27, 2006
I'm sick... 2 days mc... yay!!! ^_^
I'm sick. Finally. So glad that I'm sick. Even happier that I managed to get 2 days mc... muahahaha...
I think the lack of sleep for the past few days finally got to me... Not that I refuse to sleep, mind you. It's just that I was unable to sleep. Why? I have a bunch of monsters as neighbours. They are the noisiest family I've ever encountered in my entire 27 years as a human on earth. They are like crazy elephants trumpeting throughout the day. Get the vibes? It's that bad.
Funny how I've never noticed them before. Maybe I've got too many things in my mind to worry or even care that much about them.
Now that the worries are gone, the clouds cleared just to reveal a new problem; noice pollution.
I hate everything that's within that house's territory...
Their dogs, howl non-stop... maybe in heat? So hiau...
Their roosters, crow non-stop... maybe they are blind? Can't differentiate whether the sun's up or down? So sien...
Their kids/toddlers scream, cry and wail non-stop... practicing to become opera singers? So bising...
Their mum hollers day in and day out... surely, she can enlist as commander... you can definitely hear her 500 metres away... So tulan...
Their dad shouts miserably each time his kids cried, threw tantrums or each time his wife screamed... He's very unlucky to get stuck with a family like that... So stooopid...
Think I'm exaggerating? Imagine this --> you turn on your speaker volume to 60% loud (that's the most my current speaker can go, anything further than that, the speakers will be damaged beyond repair), then set all the sound in your laptop/desktop to FULL volume, turn on the bass... pick the noisiest song you have in your collection... play that song, and GUESS WHAT? You can still hear those frigging kids screamings/cries/wailing... whatever you wanna call it... Imagine you are in your room, with all the windows and doors closed, and being able to hear them screaming from INSIDE their house, opposite you... Now, can you imagine how loud they are??? geezzzz...
I'm close to getting nuts...
This is sooo unbelievable...
I'm happy that my project is finishing soon, and that I'm not living here for a long duration. I'd have gone wackos then...
The next time you see me, and I started acting strange... you know those are the side effects of noise pollution... hahaha
I think the lack of sleep for the past few days finally got to me... Not that I refuse to sleep, mind you. It's just that I was unable to sleep. Why? I have a bunch of monsters as neighbours. They are the noisiest family I've ever encountered in my entire 27 years as a human on earth. They are like crazy elephants trumpeting throughout the day. Get the vibes? It's that bad.
Funny how I've never noticed them before. Maybe I've got too many things in my mind to worry or even care that much about them.
Now that the worries are gone, the clouds cleared just to reveal a new problem; noice pollution.
I hate everything that's within that house's territory...
Their dogs, howl non-stop... maybe in heat? So hiau...
Their roosters, crow non-stop... maybe they are blind? Can't differentiate whether the sun's up or down? So sien...
Their kids/toddlers scream, cry and wail non-stop... practicing to become opera singers? So bising...
Their mum hollers day in and day out... surely, she can enlist as commander... you can definitely hear her 500 metres away... So tulan...
Their dad shouts miserably each time his kids cried, threw tantrums or each time his wife screamed... He's very unlucky to get stuck with a family like that... So stooopid...
Think I'm exaggerating? Imagine this --> you turn on your speaker volume to 60% loud (that's the most my current speaker can go, anything further than that, the speakers will be damaged beyond repair), then set all the sound in your laptop/desktop to FULL volume, turn on the bass... pick the noisiest song you have in your collection... play that song, and GUESS WHAT? You can still hear those frigging kids screamings/cries/wailing... whatever you wanna call it... Imagine you are in your room, with all the windows and doors closed, and being able to hear them screaming from INSIDE their house, opposite you... Now, can you imagine how loud they are??? geezzzz...
I'm close to getting nuts...
This is sooo unbelievable...
I'm happy that my project is finishing soon, and that I'm not living here for a long duration. I'd have gone wackos then...
The next time you see me, and I started acting strange... you know those are the side effects of noise pollution... hahaha
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Fav Song... "Communication by The Cardigans"
I can't sleep after all that ruckus this morning... So I listen to songs. Well, a song. Here's the lyric. It's my fav song at the moment.
Song Title : Communication
Artist: The Cardigans
For 27 years I've been trying to believe and confide in
Different people I've found
Some of them got closer than others
Some wouldn't even bother and then you came around
I didn't really know what to call you, you didn't know me at all
But I was happy to explain
I never really knew how to move you
So I tried to intrude through the little holes in your veins
And I saw you
But that's not an invitation
That's all I get
If this is communication
I disconnect
I've seen you, I know you
