Thursday, January 4, 2007

New Year Resolution

A friend asked me what are my New Year Resolution(NYR) this year... My immediate response was like 'ummm... same lar like last year's NYR'...

On second thought, maybe not. So, what are my NYR this year??? It's 2007. I thought about my previous NYR. And the year before that. And before that. And before that. They hardly come true. Maybe due to the reason that I have wayyyy too many 'resolutions', it's so hard to focus. So this year, I'm gonna keep it simple.

I wanna change who I am.

There. Simple enough? Come to think of it, I haven't changed at all since primary school. I'm still the same. Same face. Almost all of my primary school teachers recognise me eventhough it has been like what... 15 years??? That was like... gosh!!! Isn't that scary??? Same attitude. All my friends said I haven't changed a bit! Same attire. I still wear large T-shirts & jeans or shorts. I like comfy clothes. I feel confined by tight fitting clothes. Yeah. They make you look good but not feel good. For me, feelings and being comfortable are more important. But maybe, just maybe, I can change that if I try hard enough, right? I never bothered to try before. Maybe this year I will.

Having just one ultimate goal will somehow make it easier right? All you needa do is just remember that one sentence like a mantra. And do everything you can to change. Just change. If I could say 'hocus pocus change me into somebody new and different' and a miracle happened and I changed then I would surely do that. Kinda sick of being me... haha I'm not making any sense now am I?

Kekeke... anyway, wish me luck eh? Maybe I'll cross path with that 'special' someone this year. *winks*


Anonymous said...

Whatever does that symbol resolution means??? And didnt i hrard a different nasty new year resolution from you just a few days back... ;p ;p

KiBiKiBi said...

pstt... tat's supposed to be a secret... but frankly speaking, it does form part of the 'simple' resolution that I finalised so... does that sorta answer your question? ;P tsk tsk

Anonymous said...

Heh...wouldn't be a secret when you launch your full blast attack..hehehe