I hate tax. I hate paying them. I mean what for? Just open your eyes wide wide and see what the government is using our hard earned money for.
Do they spend them wisely? No.
Paying hundred of millions just to buy the stupid ink from India all for the sake of a just election? Well, just my ass. I don't even see it used here. Haha. That's right. I voted and I didn't get my fingers/hands inked just to prove that I've voted. I wonder where did all those money go to???
One of the other reason that makes me so tu-lan is by sending monkey Ma into space. A so called astronut. What a waste of our damn money.
Look all around you. Do you see sampah bersepah all over the city/town? Yes. It's not clean at all. It's not presentable. Is the council doing their jobs? I saw how they do their jobs. Especially those sweepers. Instead of sweeping up the rubbish and tree leaves and whatnots, they swept it into the drainage holes by the roadside. Rubbish, leaves and everything. Don't they know that they are clogging the drains?? Nope. They have no brain cells. Their brain cells are either dead, half dead, damaged beyond repair, malfunctioned or MIA (Missing In Action). The least we can do is sympathize at them.
Instead, what did the government do when there's flash flood? What exactly did our leaders say when asked for comments about those floods?
*opens ears wide wide*
*turns volume up loud loud*
The engineers should do a better job at designing the road.
Oh sweet Lord. Please bury some wisdom into those half-brained assholes, even if it is just a speck of dust. Obviously, they are retards. I have no respects for retards. I can't, for the life of me, respect people with monkey brains, donkey brains and whatever it is that they have in their brains. Perhaps they are showing early symptoms of Parkinson disease? Brain damage at birth?
Shouldn't they be looking at those smart sweepers, or the so-called council workers? Why don't they go and dig out all those rubbish that they have plugged into the holes. Why don't they go and check if the road has been constructed in accordance to approved engineering drawings or not? Why don't they go and check whether the job was actually awarded to qualified Contractors who actually know their shits or not? Why don't they go and check and see with their own shit-plastered-eyes what exactly is going on?
Tell me again, why on earth do I have to pay tax that will be used to ensure that these fucked-up-pieces-of-good-for-nothings stay alive through the hardest and darkest moments of their pathetic lives???
I am no saint. And I refuse to be a saint for them donkeys. But rules are rules. Although it is very tempting to break them. Shall I?
Oh damn it. I still haven't fill in that forsaken Tax form. The root of all evil. Evil things are done because they know that there are money. Money comes from citizen. Whether it is hard earned or robbed, it is still money. And money is the root of all evil. Why can't they issue the fucking rule that ensures robbers to fill in the goddamn Tax form too? Robber is a form of profession. Come on dude, they did their jobs too. So why the fuck aren't they taxed? They live here, they breath the same air we do, they do their jobs, they get their money, and yet they are roaming free out there, spending as they wish, enjoying their motherfucking lives much more than we do, and they don't even have to pay the cheebye tax.
And even if they managed to get caught, the government is using our tax money to feed these motherfuckers in jail. Yep. Free nasi kari + drinks + room + transport. And whether the fuel price goes up or not, they are still fed.
We paid so much, and yet we don't feel safe. Crime rate is shooting up like there's no tomorrow. Everyday, people suffers and some dies. Murder cases. Amok cases. Robberies and rape cases.
Do you see our good policemen patrolling the cities and residential areas? Nope. I see them at kopitiam-s. Minum kopi. Taking their sweet time enjoying the aroma of freshly brewed coffee. Or I see them hiding at some dark corners of the road. You and I both know what they are up to lar. Especially if it's near the mid or end of the month.
And before I forget, the numbers of fake policeman are rising as well. It doesn't matter if you know law or not. It doesn't matter if you know your rights or not. All it takes is for them to round you up, and scare you shitless into giving them whatever it is that they want, and they will escape, unhurt. Roaming around, freerer than birds. The same won't happen to you though. You'll be lucky if you're not hurt in the process. The law doesn't give a damn even if you get hurt in such cases. And if you hurt them(the baddies) in self defense, somehow the law will manage to come back and bite you at your butt faster than the law can go bite their nuts. Why? There is no justice lar. Justice my ass. You nailed them in self defense, then they will later on come back and haunt you: How come you have this in your house? Then you'll be facing charges of "mempunyai senjata berbahaya" shitty stories. And then your butt will be chewed and chewed till there is no more to chew and then they will move to your bones.
