I popped back up again. And this time for good reason. During my absence, I've noticed several followers tagging me. Being a bit blur myself, I am unsure to the reason why they tagged me, because most of them are from twitter. I remember removing twitter box from my blog due to some problems (I can't remember exactly what, oh dear). Then I found out that I added my blog address to my twitter, so I figured whoever added me must have noticed my blog somehow. I'm a klutz. I don't even remember doing that. But people are still reading my blog, albeit the number is somewhat small.Life has been EXTREMELY rough this year. In fact, the Golden Ox year is the worst year in my whole life (no kidding). I've been through so much, the experiences are making me numb to the very core.
I had wanted to blog about them, but I'm not ready yet. Right now, I'm ready to blog again, but I won't talk about them till I'm ready. What this literally means is that I'll be blogging about anything else but these until I am ready. Hmm... this is confusing, no?
I used to think that life is useless, meaningless existence. You're born into this world, eat, play and sleep, grows up, studied half dead, then worked your ass off only to find that suddenly you're an old, dried up wrinkled raisin that's equivalent to being dead. So you played, worked, lived and died. And along came pain, anger, sadness, happiness, and all those craps in between. So what?
At the tender age of 10, my conclusion of life is that human kinds are better off dead, this world totally wiped out, leaving a total darkness to befall this empty space. That spells peace, somehow. Right?
10 years later I found a new meaning to life. No words can describe that.
Another 10 years later, I am like : Oh fuck, everybody is better off dead anyway, including me. There's just too much pain. Damn.
Perhaps I am being too emotional. Oh yeah, I am sensitive. Straightforward. I said the truth even when it hurts. But hell, who the fuck appreciates that. =.=''
I hope God's new kingdom comes quick. At this point, the Humans are beyond help. The Ga-Men is corrupt. The Politeeshens are idiots and law exists to protect the bad people. Mou Ngan Tai.
Life SUCKS!!!
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