But I don't know
How to connect, so I disconnect...
You always seem to know where to find me and I'm still here behind you
In the corner of your eye
I'll never really learn how to love you
But I know that I love you through the hole in the sky...
Where I see you
And that's not an invitation
That's all I get
If this is communication
I disconnect
I've seen you, I know you
But I don't know
How to connect, so I disconnect...
Well this is an invitation
It's not a threat
If you want communication
That's what you get
I'm talking and talking
But I don't know
How to connect
And I hold the record for being patient
With your kind of hesitation
I need you, you want me
But I don't know
How to connect, so I disconnect
I disconnect...
---ends of lyric---
Why doncha give it a try? It's good. Really...
Song Title : Communication
Artist: The Cardigans
For 27 years I've been trying to believe and confide in
Different people I've found
Some of them got closer than others
Some wouldn't even bother and then you came around
I didn't really know what to call you, you didn't know me at all
But I was happy to explain
I never really knew how to move you
So I tried to intrude through the little holes in your veins
And I saw you
But that's not an invitation
That's all I get
If this is communication
I disconnect
I've seen you, I know you
But I don't know
How to connect, so I disconnect...
You always seem to know where to find me and I'm still here behind you
In the corner of your eye
I'll never really learn how to love you
But I know that I love you through the hole in the sky...
Where I see you
And that's not an invitation
That's all I get
If this is communication
I disconnect
I've seen you, I know you
But I don't know
How to connect, so I disconnect...
Well this is an invitation
It's not a threat
If you want communication
That's what you get
I'm talking and talking
But I don't know
How to connect
And I hold the record for being patient
With your kind of hesitation
I need you, you want me
But I don't know
How to connect, so I disconnect
I disconnect...
---ends of lyric---
Why doncha give it a try? It's good. Really...
Grumpy... Should I kill them dogs??? Grrr...
nyahhh... me very grumpy today... super grumpy... Sunday's supposed to be the day when you sleep in till noon rite? I had every intention to do so, since I am sick, had sorethroat, headache & signs of flu, blocked nose & ears & windy stomach, but I was awoken just now by the howling of this damn dog of my neighbour who lives opposite me... at 6.00 a.m.!!!
Last nite was kept up wide awake till wee hours (past midnite) by the screamings and wailings of their kids/toddlers, then their mum hollering at the top of her lungs, and next their dad's miserably, annoyed shouts.
*peeks at said house*
Do you think their house is haunted? I really believe so. I mean, not only are the family noisy, even their dogs howl all the time, their chicken chirp all the time, and most unbelieavable, their rooster crows not only in morning, but also in the middle of the night and yeah, I once woke up to its crowing at 3.00 frigging a.m...
*knock* *knock* *knock*
*opens door*
Eh?!? My house owner's wife (Aunty) has just asked me if I wanna eat porridge. She'll cook for me. She looked at me and said that my face's white as a sheet. Asked if I'm really okay.. hehe.. ''I'm fine, just grumpy cause of lack of sleep... and I think my face's pale cause I tried to blow my nose-non-stop gua"
She stares at me as if I've just told her the biggest lie of my life. "You sure???"
"Yeah.. hehe.. Thanks for the porridge. Will definitely hog it.. muahahaha"
Back to topic. Should I try and kill them dogs/roosters/kids/toddlers/dad&mum??? Maybe I should gas their house and let them sleep till kingdom comes. *sigh*
Anyway, I feel much better now. Could be due to the porridge offering? Awww... *climbs into bed and tries to sleep*
Laters... ^_~
Last nite was kept up wide awake till wee hours (past midnite) by the screamings and wailings of their kids/toddlers, then their mum hollering at the top of her lungs, and next their dad's miserably, annoyed shouts.
*peeks at said house*
Do you think their house is haunted? I really believe so. I mean, not only are the family noisy, even their dogs howl all the time, their chicken chirp all the time, and most unbelieavable, their rooster crows not only in morning, but also in the middle of the night and yeah, I once woke up to its crowing at 3.00 frigging a.m...
*knock* *knock* *knock*
*opens door*
Eh?!? My house owner's wife (Aunty) has just asked me if I wanna eat porridge. She'll cook for me. She looked at me and said that my face's white as a sheet. Asked if I'm really okay.. hehe.. ''I'm fine, just grumpy cause of lack of sleep... and I think my face's pale cause I tried to blow my nose-non-stop gua"
She stares at me as if I've just told her the biggest lie of my life. "You sure???"
"Yeah.. hehe.. Thanks for the porridge. Will definitely hog it.. muahahaha"
Back to topic. Should I try and kill them dogs/roosters/kids/toddlers/dad&mum??? Maybe I should gas their house and let them sleep till kingdom comes. *sigh*
Anyway, I feel much better now. Could be due to the porridge offering? Awww... *climbs into bed and tries to sleep*
Laters... ^_~
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Food food food... yummy food!!! *drools*