And oh, this is a bit out of topic, but I really can't help but marvel at paikia-s. Sometimes. I believe they are doing better jobs than police. I believe that they can do better jobs than police. Esp in terms of people tracking and investigation works. You won't believe their networkings man. And they are better equipped and more knowledgeable than the law enforcers.
Man. The world is indeed fucked up. Our government is fucked up. Our leaders are fucked up. Our systems are fucked up. Did I miss anything? What else are fucked up? What else aren't?
Tu-lan nye. Ma-deh.
Maybe I should change my profession. Perhaps I should quit. Join mafia is better. Anything with power is better. Aiii...
Damn sien. I'm seriously disappointed. Words can't even begin to describe how I actually feel right now.
Friday, April 11, 2008
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Nim's Island

But but but... I really enjoyed the animals' cute, adorable AND funny behaviours! I especially love Fred (the lizard or was it iguana? Okok, I think it's a lizard; It's cheeky, kay-poh demeanor really adds a twist of fun in whatever situation it is in..) and the turtle (I'm a BIG fan of turtles, don't ask me why.) I also luv the scene where Fred climbed onto the turtle's head (at the opening of the movie) which irritates the turtle so much *snickers*
Oh, you'll hear Nim's (Abigail Breslin) voice narrating about how those two enjoyed irritating one another. Haha
Ok. Back on track. I concentrated too much on the animals. I mean, it's not everyday you see a sea lion that knows how to play football, a lizard that enjoys being catapulted into the enemy's zone, trying to act like a flying dragon, and a pelican by the name of Galileo, that happens to know just about everything a person needs in every situation. Yep. Sounds too good to be true eh?
The real story of Nim's Island is this : It's a secluded world, secretly owned (or at least they swear that they owned it) by only Nim and her father, Jack Rusoe (Gerard Butler) - a famous scientist or a marine microbiologist to be exact, who's so crazy about the one celled microorganism (I forgot what it's called) that his life revolves around it. It appears that he loses interest in whatever thing that has more than one cell (except his deceased wife and Nim). He's also a writer who occassionally writes in National Geographic about his fantastic little volcano in that tiny little island of his.
They built this amazing hut-like home, complete with electricity (solar powered) and internet connection (satellite linked). Nim grows up there learning everything about the nature through her own observations and interactions with the animals, and anything else (science, history and fictions) through endless supplies of books and internet and from her father. Her close friends includes Fred (the lizard), Galileo (the pelican) and ummm.. what's-its-name? (the sea lion).
And oh, they got their supplies of food and whatnots from a monthly supply ship, which I suppose is the ONLY ship that knows the exact location of the island.
Nim adores and worships Alex Rover, a hero who's very Indiana Jones-alike, born from Alexandra Rover's (Jodie Foster) wild figment of imagination. Alexandra Rover is one helpless agoraphobic writer who excels in writing. Does that make sense? Oh. In case you don't know, agoraphobic means she's agoraphobia : an abnormal fear of being in crowds, public places, or open areas, sometimes accompanied by anxiety attacks. She can't even get herself to open her apartment's door into the outside world. My goodness. Perhaps her confinement in her apartment gives birth to such vivid, wild and wonderful-totally out of this world imagination? Perhaps that's why she can write so well, express herself so well. She's so successful that she has her novels being translated into 62 (did I get it right?) different languages, sold worldwide. So successful, and yet so weird?
I can't help but shaking my head in disbelief among the fits of laughter while watching Jodie Foster's frantic, murderously dangerous comedy acts. Never has it crossed my mind that she can do comedy. And believe me, it doesn't sit well in my mind. I'm so used to her doing the full action-packed movies that watching her doing comedy is like watching Jim Carrey fully transforming himself into a Terminator. It's just way too opposite.
