1. | a person who pretends to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., that he or she does not actually possess, esp. a person whose actions belie stated beliefs. |
2. | a person who feigns some desirable or publicly approved attitude, esp. one whose private life, opinions, or statements belie his or her public statements. |
1175–1225; ME ipocrite < class="ital-inline">hypocrita < class="ital-inline">hypokrit
s a stage actor, hence one who pretends to be what he is not, equiv. to hypokr
(nesthai) (see hypocrisy ) + -tēs agent suffix
1175–1225; ME ipocrite < class="ital-inline">hypocrita < class="ital-inline">hypokrit

Related forms:
hyp⋅o⋅crit⋅i⋅cal, adjective
hyp⋅o⋅crit⋅i⋅cal⋅ly, adverb
deceiver, dissembler, pretender, pharisee.
If you ask me, I'd say that hypocrites are the most despicable people in this world. The goody-two-shoes, the self-acclaimed righteous person who never acts or do what they preach. The people who thought that they are better and on higher grounds when in actual fact, they belong to the deepest-rock-bottom-pit-of-hell.
The best example I can give here are those people who chided me for cussing. Allright, I do cuss, I swear, I curse - in multiple languages in fact. So what?! At least I am honest, straightforward and direct. I don't pretend, I don't tell lies, I don't act nice at the front and then go and stab people at their backs, killing them off silently, like cowards. I don't kiss asses, I don't lick boots, and no, I don't angkat pelir. I'm 101% sure I'm better than those bitches who NEVER swear or curse but expertly manipulates people and situations into their advantages, back-stab people and "friends" alike, tell lies and God-knows how many tonnes of other horrible stuffs.
I'm proud to say that I cuss because I'm angered by the injustices that I see in daily lives. I am upset by the way some people behaves. I am perturbed that the society nowadays has degraded to such inconsiderable behaviours. I stand high and tall and I do not waver just because I called an asshole ASSHOLE and a bitch BITCH because they are what I called them, precisely.
You don't like me just because I cuss?
Then go bang your silly-mutated-retarded-sorry-excuse of a head to the wall and die already. Like FUCK I care.
Hurry up and go rot in some corner of the hell, cuz that's exactly where you belong. Geez!!!