I couldn't take pics of the water fountain that was flooding the ground floor staircase leading to our office which is at 2nd floor. Would have loved the effect tho but unfortunately, I didn't bring my camera with me.
I thought about driving back to bring my digicam for a few shots (just for the heck of it) but damn, I had to report the whole shit to my boss in Kch, to the police, and to the building owner. After that, we (me and my cols) were dragged practically all over Sarikei to various gov offices to get the water connected back.
But, but but!!! The Water Board guys came to our office around 2 or 3pm just now and INFORMED us that their scope of work ONLY covers installation of the water meter. Since our water pipe was like, gone... they suggested that we called in plumber by ourselves, get the pipe fixed and then, get the plumbers to fix in the water meter. It's a piece of cake.
I was like O.o
Cheebye. I know it's a piece of cake ok?! But aren't those your piece of cake? After all, your salary comes from the taxes that peps like us paid, ain't that right?! Why the heck do we get lazy, selfish, unhelpful retards like them to work in the so called gov??? Why the fuck we paid RM55.30 for? Just for the damn fucking water meter and having them telling us what we can do? Really! And aren't fixing the water meter THEIR scope of work? Why are they pushing the jobs to the plumbers then? Aren't those THEIR frigging scope of work??? Really. These dickheads have the efficiency of donuts!!! At least donuts fill up your empty stomachs! Ok ok. I'll take that back. They dun have efficiency at all. Stupiak!!!!
These are the pics of the stolen water meter(s). Yeah, there was like, 5 stolen lar. Some of the pipes are missing cuz they totally like, whacked them. *sigh*
This piece of shit costs 50+ bucks! #%^$@%^!!!
My secretary just now said that she hopes the guys who stole the water meters and caused tonnes of misery to our lives would end up having a 'rotten kkc'. LOL. Sorry guys. We had so much inconveniences (imagine no toilet to use for whole day in the office, no water to boil & drink, no water to wash your hands, if you wanna pee pee or bikin kuih, you'll hafta go all 3 storeys down to the nearest kopitiam to borrow their toilet and do your stuffs) cuz of these assholes and well, I just chuckled. ;p
I said, rotten kkc is kinda mild to him lor. Let's try my wish. I hope his kkc can't stand up for the rest of his miserable life! That beats having a rotten kkc down pat!!! *roars with laughter*
I mean, can you imagine having a rotten kkc that can still stand? Euuuu!!! Gross!
I know I know. I'm damn mean, but hey, those jerks deserve it!!! Doncha think so??? Geezzz!
What's kkc?
ummm... kkc actually means 'penis' in errr chinese, I think. =P
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