Oh well. To cut a long story short, Alex Rover found out that she has indeed been exchanging emails with a 11-year old Nim, whom she's mistaken to be Jack Rusoe's assistant, who's left all alone in the island when her father went out in search of his one celled microorganism and was stranded somewhere with a badly damaged boat and constantly being helped out by Galileo, the pelican. Alex somehow embarked on a journey to go and save Nim, only to be turned away when Nim found out that she's a woman instead of a he. By the way, Nim's the one who saved Alex when she's about to drown.
Jack somehow managed to go back to Nim safely. He met Alex, it's love at first sight, and the rest is left to your imagination. How does that sound to you?
My verdict? It's an okay movie. At least, it's better than Jumper. At least, I'm enthralled by the animals antics and Abigail Breslin's wonderful performance. I can't believe she's born in 1996. She's so petite and well, I really believed she's a 11-year old. Gerard Butler did a somewhat okay job as Jack Rusoe and also Alex Rover. I must be so blur because I didn't know both roles were done by him until I checked and double checked just now. Jodie Foster? I like her better in anything other than comedy. Her comedy acts are laughable, but it's just so unlike her. THAT just won't sit still in my mind no matter how much I adore her.
My ratings? I give it a 7 out of 10. If you are an adult with a childlike imagination, you'll somehow enjoy this movie. Old folks too will enjoy it, I believe. If you're a kid, you'll definitely enjoy it. If you're a pure adult, then this movie will probably sucks big time so you better not be heading to the cinema to buy the tickets for this movie.
Pssttt. Don't blame me if you don't like the movie. I'm just being frank, ok?
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Worries worries worries
I hate it when my phone rings. I hate it more when it rings at odd hours. I hate it even more if the number seems suspicious.
If I ignored it, would the ringing stop?
If I ignored it, would it stop whatever godforsaken news the caller bear from reaching me?
It's just a matter of time isn't it? Whether the news is bad or good, comes late or early, I'll still have to deal with it, right?
And yep. It's bad news all right. Whatever I don't wanna hear is bad news for me. Whatever I don't welcome IS bad news for me.
Did I make the wrong decision back then? Should I take them back?
I wouldn't.
Should I turn back time, unwind everything and undone everything?
What for?
Have I screwed up big time? Did I? OMFG!!! What the hell am I supposed to do? And to think that I did, actually, spent the whole night pacing up and down in my room, without sleep till morning came. I made my decision then. I was firm with it. I refused to back down.
That you certainly did.
Has it come back to haunt me?
I wish I have some lady luck with me. I need it. No kidding.
I wish I have some support. Some advice.
I wish someone or somebody would comfort me. Console me. Be with me. By my side. Assure me that everything will be okay.
Everything will be all right...
It's not your fault. It never was... so be strong...
But what if I really made the wrong choice? At such bad timing?! Pffftt!! Things couldn't get worse than this. Wait. Maybe they could. Oh fuck.
I hate dilemmas. I hate problems. I hate being strong. I hate being tough. I hate being in control. Cause that means making decisions. And if I made the wrong decisions, I'm seriously as good as dead.
What's the use of being the best troubleshooter if I can't solve my own damn problems?
The darkness is all around me. Sometimes, I feel like falling apart. Perhaps permanent malfunction sounds like a good idea after all.
But no. I'm too prideful for that. I'll never go down that path if I can help it.
But really, I'm so tired. So so tired. Tired of the struggles. Tired of works and relationships. Tired of the relentless squabbles, the stupidity of the people that I encounter and deal with, the endless arguments, the senseless talks, the unnecessary pressures from all directions, the sky high expectations. I'm tired of everything. Today, I feel like breaking down, letting the darkness and hopelessness swallowing me alive. Engulfing me in the never-ending suffocation. The feeling of utter helplessness. My energy is draining out. My flames nearly put out for good.
Dear God. What have I done to deserve such endless torrents of onslaught? Enough already. I'm at my limit. I can take no more.
Just let me rest, okay?
I hope tomorrow never comes...
*crawls into bed*
If I ignored it, would the ringing stop?
If I ignored it, would it stop whatever godforsaken news the caller bear from reaching me?
It's just a matter of time isn't it? Whether the news is bad or good, comes late or early, I'll still have to deal with it, right?
