Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Just another same ol' day. Busy busy busy

It's the same. Like any other day. I woke up. Got ready for work. The moment I walked into the office...

"Morning! " *Chinese New Year songs playing in the background*

"Wah!!! Nice! I luv listening to those songs first thing in the morning! It's so lively and..."

"Ms. Wong, did boss call you?"

Oh uh

I haven't even uttered my second sentence of the day, heck wasn't even done with my first sentence and already it's.... -_-''

It appears that Boss wanted me to go to one of our site in Sibu. Take pics. So, what's the big deal with taking pictures??? Ohh... easy for you to say. Try taking pictures of construction works all over the site, especially a huge site where special attention must be applied to details. Then it becomes one heck of a tedious task. *sigh*

The moment I prepared to leave the office, a second call came looking for me. The guy has an appointment with me at site and it clashes with my trip to Sibu. *sigh* In the end, I went to the site visit, had discussions with him, and then rushed to Sibu for the pics taking.

We ended up with 200++ shots of high quality pictures and still it's not enough. I'm estimating at least 600++ pictures to take before it's enough to satisfy my Boss. JIALAT!!! Hafta make second trips tomorrow. Huhuhu

Spider story

While my col was busy taking pics with me surveying the surroundings, I suddenly spotted this HUGE SPIDER the size of a damn GOLF BALL inside our car, at the passenger seat next to the driver seat. Kyahhhhhh!!!!!!!!! I'm the driver. And I was INSIDE the car! I screamed and scrambled to get out of the car!!!!!! And dropped my brand new Sony Ericsson K610i handphone in the process! %#$#%^&#$@#$

I shouted frantically to my col : That!!! That thing! Spider!!! Kill it! KILL IT! DIE! DIE! It shocked me! Scared me! And now my brand new phone's cacat!!! I want that thing dead!!!!!! Noooowwwwww!!!!!

My poor col just looked at me weirdly and made a half hearted attempt to swipe it away.

"Nah. Dah tak ada."

"Ape takde. I want that thing dead tau. And I wanna see it's corpse. If not, I'm not driving that car back to Sarikei!!! I can't drive with that thing crawling and roaming free INSIDE the car! Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!"

I may sound wicked/bad/heartless but my col's face transformed to one of horror. You see, he can't drive even if his life depended on it. He's got no license. And he dunno how to drive. He quickly searched the car for that thing while I scrambled for tools/weapons/anything long, hard AND sharp that can kill.

By the time he found the damn spider, I'd managed to get a recently dismantled ventshade of the car (it's long, measuring close to 1 metre). Passed it over to him to kill the spider. Not satisfied with that, I scrambled looking for more tools and found---> my umbrella. By the time I got the umbrella, he told me the spider's dead.


"Ya. Sudah mati."

"Mana? Mana?? I wanna see its body!!!" I really can't drive that car if I don't see proof that the damn thing's dead.

He pointed at the body of the said spider. It's outside of the car now, lying on the pavement and I scrutinised it and found it moving! It's got 3 remaining legs attached to its body and was trying so hard to move to the side of the road...

"AIYO! Belum mati lar. It's still moving!!!"

"Tunggu mati dah. Biarlah."

"Ewww!!!! IT's still moving it's still moving. Kill it kill it!!!!!!"

My kind col just lightly tapped on the poor fella with his foot and said "Nah. Dah mati."

I looked at it again. It's not really dead. Just barely, but now I feel like such a bad person. =(

But but but ... I can't help it! I'm so scared of spiders I'll scream as if the skies are falling and it's the end of the world. And I sound so damn freaking girly when I did that. I hate it. =(

We got back safely to Sarikei with the spider badly injured and out of the car. Phew!!!!!

On the way back to Sarikei...

Half the day was gone and I thought like I could finally relax a little when my handphone rang and it's from my Sarikei office. *sigh*

Problems. I was driving and answering phone calls and trying to fix the problems all at once. Ugh!

Straight after the first phone call, the second call came in. It's from my mum. My uncle is experiencing car problem and she wants me to help him fix it. -____-''' She wants me to call my uncle and ask him what really are the problems and then tell him how to fix them. AND recommend him the shop/mechanic too. *sigh*

Third phone call came and it's from office again. Adoi!!!!!! Why do I ALWAYS have to fix things up even when I'm away? *sigh* I want higher pay. =(

Fourth phone call's from the 'source of the problem'. I politely told him that I'd make the necessary arrangements for him but really, he should have like informed us earlier so that we can make the preparations beforehand!!! Haiya!

Half an hour later, I got all the problems fixed, even my uncle's. *sigh* So much for trying to relax. Duh...

I have one unfinished report to do and submit by this week, another appointment with another "party" on site tomorrow, hafta go to Sibu Site again tomorrow, gotta meet up with a supplier to pass over some documents, almost 70 pages of approval chits to fill in for submission, correspondence letters to keep track and office and site staffs to monitor, and am answerable to my Boss for anything that happened on Site, in the office, staff accommodations, utility bills, company cars and all other shits.

So yeah. It's just another VERY tiring day for me. I'm happy just being able to come home, bath, on aircond and surf and dl stuffs. Minus those pitiful, annoying cries from those retard kids living opposite me. Now you understand why they bother me so much? I just want some peaceful moments while relaxing after a damn long tiring day. Is that too much to ask? Aiyoyo...

And perhaps I broke yet another record. This post maybe my longest post, ever. I don't know how to break them up into shorter posts really. When I start writing, I just can't stop. Suggestions anyone? ^^


Anonymous said...

You do sound cruel in killing the spiddy...tsk tsk tsk....

KiBiKiBi said...

Eh... if the spiddy would have just be 'guai' and don't enter MY territory then IT will still be alive now. Oh no. Of all the cars, and of all people in the world, it has to cross path with me. *takes deep breath* Call me a meanie but the spiddy deserves death! And now my handphone's scarred for life!!!! Grrr...