I have this for breakfast everyday. Or lunch. Or brunch. Meaning from Monday to Sunday. Really! The taukeh is so familiar with me, all I need to do is waltz into his kopitiam and raise up my hand indicating I want one laksa... hehehe... Trust me. His laksa is the best in Sarikei. I've surveyed all the laksa here... this IS the best. If not, how can I bear eating it every single morning/day?? haha... Another plus... it's RM2.50 only... muahahaha
After eating, however... I started thinking about OTHER nice yummy mouth watering food... like this...

Wa-Tan-Ho, which is one of the local dish in Kuching (but I believe it originates from West Malaysia, presumably Cantonese dish...)

Kueh Chap, which is a local dish of Kuching...

and I'd love to have a bowl of hua-ren-tong (a local delicacy from Sibu. you can't find this elsewhere... I tried looking for them in Kuching, ALL over Kuching, and they laughed their heads off when I described it to them during the survey... geezzz) as desert...

and to finish off my crazy food cravings with this wonderful cup of 3 layered coffee... ahhhh!!! Ini macam baru purrrrfeeeecccccttttttttt larrrrrr... nyah!
Thursday, November 23, 2006
EEEEkkkk! Crocs!!!!
Ever seen crocs??? Near your working place??? I just got the pics developed this morning. They are cool!!!

We caught this handsome babe (we dunno whether it's male or female, so I'll just call it 'handsome babe' hehe) on the 21 Nov 2006, Tuesday morning. Somehow it was entangled inside the fishing net in the river near my construction site. When my colleagues found it, it was already half dead, maybe dizzy & tired & totally frustrated from all its hopeles struggles to escape the night before... awwww...

They caught the handsome babe, tied its hind legs (to prevent it from sudden lunge/attack) and its jaw (to prevent severe attacks too). This is serious business man. Crocs eat human beings like us for breakfast, lunch and dinner!!! I always believe prevention is better than cure... ;)

We planned to let it go. Yupe. You heard us right. We let it go! But before that, we gotta do some measurements (for bragging later on... hehehe) *gasps* It measures 2 metres!!!

Closer look. Damn. The handsome babe IS huge. Imagine that thing nibbling your hand or leg. You're bound to lose them man...

Okay. Time to go honey... ^__^

My col guided the croc to the riverbank. I had this crazy urge to kick the stooopid dog towards the handsome babe. The poor thing surely needs breakie for energy... tee hee

Easy... easy...

Uh... is that a warning? "Stay away from me!!! Meanie!!!"

Whoa! That was quick!!! Upon release, the handsome babe dashed clumsily into the river!!! It must be scared shitless of us!!! Man. To think that we are the rescue ranger. haha
Steve Irwin must be singing 'crickey' in heaven to us. RIP Steve. We surely miss ya. Crocs do remind us of you. awww...

We caught this handsome babe (we dunno whether it's male or female, so I'll just call it 'handsome babe' hehe) on the 21 Nov 2006, Tuesday morning. Somehow it was entangled inside the fishing net in the river near my construction site. When my colleagues found it, it was already half dead, maybe dizzy & tired & totally frustrated from all its hopeles struggles to escape the night before... awwww...

They caught the handsome babe, tied its hind legs (to prevent it from sudden lunge/attack) and its jaw (to prevent severe attacks too). This is serious business man. Crocs eat human beings like us for breakfast, lunch and dinner!!! I always believe prevention is better than cure... ;)

We planned to let it go. Yupe. You heard us right. We let it go! But before that, we gotta do some measurements (for bragging later on... hehehe) *gasps* It measures 2 metres!!!

Closer look. Damn. The handsome babe IS huge. Imagine that thing nibbling your hand or leg. You're bound to lose them man...

Okay. Time to go honey... ^__^

My col guided the croc to the riverbank. I had this crazy urge to kick the stooopid dog towards the handsome babe. The poor thing surely needs breakie for energy... tee hee

Easy... easy...

Uh... is that a warning? "Stay away from me!!! Meanie!!!"

Whoa! That was quick!!! Upon release, the handsome babe dashed clumsily into the river!!! It must be scared shitless of us!!! Man. To think that we are the rescue ranger. haha
Steve Irwin must be singing 'crickey' in heaven to us. RIP Steve. We surely miss ya. Crocs do remind us of you. awww...
Welcome Welcome...
Welcome welcome. This is my blog. I am better known as valerie2 online. I've started this blog out of boredom and also as a way to keep in touch with friends (I hope they still surf *nervous smile*), and make new ones on top of that... ^__^ I'm currently working as a PE in Sarikei and well, Sarikei IS a sleepy little town... so... you get the vibes. Anyway, hope you stay around long enough to finish reading whatever it is that I blurted out. Enjoy ne... *bows*
p/s : oh yeah... if you wanna know more about me, just click the About Me link on this page. I will try to update this from time to time. More photos. More rants. Hope it's up by the time you surfed here. If not, then I hope you will keep coming back... hehe ^_~ *bows again & scurries off*
p/s : oh yeah... if you wanna know more about me, just click the About Me link on this page. I will try to update this from time to time. More photos. More rants. Hope it's up by the time you surfed here. If not, then I hope you will keep coming back... hehe ^_~ *bows again & scurries off*
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