And yep. It's bad news all right. Whatever I don't wanna hear is bad news for me. Whatever I don't welcome IS bad news for me.
Did I make the wrong decision back then? Should I take them back?
I wouldn't.
Should I turn back time, unwind everything and undone everything?
What for?
Have I screwed up big time? Did I? OMFG!!! What the hell am I supposed to do? And to think that I did, actually, spent the whole night pacing up and down in my room, without sleep till morning came. I made my decision then. I was firm with it. I refused to back down.
That you certainly did.
Has it come back to haunt me?
I wish I have some lady luck with me. I need it. No kidding.
I wish I have some support. Some advice.
I wish someone or somebody would comfort me. Console me. Be with me. By my side. Assure me that everything will be okay.
Everything will be all right...
It's not your fault. It never was... so be strong...
But what if I really made the wrong choice? At such bad timing?! Pffftt!! Things couldn't get worse than this. Wait. Maybe they could. Oh fuck.
I hate dilemmas. I hate problems. I hate being strong. I hate being tough. I hate being in control. Cause that means making decisions. And if I made the wrong decisions, I'm seriously as good as dead.
What's the use of being the best troubleshooter if I can't solve my own damn problems?
The darkness is all around me. Sometimes, I feel like falling apart. Perhaps permanent malfunction sounds like a good idea after all.
But no. I'm too prideful for that. I'll never go down that path if I can help it.
But really, I'm so tired. So so tired. Tired of the struggles. Tired of works and relationships. Tired of the relentless squabbles, the stupidity of the people that I encounter and deal with, the endless arguments, the senseless talks, the unnecessary pressures from all directions, the sky high expectations. I'm tired of everything. Today, I feel like breaking down, letting the darkness and hopelessness swallowing me alive. Engulfing me in the never-ending suffocation. The feeling of utter helplessness. My energy is draining out. My flames nearly put out for good.
Dear God. What have I done to deserve such endless torrents of onslaught? Enough already. I'm at my limit. I can take no more.
Just let me rest, okay?
I hope tomorrow never comes...
*crawls into bed*
New Template!
I finally find myself a new template! I found it here. Oh I'm so happy! Zillion thanks to veerublog and infocreekblog. I'll put up the credits in my blog later on.
So, readers... what do you think of my blog's new look? Go on. Keep the comments coming in!
So, readers... what do you think of my blog's new look? Go on. Keep the comments coming in!
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Are they morons or what?
I took some time off to accompany my mum to the bank today. We went to MayBank, since it's the nearest bank to our house. I've been wanting to open a savings account for my mum since AGES ago. Among the reasons are:-
Guess what? The ah moi in charge of opening the savings account for my mum asked us several irrelevant, unbelievably stupid questions:-
Stupid ah moi : Why are you opening a savings account?
Me : o.O
Mum : O.O
Me : I beg your pardon?
Stupid ah moi : Why are you opening a savings account? (She has this bizarre shocked look on her stupid face)
Me : (With a very straight face) Answer me honestly please. What ELSE can you do with a savings account??!
Stupid ah moi : Errm... transferring commission you earned or something?
Me : How the hell does that make your question relevant??! Can we open the #$%#@ SAVINGS account or what?
Stupid ah moi : Yes of course.
Me : Then ? What's your problem?
My mum chastised me for answering the lady so rudely. The point is, MY POINT is.. what the fuck is she asking? Of course you open a savings account to save your money. Doesn't the name implies that?? What other fucking thing can you do with it? Fuck it with money?!
Really. I can't believe the ways those geniuses think. They must have short-circuited or something. Kanneh. This is like asking people "Eh, why do you breath ar?" Oii tolol. If I don't breath I'll die what. Kanneh. Where's your fucking brain? You eat shit and you shit rice is it???!!
The above incident reminded me of my experience with the stupid bankers in UK back in my Uni years. One of them is this:-
Me : I want to close my savings account. Here are the documents.
Stupid moron banker : Do you want to take out all your money?
And he proceeded to stare at me lovingly. Which sent my blood boiling over 100 degrees. And all hell broke loose. Volcanoes erupted and the goddamn jerk was blown into thin air.
