Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Burn that fat!


Gosh I'm so fat already!!! I'm overweight by 8kgs and I really need to shed those weight! But my fragile right foot put a partial halt to that. Hope I can heal faster than usual to get on with my plan to lose weight. In the meantime, I'll start by screening what I consume. Once I could put more strain on my right foot, I'll follow suit with exercise. This is going to be one big project of the year for me. Seriously considering eating veges only but still haven't decide yet. Should I try that? I'm not sure. I'm currently eating only 2 meals per day and gradually changing my diet to contain 50% fruit. Let's give this project a 2 months period. We'll see how I fare then. Lol...

Start date : 6 March 2007
End date : 6 May 2007
Intended weight to shed : 8 kgs

Psst... sorry ar can't tell you how much I weight otherwise I think you'll all fall outta your chair. I promise to be honest and as just as I could. Hehe.


Anonymous said...

Hey.. same with me.. i wanna shed off 8kg as well... good luck to both of us... although luck doesnt have much to do with it.

KiBiKiBi said...

Really? Me thought luck has at least 1% to do with it wor. Hehehe. Gambate!