I am blur. *sniff* *sniff*
But what's done is done. So, I'll admit that I got the day wrong. =P Hehehe... ppl make mistakes mar. I'm just a normal girl lerr...
Went out for a cruise just now after dinner. Saw durians for sale at the parking lots near the Bumiputera Commerce Bank (BCB). I was thrilled and quickly made a round back to the place, parked my car and went down to check things out. There are langsat, durian, manggis and dabai for sale there! But I only took pics of the durian (bias me, hehe).

The dabai is selling at RM7 per kg. That's cheap. But it's not good lor. Good dabai are those that are sticky when you hold them. The ones on sale here's not sticky at all. It feels clean. Too clean. So it's not good. *sigh* I luv dabai too, but always have gastric whenever I took more than my limit. T_T
The strange thing is, the durian there doesn't emit those strong smell that durians always have. They are quite cheap too. 6 durians in a cluster costs RM8 only. Whoa! Saw another batch selling 4 durians at RM10. When I was about to pick up a durian for inspection, I smelled this super strong insecticide. It's very stinky. I hate the smell. Somehow it's very familiar. It smelled like those stuffs they sprayed whenever there are dengue cases in the neighbourhood. *yikes!*
I heard rattling sound of a machine and immediately spotted a person spraying the insecticide everywhere opposite the place where the durians are on sale. The buildings across the road are practically covered with whitish smoke. Suddenly alarmed (I'm prone to mosquito bites, especially in Sarikei) I quickly bolted to my car, revved up the engine and sped off from the place. I can eat durian at another time, another place. Dun wanna be bitten by dengue mosquitoes and suffer. I have a long holiday ahead. ^^
One more thing to mention here. It takes ages to upload images lately. Ai. Sien lar. I'll upload the images tomorrow maybe. Been trying for more than a dozen time. I'm very patient already. But I can't wait forever mar.
By the way, I got my tix changed to Friday. The tix seller laughed at my eagerness to go home. Ai. Sarikei so teruk ke? Hehehe... -_-'' Ah... no lar... I miss home mar... =P
Wish you have taken some photo of the dabai... Miss it. Don't have here in KL
P.S. can buy toto on that van's plate number? hehehe...
Hmm.. I'm going back there tomorrow cause I wanna buy some dabai to bring back to Kuching. I'll try to snap some pics then.. ^^
Toto ar.. If I buy surely won't kena oneee. You buy lar.. ;P
You can resolve the photos uploading problems with another browser besides Microsoft's Internet Explorer.
I use Mozilla to upload my photos to my blog (always works). Free download at http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/
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