I remembered myself asking him those questions very very loudly and that earned me surprised looks from all the people inside the bank.
Stupid moron banker : Hey chill. I'm just asking okay...
Me : That's a FUCKING STUPID QUESTION okay! Do I look like an idiot??! Do you even know how to do the paperworks? Are you qualified to handle the job??!!
That embarrassed him no end. His face brightened to a shade of red brick and his supervisor was on his way over when he hurriedly went over and convinced him that everything is under control.
Seriously. I believe they grow up eating shit, and when they shit, they shit out gold. What a wonderful world!
- my dad has MayBank account
- my sisters have MayBank accounts
- I have MayBank account
- easier transactions (especially when my dad and I are travelling)
- it's a pain in the ass giving money to mum. Just bank it in, then she can't protest anymore, can she?
- to save money lor. What the heck. It's for saving purposes, right?
Guess what? The ah moi in charge of opening the savings account for my mum asked us several irrelevant, unbelievably stupid questions:-
Stupid ah moi : Why are you opening a savings account?
Me : o.O
Mum : O.O
Me : I beg your pardon?
Stupid ah moi : Why are you opening a savings account? (She has this bizarre shocked look on her stupid face)
Me : (With a very straight face) Answer me honestly please. What ELSE can you do with a savings account??!
Stupid ah moi : Errm... transferring commission you earned or something?
Me : How the hell does that make your question relevant??! Can we open the #$%#@ SAVINGS account or what?
Stupid ah moi : Yes of course.
Me : Then ? What's your problem?
My mum chastised me for answering the lady so rudely. The point is, MY POINT is.. what the fuck is she asking? Of course you open a savings account to save your money. Doesn't the name implies that?? What other fucking thing can you do with it? Fuck it with money?!
Really. I can't believe the ways those geniuses think. They must have short-circuited or something. Kanneh. This is like asking people "Eh, why do you breath ar?" Oii tolol. If I don't breath I'll die what. Kanneh. Where's your fucking brain? You eat shit and you shit rice is it???!!
The above incident reminded me of my experience with the stupid bankers in UK back in my Uni years. One of them is this:-
Me : I want to close my savings account. Here are the documents.
Stupid moron banker : Do you want to take out all your money?
And he proceeded to stare at me lovingly. Which sent my blood boiling over 100 degrees. And all hell broke loose. Volcanoes erupted and the goddamn jerk was blown into thin air.
I remembered myself asking him those questions very very loudly and that earned me surprised looks from all the people inside the bank.
Stupid moron banker : Hey chill. I'm just asking okay...
Me : That's a FUCKING STUPID QUESTION okay! Do I look like an idiot??! Do you even know how to do the paperworks? Are you qualified to handle the job??!!
That embarrassed him no end. His face brightened to a shade of red brick and his supervisor was on his way over when he hurriedly went over and convinced him that everything is under control.
Seriously. I believe they grow up eating shit, and when they shit, they shit out gold. What a wonderful world!
Monday, April 7, 2008
Friends normally call their friends by their names. Mine calls me by my surname. Most if not all.
It doesn't matter how many times I told them to call me by my name. It applies to colleagues as well.
They always ended up calling me by my surname.
To be more precise, they call me "Miss [my surname]".
I've given up wondering why. I got fed up with it.
Am I unfriendly?
What? My name doesn't suit me?
Why is it so hard for them to call my name?
Am I so unapproachable?
Do I bite?
It doesn't matter how many times I told them to call me by my name. It applies to colleagues as well.
They always ended up calling me by my surname.
To be more precise, they call me "Miss [my surname]".
I've given up wondering why. I got fed up with it.
Am I unfriendly?
What? My name doesn't suit me?
Why is it so hard for them to call my name?
Am I so unapproachable?
Do I bite?
My Perfect Major
I find it hard to believe, but heck, I scored a 100% in Engineering. Does that mean I'd somehow, chosen the right path years ago?? >.<
What is your Perfect Major? (PLEASE RATE ME!!<3) created with QuizFarm.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
You scored as Philosophy You should be a Philosophy major! Like the Philosopher, you are contemplative and you enjoy thinking about the purpose for humanity's existence.
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