Today I had ice cream (from Sunny Hill) + butter cheese cake (Mita Cake House) + bread as part of a birthday celebration for one of the staff in the office. They were celebrating his belated birthday. His name was Leo or Lei something something. I'm really not good in remembering names. Bad me.
Anyway, I learned some interesting company rules from some colleagues while eating with them.
Windy : Eh, which month is your birthday ar?
Me : Huh? My birthday month? Why?
Windy : The company has this rule lor. RM30 is sponsored as a way of celebrating the birthday of the staffs here. We use the money to buy some food and then we have a small party like this just to celebrate lor. Currently, we are missing August and October. None of us here were born in August nor October! So tell us your month of birth!
(She awaits eagerly. Apparently for her, eating free food is very important and her whole life sorta depends on it)
Me : Erm. Mine's August.
Windy : Really? YES! Now we can eat in August!! *giddy laughs*
Me : -___-''
Windy : Oh. What's the exact date then? Your birthday.
Me : 31
Windy : o.O
Me : What?
Windy : WHAT?!!
Me : 31st lar.
(FYI, I was born on the 31st of August, the National Day of Malaysia. *grins*)
Windy : O.O *jaw drops*
Me : Look. Are you disappointed cause you won't be able to eat due to the public holiday???
Windy : Haha. We can always eat earlier!!!
Me : ...
(Believe me. She has fast recovery rate. And of course. We can't eat later than that cause that would means September. Wasted. *sigh*)
Minutes later...
Me : Hey. If you have 3 people having DOBs in August, does that mean you get like, RM90? RM30 per person right?
Windy : Nonono. My boss won't allow it. Just RM30 nia. If more than 2 persons, then maximum is RM50 lor. He's stingy. Doesn't count per head oneeee.
(Her boss is Edo)
Me : Oh. Why not. It's just RM30 mar.
Windy : He says the number of people eating is the same mar. So RM30 is enough per month. Plus, he never cincai eat food one. Cheap stuffs like these, he won't touch oneee. Very high class lar him.
Me : How high class?
Windy : Last time hor, we bought some type of beverage, white in colour lar. I can't remember the name. I think it's called White Lady or something. When we gave one glass to him, he won't even try it! And he sniffed on it some more. Haiya! Scared we poison him meh haiya!
Me : *incredulous look mode on* Sniffed??? He sniffed it?
Windy : He always say we spend too much buying food. When it's his turn next, we're going to buy the cheapest food available out there for him to eat!
Everybody else : Yayaya!!! Let's buy bla bla bla....
They then proceeded to blurt out a long list of cheap, terrible food to buy for him to eat during his birthday month. The list got so long, I totally lost track. Employees can sometimes be so mean. *shakes head*
Personally, I think it's very good that the employer made the effort to sponsor a little bit of money as a form of appreciation for their staffs. RM30 is better than nothing, right? We never had this practice in my ex-company. The only thing they have was the staffs themselves forking out money to celebrate the birthday with you. Either way, you'd feel as if you belong some where right?
I guess I'm right about Edo thought. Seems like I'm not the only one who doesn't like him. *sigh*
ps : I swear the ones I wrote and LOST in the goddamn Gmail draft was much much better than this. Still very pissed at farking Gmail. Tulan! Ptui!
heh..RM30?Thats not much money to spend on a buy a cake to treat everyone lor...
wps : That's better than nothing. And nope. Why should I treat everyone? I'm not obliged to do that. Plus, I didn't even know the guy whom they were celebrating the birthday with. I still don't know him now. Waste of money nia treating everyone there. I'd hate to think that I actually treated an ENEMY in disguise with MY money. Bleh. Ain't working. Ain't gonna do it either. Nyehhh
Bday should be a happy occassion.. Why wana remember enemy and spoil it?
wps : I don't care how HAPPY the occassion is. I am NOT treating anybody other than
1) my family + relatives
2) my close friends
Now you know how PRECIOUS my "treat" is eh? *wink* *wink*
ehehehe... i'll treat u to a good one when we meet next, yah?
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