Friday, May 25, 2007


Temptations are annoying. Disturbing. Remember my decision about the job offer? I thought I've made the decision and that's final. I read the comments of my blog's readers and was deeply touched with their supports and words of encouragements.

And then comes the temptations. Ugh!

Just yesterday, out of no where, came this question : If you reject now, how many years do you think you'd have to slave yourself before you reach the basic salary that they (my ex-boss lor) offered you? 5 years? Maybe more.

Shit! That's so damn true!

Ok. To enlighten you guys. I'll tell you this one bit detail about my current earnings per month:-

Current boss : Basic Salary (BS) + Allowance (AL) = Amount C

Ex-boss offer : Basic Salary (BS) = Amount C + 12.5% of Amount C

Get the picture? I didn't even think about it! It simply slipped my mind! And no, eventhough I've decided not to take the offer, I have not turned it down as well. So the door's still open.

I think.

Am I greedy?

I think I better list all the pros and cons down one by one tonight. They have came back to haunt me!!! And dear readers, please help me!!!

And I've just realized something too when I read my reader's comment. I didn't make the decision by following my heart. I made it following my head. *sigh*

By now you guys are probably frustrated with me. *pulls hair out*

I am frustrated too. Damn temptations! Aaaaaarrrrrrggggghhhhh!!!


CRIZ LAI said...

Hey Val...I did tell you that before. I am not in your shoe so I cannot feel what you are thinking now. Let's start all over again **still very patient at the moment..LOL**. Things to consider.

1. Are you happy now? Self/job fulfillment?

2. What is more important? Money or self satisfaction?

3. What really trigger you to have your mind drifting back to where it started? Money aka temptation or unrest heart to turn down your ex-boss?

4. How sure are you that you are not going to have more pressures? More salary means more work, more pressures, more commitment, more responsibility, less time for yourself.

5. Are you still living in your comfort zone and refuse to change for the better because you are afraid to take the risk of starting all over again in a new environment?

6. Take a bath, rest awhile. Breathe in, hold your breath for few seconds, exhale slowly to relax yourself. Now think about this...take a piece of paper and draw a "+". Follow the S.W.O.T. analysis, Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat. List down everything you have in your mind in the respective columns. Then decide!

I just hope this is the last time you are going to have doubt over your decision. Good Luck!

Anonymous said...

yo! o sashiburi desu ne, neesan. ^^ hmm ... zuibun nagai no "blog" desu ne. hehe ... gomen ne ... i'd been really busy lately plus i don't have my own internet at home, so i haven't visited your blog for million years. >.< hontoni gomen nasai ...

Though I have things that I should do, regarding my work, but I'd decided to put that on halt due to laziness, so I came over to visit your blog instead. =P I miss the working life in UK, unlike working in asia, you pretty much just have to worry about your own task (more specialised) and don't have to cover the mountains and sea (*note for non-chinese readers: "cover the mountains and sea" is a direct translation from chinese phrase "bao san bao hai". In terms of employment, it means, having to do all sorts additional works on your own, including works that are not listed in your contract, without extra pay). Since I'm the lazy type of person, I don't quite like the idea of doing everything for the company without extra pay, but for the sake of experience, it is good for me as long as I can keep the job long enough. =P

Got a little carried away there. :D Might as well get carried away a little further just a little bit more. Hehe ... I donno how much can I save up with my current job, but once I saved enough, I'm gonna plan a trip to Japan!!! Will let you know when I had saved enough. ^_~ Hmm ... if only I could gonna go back UK to work as an engineer, I could probably afford it within half a year. =P Miss UK. >.< *sob*

Satte to... back to your blog's topic. After reading your blog, it seems that you had been in really bad mood lately. Daijobu desu ka? I'm really easy going when it comes to choosing job. As long as it gives me an impression that it is not that bad, I'll just give it a try. How very stupid and irresponsible way of making decision, ne? Probably cos I wasn't experienced enough yet, so I don't have much confident in job hunting, hence settling on whatever that comes along first. Hehe ... first come first serve rule? :P I guess the only advantage of this method is that, it leaves me with no headache. :D As you know, I don't like things to get troublesome or complicated, so as long as I think that I'll be able to progress or learn something from it, I'll go ahead with it. For your case, I guess it would be easier for you to choose in between those offers if you just think about which project is most interesting to you. Pay wise, take it as a compensation for a more interesting project? Like what you mentioned, both companies are very competitive, so listing out the pros and cons might give you even more headache? Watashi wa tanjun no hito. Hehe ... Though not as "tanjun" as yoshimori from kekkaishi. =D

To summarise things up, pick the one that you'll enjoy more. Work is hectic, so at least find something that you'll enjoy in that job. That way, you'll have something to distract your stress and keep you going.



KiBiKiBi said...

criz lai : *paiseh* Thanks again for your longgg lecture. Hahaha. I'll write a post about it later. And yes, you are right. This is the last time I'm having doubt. My decision is final. Now. *paiseh*

anonymous : Uwah! Anata no Nihongo wa totemo sugoi desu!!! Netamashii ne! Kuso. Watashi no Nihongo wa mada mada dane. Grrr... That's about as far as my japanese can go. Muahaha. But thanks for your advice and comments ne. Sankyu! ^_^