Sunday, September 23, 2007

Jien Fei Project Num 2!

I've decided. I'm going on diet. Is that how you guys put it? Hn. I'll shed those fats no matter what. Those stubborn fats that has been bugging me for months! I can't stand them anymore!

So, I'm jien fei-ing. Direct translation from chinese means "cut fat". Equivalent to shedding fats. Slimming. Keeping fit. What ever you wanna call it. I'm getting my old shape back!!!

I know I know. I've tried to jien fei before. It failed miserably. So, I'm gonna try new methods since all my usual methods aren't working their charms anymore.

New methods:-
- No meat consumption for 2 weeks
- Only have 2 meals per day
- Take more fruits and fibre based food eg vege and etc.
- Walking or jogging for 1 hour everyday!!

My food intake shall only consists:-
- veges
- fruits
- liquids

For veges I guess I'll stick to corns, baby carrots, green beans and potatoes.

I'll only take bananas and apples for fruits. Heck, I can practice apple peeling too. (Y-E-S! I can't peel apple skins even if my life depended on it okay... so wat?)

Liquids? Hmm... soup and drinks count, right?

Nyah!!! I'm cutting down on carbohydrates too. Serves me right for abusing my food consumption. I'll never do that again!

Start date : 23 September 2007
End date : 7 October 2007

And to make sure that I keep to my project, I'll post on my food intake on daily basis. So if I'm not sticking to my plans, you guys can all bash me with whatever weapons you want!

Last but not least, wish me luck! And don't forget to pray for me! =.=