Thursday, February 8, 2007

New Hair Style

Guess what? I finally got my hair cut today. Not only that, I permed it too. Then, baru cut. Been wanting to do this for a long time. FINALLY got it done. Hmm. This is another HUGE accomplishment this year. Change of hair style. So, what's next on my list?

Well. Truth is, I don't have a list. I just said that for this year's resolution, I simply wanna change. So, I do everything I can to C-H-A-N-G-E. No worries. I won't change everything about me. I'll certainly retain the good qualities hehe... and only chuck away the bad ones. Haha

On 2nd thought, I'd list down several more things I wanna do (asap) just for the heck of it. For the remaining of the year, I'd love to.. :-
  1. shed 10-15kgs or more off my weight (I'm way too heavy for my height.. p/s : I'm short, got that? -_-'')
  2. dress more femininely (I always wear baggy trousers, huge T-shirts, guy's pants & nothing girly. -___-)
  3. change the way I talk maybe? (uh... Very FAT CHANCE, but I'll give it a shot..hehe)
  4. spend less on tech gadgets
  5. save up at least 40% of what I earn every month (quite difficult too, I'm a spendthrift -___-'')
  6. say, socialise more? and watch less anime/manga/drama
  7. improve my photo taking skills!!!! It's for my blog. My BLOG!!! *serious stare*
Uh... I'd add in more as the year proceeds. Can't think of anymore liao at the moment.. ;P But really hope that I can make it through. Gambate!!! I'm sure everyone has their own new year resolution too right? Let's gambate together ne?!!!

Haiiiiii!!!!!!!!!! ^^


Anonymous said...

go and join yoga will enjoy yourself :)

KiBiKiBi said...

yoga classes need money and are quite expensive. Me have no luck with $$$ this year. Bolui. So can't enjoy cuz no $$$. Such torture... T_T Unless, you know any place where I can learn yoga FOC? hehe

Anonymous said...

Hey, your new hair style is not too bad. Does make lotsa changes since aunty said that you look different... ;p

KiBiKiBi said...

Not too bad? Meaning, it's not too good either? *teary face* (T_T)

Which aunty? *scratch head* ;p